Control centres management documents
National control centre
(Regional or provincial control centre)
Local (field) control centre
Principles of control centre management: Sections and their function Chain of responsibility Lines of communication Role descriptions Job cards Resource management (labour, equipment, stores, finance)
Information management: Disease information Office systems Public and internal information
Movement control
Industry cooperation (producer, processor, transport, wholesale, retail)
Training programmes, schedules and methods
Skills registers
Administration procedures
Operational procedures documents
Valuation and compensation
Destruction of animals
Disposal of products, materials and wastes
Decontamination Vaccination
Movement control and security
Vector control Mapping
Public relations and the media
Wildlife control
Communications technology
Risk enterprise documents
Milk processors
The manual should provide all details of the methods selected to control each disease beginning with information on the disease itself.
Nature of the disease
Aetiology, clinical signs
Susceptible species
Diagnostic criteria
Resistance and immunity
Incubation period
Modes of transmission
Factors influencing transmission and persistence of agent in:
-vectors live animals (recovered and unapparent cases)
-carcasses (death from infection and slaughtered)
-environment, vehicles, containers
-products, by-products, waste (raw and processed)
-effects of decomposition
-special considerations
Principles of control
Methods to prevent spread
Methods to eliminate pathogen
Slaughter and disposal of animals
Lists of names, addresses, contact points and/or telephone numbers of all those persons who may be required to help impose movement control may include:
Local and area police
Livestock officers
Animal sellers or agents
Animal product plants (abattoirs, milk factories and egg stores, etc.)
Municipal or village authorities
Transport companies
National border control authorities
Leaders of farmers cooperatives or groups
Copies of relevant legislation should include:
the statutes (acts) that provide veterinary officers with legal authority for disease control and related activities (especially emergency powers)
subordinate and supporting regulations
multiple copies of all those forms required to give legal authority to a field officer's instructions to restrict movement
particular quarantines of animals, farms, enterprises, stockyards and areas, etc.