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Social Protection and COVID-19 response in rural areas

​FAO. 2020. Social Protection and COVID-19 response in rural areas. Rome.

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    State of food and agriculture in the Asia and Pacific region, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
    Thirty-sixth Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC 36)
    FAO has been intensively working on the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme, to reach a larger share of rural populations and to relaunch economic activities. In addition to response, the Programme is also working on building back better and stronger towards transforming agrifood systems across all our Four Betters, with an emphasis on its seven priority areas of work as well as focus on science and innovation, climate change, legal frameworks and scaling up existing programmes. This paper examines the situation in Asia and the Pacific during the COVID-19 pandemic situation in 2020 and 2021. It reviews the health, economic, livelihood, and food security impacts both regionally and at the country level for specific groups such as the poor and the most vulnerable segments of the population. Given the broad socio-economic reach of the pandemic, the Report examines the macro-economic impacts and the effects on employment and income, migration and trade, economic growth and government fiscal space, food security and nutrition, poverty, and hunger. The Report also reviews the various government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic covering the health crisis, macro economy, unemployment, food supply disruptions, food demand shocks arising from the pandemic lockdowns, reduced mobility, restrictions on international travel, and internal and cross border migration. These responses include government investments in health services; expansion of social protection measures to new groups and beneficiaries; measures to ensure continued trade in critical food and health products, and financial support measures to minimize job losses and reduce food supply chain disruptions. It also covers new policies and investment priorities, including digital technologies, to rebuild agrifood systems that are resilient, inclusive and green.
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    Policy brief
    Policy Brief: Developing shock responsive social protection systems to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, facilitate speedy recovery and strengthen the resilience of vulnerable people in ASEAN 2021
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    In 2020, the corona virus spread around the globe, and its containment measures resulted in unprecedented socio-economic impacts. ASEAN region’s economy is estimated to experience a decline between 3.5 and 4.7 per cent for 2020. The restrictions to contain the virus spread, although necessary, hit many households income, particularly of the most vulnerable. Yet other disasters have continued to hit the region. Convergence of the impacts of compounded shocks from multiple hazards, can push vulnerable households into deeper or prolonged deprivation and poverty. Social protection is a core part of the efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, facilitate speedy recovery and strengthen the resilience of poor and vulnerable people. Governments have been rolling out social protection at an unprecedented scale in response to COVID-19. Well established social protection systems are an important part of any adequate crisis response. The COVID-19 pandemic is changing rapidly, while having immediate as well as medium- and long-term cumulative impacts on economies. Social protection has shown its relevance and positive impact in the initial phases of the crisis. The next phases, particularly during recovery to build back better, provide an opportunity to expand the role of social protection in a transition toward equitable, green and sustainable economies, while building more risk-informed, shock responsive and resilient social protection systems in ASEAN.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Protection sociale et lutte contre la covid-19 dans les zones rurales 2020
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    Les mesures visant à contenir la propagation du covid-19 comprennent de fortes restrictions de circulation qui modifient considérablement la vie quotidienne et affectent les moyens de subsistance agricoles. Ces mesures sont particulièrement difficiles pour les populations rurales pauvres et vulnérables, qui ont tendance à occuper des emplois et des professions qui ne peuvent être exercés à distance. De nombreux pauvres dans le monde dépendent des espaces publics et des déplacements pour leurs moyens de subsistance, notamment le travail agricole saisonnier et les déplacements sur les marchés pour vendre ou acheter des produits et/ou des intrants, etc. Cette note explique comment les mesures de protection sociale pourraient protéger les ruraux pauvres de l'impact de la pandémie de covid-19, si celles-ci sont adaptées dans leur conception et leur mise en œuvre pour atteindre et répondre aux besoins des populations rurales.
  • Thumbnail Image
    State of food and agriculture in the Asia and Pacific region, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
    Thirty-sixth Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC 36)
    FAO has been intensively working on the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme, to reach a larger share of rural populations and to relaunch economic activities. In addition to response, the Programme is also working on building back better and stronger towards transforming agrifood systems across all our Four Betters, with an emphasis on its seven priority areas of work as well as focus on science and innovation, climate change, legal frameworks and scaling up existing programmes. This paper examines the situation in Asia and the Pacific during the COVID-19 pandemic situation in 2020 and 2021. It reviews the health, economic, livelihood, and food security impacts both regionally and at the country level for specific groups such as the poor and the most vulnerable segments of the population. Given the broad socio-economic reach of the pandemic, the Report examines the macro-economic impacts and the effects on employment and income, migration and trade, economic growth and government fiscal space, food security and nutrition, poverty, and hunger. The Report also reviews the various government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic covering the health crisis, macro economy, unemployment, food supply disruptions, food demand shocks arising from the pandemic lockdowns, reduced mobility, restrictions on international travel, and internal and cross border migration. These responses include government investments in health services; expansion of social protection measures to new groups and beneficiaries; measures to ensure continued trade in critical food and health products, and financial support measures to minimize job losses and reduce food supply chain disruptions. It also covers new policies and investment priorities, including digital technologies, to rebuild agrifood systems that are resilient, inclusive and green.
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    Policy brief
    Policy Brief: Developing shock responsive social protection systems to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, facilitate speedy recovery and strengthen the resilience of vulnerable people in ASEAN 2021
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    No results found.

    In 2020, the corona virus spread around the globe, and its containment measures resulted in unprecedented socio-economic impacts. ASEAN region’s economy is estimated to experience a decline between 3.5 and 4.7 per cent for 2020. The restrictions to contain the virus spread, although necessary, hit many households income, particularly of the most vulnerable. Yet other disasters have continued to hit the region. Convergence of the impacts of compounded shocks from multiple hazards, can push vulnerable households into deeper or prolonged deprivation and poverty. Social protection is a core part of the efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, facilitate speedy recovery and strengthen the resilience of poor and vulnerable people. Governments have been rolling out social protection at an unprecedented scale in response to COVID-19. Well established social protection systems are an important part of any adequate crisis response. The COVID-19 pandemic is changing rapidly, while having immediate as well as medium- and long-term cumulative impacts on economies. Social protection has shown its relevance and positive impact in the initial phases of the crisis. The next phases, particularly during recovery to build back better, provide an opportunity to expand the role of social protection in a transition toward equitable, green and sustainable economies, while building more risk-informed, shock responsive and resilient social protection systems in ASEAN.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Protection sociale et lutte contre la covid-19 dans les zones rurales 2020
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    Les mesures visant à contenir la propagation du covid-19 comprennent de fortes restrictions de circulation qui modifient considérablement la vie quotidienne et affectent les moyens de subsistance agricoles. Ces mesures sont particulièrement difficiles pour les populations rurales pauvres et vulnérables, qui ont tendance à occuper des emplois et des professions qui ne peuvent être exercés à distance. De nombreux pauvres dans le monde dépendent des espaces publics et des déplacements pour leurs moyens de subsistance, notamment le travail agricole saisonnier et les déplacements sur les marchés pour vendre ou acheter des produits et/ou des intrants, etc. Cette note explique comment les mesures de protection sociale pourraient protéger les ruraux pauvres de l'impact de la pandémie de covid-19, si celles-ci sont adaptées dans leur conception et leur mise en œuvre pour atteindre et répondre aux besoins des populations rurales.

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