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Minced sardinella fillets in fish landing and marketing sites in Senegal.

Diei-Ouadi, Y. Minced sardinella fillets in fish landing and marketing sites in Senegal.FAO Fisheries Circular. No. 999. Rome, FAO. 2005. 20p.

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    Salting oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) by Mediterranean method and production of non-sterilized canned fish products. Phase II, Field document 9
    Pelagic Fishery Investigation on the South-West Coast, India, IND/75/038
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    A variety of fish products known under the common name of salted fish products is produced and marketed in many countries of the Mediterranean region including Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Yugoslavia. These products are derived mostly from sardines and anchoviella. Salting is a simple method of preserving large quantities of fish from spoilage and, because of its popularity in this form, the product commands a fairly good price on the market. These products are very much appreciated in Weste rn Europe and the USA. Owing to the high cost of labour, the quantity produced in relation to all sterilized fish products in Mediterranean countries is only 1:20.
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    Papers presented at the Workshop on the Fishery and Management of Bali Sardinella (Sardinella lemuru) in Bali Strait 2000
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    The Workhop on the fishery and management of Bali sardinella (Sardinella lemuru) held in Denpasar (Bali), 6-8 April 1999 has produced a workshop report under the FISHCODE project (GCP/INT/648/NOR) as Field Report F-3. The current report is a supplement to the above report and comprises papers presented during the workshop. The papers include a review of the lemuru fishery by Merta et al., a paper addressing environmental issues by Ghofar et al , the status of the fishery status as re ported by the Provincial Fisheries Services of East Java and Bali respectively and notes used for the process to developing a management plan for lemuru fishery by Pollock.
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    Report of the joint mission to plan development of the Sardinella fisheries in the Bali Strait 1977
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    This report has been prepared by an FAO/IOP Mission to East Java, Indonesia, as a result of its investigation of the development prospects of the fisheries for Indian oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) in the Bali Strait. The technical details of the present fishery are dealt with, including the economics of the various operations, landing facilities and marketing and processing arrangements. The fishery has expanded considerably in recent years through the introduction of a large number of purs e seiners, a development which, given the limited nature of resources, now threaten the traditional fisheries which provide a living for a large number of fishermen. The Mission recommends that no more purse seiners be brought in until investigation of the resource shows whether or not it can sustain heavier fishing. Detailed proposals for the technical improvement of the existing craft and gear are presented and recommendations made with respect to the development of the infrastructure and the improvement of marketing operations. Credit facilities and institutional changes needed to facilitate these improvements are recommended.

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