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Reference Manual: AquaCrop Plug-in program Version 4.0

Updated November 2013

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    Reference manual. AquaCrop Plug-in program (Version 7.0). August 2022 2017
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    The calculation procedures in the AquaCrop plug-in program are identical to the AquaCrop standard window program (Version 6.0) but the plug-in program has no user interface. By running the program a list of projects, pre-defined in the standard window version of AquaCrop, are carried out and results are stored in output files. The plug-in program can be used in applications where iterative runs are required (e.g. GIS environment).
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    Guidelines for installing AquaCrop PLug-In Program Version 5.0 2017
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    This document describes the guidelines to install AquaCrop Plug-In program Version 5.0 which is downloadable from the FAO AquaCrop webpage.
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    Reference Manual, Chapter 2 – AquaCrop, Version 7.0 - August 2022 2016
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    Reference Manual, Chapter 2 – AquaCrop, Version 6.0 March 2017. The AquaCrop environment AquaCrop is a menu-driven program with a well developed user interface. Windows (called menus) are the interface between the user and the program. Multiple graphs and schematic displays in the menus help the user to discern the consequences of input changes and to analyze the simulation results.

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