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The concept of seed sector development of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period till 2030

Seed policy document

​Husenov, B., Otambekova; M., Azizov, J., Homidov, O., Turner, M. and Muminjanov, H. 2021. The concept of seed sector development of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period till 2030 – Seed policy document. Dushanbe, FAO.

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    Консепсияи рушди соҳаи тухмипарварӣ дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон то соли 2030
    Cиёсати соҳаи тухмипарварӣ
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    Ҳуҷҷати мазкур дар доираи лоиҳаҳои ФАО (GCP/INT/123/MUL: Рушди соҳаи тухмипарварии кишварҳои аъзои Ташкилоти ҳамкории иқтисодӣ (ЭКО) ва GCP/TAJ/010/AUS: Беҳтар намудани дастрасии хоҷагиҳои хурд ба тухмии баландсифат дар Тоҷикистон) ва дар ҳамкорӣ бо мутахассисони Вазорати кишоварзӣ омода гардидааст. Шароити мусоиди хоку иқлими Тоҷикистон имконият медиҳад, ки на танҳо бозори дохилӣ бо тухмии навъу дурагаҳои баландҳосили растаниҳо таъмин гардад, балки тухмӣ барои фурӯш берун аз ҳудуди мамлакат низ истеҳсол карда шавад. Аз ин рӯ, сиёсати рушди тухмипарварӣ бояд натанҳо барои таъмини бозори дохилӣ, балки содирот низ нигаронида шавад. Чунин муносибат имконият медиҳад, ки самаранокии соҳа ва даромаднокии истеҳсолот моҳиятан баланд бардошта шавад. Дар гузаштаи начандон дур, селексия ва тухмипарварӣ дар ҷумҳурӣ ба пуррагӣ аз ҳисоби буҷаи давлат маблағгузорӣ мегардиданд. Вале бар асари ҷорӣ намудани ислоҳоти иқтисодӣ ва рӯй овардан ба иқтисоди бозаргонӣ маблағгузории ин соҳаҳо нисбатан кам гардидааст. Дар натиҷа, дар мамлакат, дар баробари тухмипарварии ҷамъиятии бартаридошта, сектори хусусии тухмипарварӣ низ ба миён омад, ки дар зинаи ибтидоии тараққиёт қарор дорад. Ҳарчанд хоҷагиҳои алоҳидаи тухмипарварие ҳастанд, ки бо воридсозии навъҳои нав, бахусус навъҳои зироатҳои ғалладонагӣ ва сабзавот, санҷиш, афзункунӣ ва фурӯши тухмиҳо, чӣ дар дохили мамлакат ва чӣ берун аз он, натиҷаҳои хуб ба даст оварда истодаанд, вале дар сатҳи ҷумҳурӣ вазъи имрӯзаи тухмипарварӣ ба талаботи истеҳсолот ҷавобгӯ нест. Аз ин рӯ, таҳия ва қабули Консепсияи рушди соҳа, ҳамчун ҳуҷҷати муайянкунандаи сиёсати соҳаи тухмипарварӣ, амали муҳим ва саривақтӣ ба ҳисоб меравад.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Promoting the Growth and Development of Smallholder Seed Enterprises for Food Security Crops
    Case studies from Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire and India
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    Farmers everywhere depend on access to good quality seed, which is fundamental to their crop production systems. Most governments have made significant investments in strengthening national agricultural production capacities, yet farmers in developing countries still face difficulties in accessing the quality seed of the varieties that they require. Guaranteeing farmers’ access to quality seed can only be achieved through a viable seed supply system that can multiply and distribute see ds which have been produced or preserved. This is better achieved by the private sector, but medium- to large-scale international seed companies concentrate on high-value crops and avoid dealing in the self-pollinating, open-pollinating and vegetatively-propagated varieties on which most smallholder farmers depend for their food security as the biology of these crops makes it easy for farmers to keep their seeds for several seasons. However, smallholders are often seen as the driving force of economic growth, poverty reduction and food security. This is also true for smallholder seed enterprises which, in the absence of large companies, provide a valid alternative for the production and distribution of food security crops. This paper reviews case studies on smallholder seed enterprises in Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire and India, as well as relevant world literature in order to identify key issues that facilitate or constrain the development of the seed sector. The final section provides some guidelines on policy design and implementation to promote the development of sustainable seed enterprises at different stages in the evolution of national seed sectors. It provides examples of good practices and hence seeks to assist governments in identifying ways in which they can support the development of smallholder seed enterprises that will provide the most appropriate varieties to smallholder farmers in their efforts to boost food production.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Proceedings of the Global Conference on Green Development of Seed Industries
    4–5 November 2021
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    This book represents the proceedings of the Global Conference on Green Development of Seed Industries which FAO organized in a virtual format on 4 and 5 November 2021. Coming 12 years after the previous World Seed Conference, FAO convened the conference to provide a neutral forum for its Members, partners, industry leaders, opinion leaders and other stakeholders to engage in focused dialogues on how best to make quality seeds and planting materials of preferred productive, nutritious and resilient crop varieties available to farmers, especially in food insecure parts of the world. The proceedings provide a record of the main highlights of the conference, including the opening and keynote address plenary session, a high-level ministerial segment and eight parallel sessions dedicated to the four conference themes of advanced technologies, conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, crop varietal development and adoption, and seed systems. The fifth conference theme, policy and governance, was crosscutting. The conference was timely, informative, inclusive and inspiring and its successful convening creates an important momentum to facilitate the development and delivery of the solutions that enable farmers to have access to quality seeds and planting materials of improved crop varieties.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Консепсияи рушди соҳаи тухмипарварӣ дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон то соли 2030
    Cиёсати соҳаи тухмипарварӣ
    Also available in:

    Ҳуҷҷати мазкур дар доираи лоиҳаҳои ФАО (GCP/INT/123/MUL: Рушди соҳаи тухмипарварии кишварҳои аъзои Ташкилоти ҳамкории иқтисодӣ (ЭКО) ва GCP/TAJ/010/AUS: Беҳтар намудани дастрасии хоҷагиҳои хурд ба тухмии баландсифат дар Тоҷикистон) ва дар ҳамкорӣ бо мутахассисони Вазорати кишоварзӣ омода гардидааст. Шароити мусоиди хоку иқлими Тоҷикистон имконият медиҳад, ки на танҳо бозори дохилӣ бо тухмии навъу дурагаҳои баландҳосили растаниҳо таъмин гардад, балки тухмӣ барои фурӯш берун аз ҳудуди мамлакат низ истеҳсол карда шавад. Аз ин рӯ, сиёсати рушди тухмипарварӣ бояд натанҳо барои таъмини бозори дохилӣ, балки содирот низ нигаронида шавад. Чунин муносибат имконият медиҳад, ки самаранокии соҳа ва даромаднокии истеҳсолот моҳиятан баланд бардошта шавад. Дар гузаштаи начандон дур, селексия ва тухмипарварӣ дар ҷумҳурӣ ба пуррагӣ аз ҳисоби буҷаи давлат маблағгузорӣ мегардиданд. Вале бар асари ҷорӣ намудани ислоҳоти иқтисодӣ ва рӯй овардан ба иқтисоди бозаргонӣ маблағгузории ин соҳаҳо нисбатан кам гардидааст. Дар натиҷа, дар мамлакат, дар баробари тухмипарварии ҷамъиятии бартаридошта, сектори хусусии тухмипарварӣ низ ба миён омад, ки дар зинаи ибтидоии тараққиёт қарор дорад. Ҳарчанд хоҷагиҳои алоҳидаи тухмипарварие ҳастанд, ки бо воридсозии навъҳои нав, бахусус навъҳои зироатҳои ғалладонагӣ ва сабзавот, санҷиш, афзункунӣ ва фурӯши тухмиҳо, чӣ дар дохили мамлакат ва чӣ берун аз он, натиҷаҳои хуб ба даст оварда истодаанд, вале дар сатҳи ҷумҳурӣ вазъи имрӯзаи тухмипарварӣ ба талаботи истеҳсолот ҷавобгӯ нест. Аз ин рӯ, таҳия ва қабули Консепсияи рушди соҳа, ҳамчун ҳуҷҷати муайянкунандаи сиёсати соҳаи тухмипарварӣ, амали муҳим ва саривақтӣ ба ҳисоб меравад.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Promoting the Growth and Development of Smallholder Seed Enterprises for Food Security Crops
    Case studies from Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire and India
    Also available in:
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    Farmers everywhere depend on access to good quality seed, which is fundamental to their crop production systems. Most governments have made significant investments in strengthening national agricultural production capacities, yet farmers in developing countries still face difficulties in accessing the quality seed of the varieties that they require. Guaranteeing farmers’ access to quality seed can only be achieved through a viable seed supply system that can multiply and distribute see ds which have been produced or preserved. This is better achieved by the private sector, but medium- to large-scale international seed companies concentrate on high-value crops and avoid dealing in the self-pollinating, open-pollinating and vegetatively-propagated varieties on which most smallholder farmers depend for their food security as the biology of these crops makes it easy for farmers to keep their seeds for several seasons. However, smallholders are often seen as the driving force of economic growth, poverty reduction and food security. This is also true for smallholder seed enterprises which, in the absence of large companies, provide a valid alternative for the production and distribution of food security crops. This paper reviews case studies on smallholder seed enterprises in Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire and India, as well as relevant world literature in order to identify key issues that facilitate or constrain the development of the seed sector. The final section provides some guidelines on policy design and implementation to promote the development of sustainable seed enterprises at different stages in the evolution of national seed sectors. It provides examples of good practices and hence seeks to assist governments in identifying ways in which they can support the development of smallholder seed enterprises that will provide the most appropriate varieties to smallholder farmers in their efforts to boost food production.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Proceedings of the Global Conference on Green Development of Seed Industries
    4–5 November 2021
    Also available in:
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    This book represents the proceedings of the Global Conference on Green Development of Seed Industries which FAO organized in a virtual format on 4 and 5 November 2021. Coming 12 years after the previous World Seed Conference, FAO convened the conference to provide a neutral forum for its Members, partners, industry leaders, opinion leaders and other stakeholders to engage in focused dialogues on how best to make quality seeds and planting materials of preferred productive, nutritious and resilient crop varieties available to farmers, especially in food insecure parts of the world. The proceedings provide a record of the main highlights of the conference, including the opening and keynote address plenary session, a high-level ministerial segment and eight parallel sessions dedicated to the four conference themes of advanced technologies, conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, crop varietal development and adoption, and seed systems. The fifth conference theme, policy and governance, was crosscutting. The conference was timely, informative, inclusive and inspiring and its successful convening creates an important momentum to facilitate the development and delivery of the solutions that enable farmers to have access to quality seeds and planting materials of improved crop varieties.

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