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A multi-criteria assessment framework for national drought planning

 Alkadir, M.A., Pek, E. and Salman, M. 2022. A multi-criteria assessment framework for national drought planning. Rome, FAO. 

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    The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has established a Drought Initiative, under which the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has initiated a comprehensive programme to address various aspects of drought and aid countries in their preparedness efforts. The programme focuses on enhancing drought resilience in agriculture and improving food security. To achieve this goal, FAO developed various digital tools and capacity-building activities to promote drought preparedness. One of the key outcomes of this effort is the FAO Drought Portal, which is a global platform for knowledge-sharing to support countries and stakeholders in this endeavour. It collates and presents FAO tools, methodologies, and publications to support countries and stakeholders in enhancing the resilience of agriculture and improving food security.
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    The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has established a Drought Initiative, under which the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has initiated a comprehensive program to address various aspects of drought and aid countries in their preparedness efforts. The program adopts a stepwise approach to address the policy dimension of integrated drought management and strengthen strategic drought preparedness at the country and regional levels, in line with the most renowned and innovative adopted approaches. The steps include a multi-criteria assessment of national drought plans, guidance for policy alignment, and case studies for peer-to-peer learning.
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    UNCCD COP 15 through the lens of drought
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    The fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) took place from 9 to 20 May 2022 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The theme of COP15 was Land. Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity. COP15 discussed sustainable solutions for land restoration and drought resilience, with a strong focus on future-proofing land use. COP15 explored links between land and other key sustainability issues, such as climate, biodiversity, green jobs and gender equality. These issues were discussed at a Heads of States Summit, roundtables and interactive dialogue sessions among ministers and other high-ranking officials. Following two weeks of high-level discussions and negotiations, COP 15 adopted 37 decisions and one resolution to enhance drought resilience, reduce land degradation, and invest in land restoration efforts.

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