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Eggs and larvae of common marine fish species of northwest Africa

Rodriguez, J.M. 2023. Eggs and larvae of common marine fish species of northwest Africa. FAO,Rome.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    A guide to the eggs and larvae of 100 common western Mediterranean Sea bony fish species 2017
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    This guide presents the egg and larval descriptions of 100 species of fishes belonging to 55 families, which are most likely to be present in plankton samples collected in the continental shelf and oceanic waters of the western Mediterranean Sea. The guide is structured in two parts. The first introductory part describes the different applications of ichthyoplankton studies in fisheries research, the main sampling strategies, methods and gears, the early life history of fishes and how to identif y them. A brief historical account of ichthyoplankton identification studies in the Mediterranean Sea is also provided. The second part of the guide contains the identification sheets of the species. Each species sheet includes the following information: illustration of the adult fish and information on its habitat and spawning season; description of the main features useful towards identifying the egg, yolk sac and larval stage of each fish species; illustrations and (when available) photos of the different life stages.
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    Book (series)
    Atlas of the maturity stages of Mediterranean fishery resources 2019
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    This atlas stems from an experience on fish maturity staging carried out at the Mediterranean level. It aims to present sound approaches to maturity sampling for a wide range of Mediterranean species, based on an accurate and precise determination of the different maturity stages. It includes macroscopic photos of gonads belonging to the main species, and for some of them, a validation-based histological analysis is also presented. The main categories investigated in the atlas are bony fish, cartilaginous fish, both oviparous and viviparous, crustaceans and cephalopods. Maturity is one of the most relevant biological parameters used in stock assessment programmes. Indeed, the macroscopic stage of gonadal development is an essential feature in estimating the maturity ogive and spawning stock biomass. It is also useful for determining the spawning season of a species and for monitoring long-term changes in the spawning cycle, as well as for many other research needs related to the biology of fish. In current data collection programmes carried out in the Mediterranean which cover extensive samplings of maturity stages, some specific technical aspects have not always been taken into consideration, and collected data cannot reach the required precision levels. Also, the coding schemes in use and the uncertainty in the interpretation of particular stages can give rise to misinterpretations of the actual maturity stage leading to inaccurate spawning stock biomass estimations. Several stock assessments are therefore based on time-invariant maturity ogives and only partially cover the spatial distribution of the stocks. Hence, on several occasions, the need has been expressed to improve the identification of the macroscopic maturity stages through a standardization of operational procedures and terminology. Hence, one of the solutions for overcoming these problems was to develop an atlas of the macroscopic and histological maturity stages of the main species of commercial interest in the Mediterranean.
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    Book (series)
    Commercially important sea cucumbers of the world 2023
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    Sea cucumbers are harvested and traded in more than 90 countries worldwide. They are exploited in industrial and small-scale fisheries, nearly from pole to pole, especially in the tropics. In some fisheries, more than 20 species are exploited by fishers. Fishers in general know how to distinguish the species they harvest, often identifying them with local names. For fishery officers and even biologists, recognizing sea cucumber species remains daunting however as they are confronted only with the final product: bêche-de-mer (or trepang) which is the processed (cooked and dried) product. This field guide offers a tool for fishery managers, scientists, trade officers and industry workers to recognize live and processed (cooked and dried) animals. This animal resource is mainly exported to Asian markets where it is sold mainly, but not exclusively, as a luxury food item. This book provides identification information on 84 species of sea cucumbers that are commonly or opportunistically (as bycatch) exploited around the world. The list is certainly not all-encompassing, as some other sea cucumber species are also exploited. More scientific data and accounts are needed for species from some regions such as the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. The accounts are based on more than 270 reports and research articles and on comments and reviews by taxonomists and field workers. Two-page identification sheets provide selected information to enable similar species to be distinguished from each other, both in the live and processed (dried) forms. Where available, the following information for each species has been included: scientific and known common names used in different countries and regions; scientific illustrations of the body and ossicles; descriptions of ossicles present in different body parts; a colour photograph of live and dried specimens; basic information on size, habitat, biology, fisheries, human consumption, market value and trade; geographic distribution maps. The volume is fully indexed and contains an introduction, a glossary, simplified dichotomous keys to live animals and dried products and a dedicated bibliography. Readers are encouraged to base their identifications on a combination of morphological features, samples of ossicles from different body parts and information on what habitat and locality the species was found.

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