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Info Note Peru Cacao Alliance

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    Info Note Rwanda Dairy Competitiveness Program II 2016
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    RDCP II was a 5-year project funded by the Feed the Future (FTF) initiative. Land O’Lakes has implemented the project in 17 districts across all five provinces of Rwanda. This project aimed to reduce poverty through expanded production and marketing of quality milk that generates income and employment, and improves nutrition of rural households. The activity’s development hypothesis was that improving raw milk quality and efficiency of production, together with marketing all along the dairy valu e chain, would pay high returns to public and private investment.
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    Pastoralist areas resilience improvement through market expansion (PRIME) in Ethiopia: Mitigation co-benefits of livestock productivity
    Info Note. November 2016
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    As many countries are increasing commitments to address climate change, national governments are exploring how it would be best to reduce their GHG impact. Agriculture is a major contributor to GHG emissions, especially in developing countries, where this sector accounts for an average of 35 percent of all GHGs emissions. Yet many agricultural interventions can also help to reduce GHG impacts. This series of case studies estimates impacts of agricultural interventions on GHG emissions and carbon sequestration, covering several development projects supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The case study from Ethiopia provides estimates of (i) GHG impacts at project scale, (ii) GHG emissions by agricultural practice and (iii) GHG emissions per unit of output (emission intensity). The presented approach is a rapid assessment technique that is well suited to provide an indication of the magnitude of GHG impacts and compare GHG impact strength of differen t field activities or cropping systems.
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    Info Note Accelerating Agriculture Productivity Improvement in Bangladesh. Mitigation co-benefits of nutrient and water use efficiency
    Info Note. October 2016
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    As many countries are increasing commitments to address climate change, national governments are exploring how it would be best to reduce their GHG impact. Agriculture is a major contributor to GHG emissions, especially in developing countries, where this sector accounts for an average of 35 percent of all GHGs emissions. Yet many agricultural interventions can also help to reduce GHG impacts. This series of case studies estimates impacts of agricultural interventions on GHG emissions and carbon sequestration, covering several development projects supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The case study from Bangladesh provides estimates of (i) GHG impacts at project scale, (ii) GHG emissions by agricultural practice and (iii) GHG emissions per unit of output (emission intensity). The presented approach is a rapid assessment technique that is well suited to provide an indication of the magnitude of GHG impacts and compare GHG impact strength of differ ent field activities or cropping systems. The publication contributes to the achievement of organizational output 2.1.2 Integrated and multi-sectoral approaches for ecosystem management, restoration climate change adaptation and mitigation are identified, assessed, disseminated and their adoption by stakeholders is facilitated.

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