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Evaluation of FAO’s contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 2

Support to fair and informed commodity markets and international trade in agriculture

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FAO. 2021. Evaluation of FAO's contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Support to fair and informed commodity markets and international trade in agriculture. Rome.

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    Evaluation of FAO’s contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 2
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    Agroecology has the potential to drive transformational change, taking a unique and systemic approach to meeting the significant rise in future food needs while ensuring that no one is left behind. This review aims to assess the relevance and contribution of FAO’s agroecological work to the SDG 2 targets and the principles of the 2030 Agenda. Based on extensive documentation reviews and interviews, it draws on concrete experiences in Africa, Asia and Latin America, presenting three best-practice case studies from India, Senegal and Nicaragua. It examines FAO’s role and importance in supporting the agroecological transition process, particularly in relation to its key tools and competencies. The study finds that FAO has three key advantages when it comes to supporting the upscaling of agroecology: i) it is a respected partner at government and policy level; ii) it has the requisite scientific and technical knowledge and a strong knowledge platform; and iii) it is seen as a neutral convenor and facilitator of multi-stakeholder processes. FAO’s support “toolbox” for agroecology transition processes offers a broad and strong package of targeted interventions for agroecological development. The review recommends, among other things, that the new management of FAO be clearer and more emphatic in its communication and commitment to agroecology as a principal approach to achieving the SDGs. It also recommends that FAO capitalize on its decision to post agroecology focal points in regional offices, to facilitate knowledge sharing, synergies and cross-learning, also in relation to other agricultural initiatives.
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    Evaluation of FAO’s contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 2
    Farmer field schools and their derivatives
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    Studies and reports on the farmer field school (FFS) approach show that it develops the skills and knowledge of farmers, allowing them to create more efficient and sustainable production systems and, thus, contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As far as SDG 2 is concerned, while there is an indirect link to targets 2.1 and 2.2, the largest FFS contributions are to be found in relation to targets 2.3 and 2.4, which focus on increasing agricultural productivity and income, and sustainable production systems and agricultural practices, respectively. The main objective of this review was to inform the SDG 2 Evaluation on the relevance and contribution of the FFS approach to the SDG 2 targets and the principles of the 2030 Agenda. It found that in addition to developing the methodology at the heart of the approach and exporting it to countries and regions to support small-scale farmers, FAO achieved significant results and brought about substantial change on various levels. The review concluded that FFS went beyond the mere sharing of information and focused more on knowledge discovery through direct experience and community co-creation. The review recommends that FAO continue its work to support national governments in scaling-up the approach while ensuring the quality of the methods. FAO should also ensure that the benefits to farmers’ empowerment continue and contribute to greater coordination and monitoring of results and progress made.
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    Trade and Sustainable Development Goal 2 – Policy options and their trade-offs 2020
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    With trade recognized as a means of implementation under Agenda 2030, policy-makers will need to ensure that trade, and policies affecting trade and markets, are taken into consideration as part of their efforts to achieve SDG 2. The five targets that set out the level and ambition of SDG 2 (ending hunger; ending all forms of malnutrition; doubling the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers; ensuring sustainable food production systems; and maintaining genetic diversity), as well as trade itself, often constitute distinct policy priorities for governments. Trade and related policy measures that may be designed to achieve one target can potentially have unintended negative consequences that undermine the achievement of other targets, both within the country where the measure is applied and in the trading partner countries. It is therefore important that policy-makers identify and recognize areas in which difficult tradeoffs may be needed between competing policy objectives, and identify possible ways in which these can be addressed. Furthermore, while the different targets set out under SDG 2 are mutually interdependent and inter-related, it is important to address the trade policy dimension of each component individually as part of a broader plan of action.

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