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Strengthening the institutional linkages between national agricultural research systems actors and improving agricultural research for development in Liberia

Policy brief

Swelam, A. and Mulbah, Q. 2021. Strengthening the institutional linkages between national agricultural research systems actors and improving agricultural research for development in Liberia –Policy brief. RomeFAO

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    As part of the efforts of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to support and strengthen NARS’ research impacts and their links to extension service systems, the present assessment was conducted in Liberia to establish deeper insight into these challenges and opportunities. The results presented in this comprehensive report can be used to support the development and adoption of guidelines for use by the NARS. The present study was undertaken to assess the implementation of AR4D in Liberia and the key actors involved to better understand the performance and the intuitional linkages amongst them and other relevant institutions to help identify potentials for fulfilling the agricultural research for development needs of the country with the over-arching goal of supporting small-scale farmers.
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    Based on the lessons drawn from the implemented agricultural research for development (AR4D)-assessment methodology, including desk review analysis and participatory discussions held with various actors and experts familiar with the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) of Liberia, the following guidelines are proposed to strengthen the knowledge and skills of researchers and AR4D project managers within the various NARS organizations in the country. The guidelines include recommendations that should be considered by the GOL, its development partners, NARS organizations and other stakeholders to help improve the performance of the NARS in Liberia. It is expected that the guidelines, when applied accordingly, will enhance collaboration among the main research organizations of the NARS and improve the sustainable impact of AR4D in the country. This guideline is necessary to enhance the appropriateness of practice and to improve the quality of work in NARS organizations by providing a practical framework for decision-making and maintaining a sense of responsibility and accountability within AR4D programs. Additionally, the guideline will provide the boundaries that allow researchers and other AR4D actors to make decisions for the benefit of the stakeholders and the AR4D organization. Adherence to guideline can improve the consistency of implementation, help avoid inefficiencies and optimize the value of AR4D expenditures by identifying practices that are unnecessary or unduly expensive.

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