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Review of existing legislation to protect pollinators from pesticides in selected countries

FAO. 2022. Review of existing legislation to protect pollinators from pesticides in selected countries. Rome.

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    Access to food in 2021: filling data gaps
    Results of twenty national surveys using the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)
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    This report presents the results of assessments based on the food insecurity experience scale (FIES), data collected by FAO in twenty least developed countries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) between November 2021 and February 2022. For nine of the countries (including eight SIDS), it was the first time FIES data had been collected. The surveys described in the report were conducted to provide accurate and timely food insecurity assessments of the 20 countries for which food security data are scarce. The detailed results, presented at the subnational level, can support country-level decision-making and will also inform the monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets, specifically SDG Target 2.1.
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    Rapid assessment of pollinators'status
    A contribution to the international initiative for the conservation and sustainable use of pollinators
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    Every continent has reports of pollinator declines in at least one region/ country. The losses of pollination services have been well documented in many specifi c instances; what remains lacking are global assessments of changes in the distribution and levels of pollination services. As the recognized drivers of pollinator losses (changing land-use patterns, pesticide use, diseases, invasive species and climate change) are themselves changing in intensity, the global community is jus tifi ed in taking note and determining the actions that will conserve pollinators. The insidious nature of the loss of ecosystem services- by slow erosion rather than cataclysmic events- demands careful monitoring. Pollinators provide essential services to humans. In several instances, impressive documentation of the market and non-market values derived from pollination services has been made. Despite this, the economic valuation of pollination services has a number of challenges to overcome, many stemming from the gaps in understanding of the actual contribution of pollination to crop production. Developing sound management plans for pollinators will hinge on good taxonomic support. Linked to the taxonomic information about species is other information on biological characteristics (including fl oral relationships and ecological linkages) that are important for adaptive management. New approaches to managing pollinator information should help to overcome the taxonomic impediment, although the focus at present has been on bees, and not on other key pollinator groups.
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    Policy Analysis Paper: Policy Mainstreaming of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services With a Focus on Pollination 2016
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    This publication addresses the need to strengthen the interface between the scientific community, knowledge-holders and policymakers, and build capacity for and strengthen the use of science and knowledge in policymaking on the topic of ecosystem services. With respect to the ecosystem service of pollination, FAO developed a protocol to identify and assess pollination deficits in crops – resulting in a global meta-analysis, with data from eleven countries. Results emerging from this endeavour gi ve strong indication that pollination deficits may exist in a wide variety of farming systems across the world. As a response to this science, researchers and policymakers from the eleven countries considered the range and types of actions that can address pollination deficits, and developed an indicative set of policy responses. This publication is a result of this work, which considers the mainstreaming of ecosystem services at both national and international levels, with a focus on pollinatio n services.

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