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Practical recommendations for donors to improve the enabling environment and increase sustainable investments in the dairy value chain in Ethiopia

Cortez Tellez, A. and Petruljeskov, M. 2024. Practical recommendations for donors to improve the enabling environment and increase sustainable investments in the dairy value chain in Ethiopia. Rome, FAO. 

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    This study of the dairy value chain in the Oromia region of Ethiopia was conducted as part of the AgrInvest-Food Systems Project, a collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) to promote private investments in African food systems that contribute to local economic, social and environmental sustainability.
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    This publication was written by the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) as part of the project “AgrInvest-Food Systems: Enabling inclusive and efficient private sector investment in agrifood systems” (AgrInvest-FS), implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with the ECDPM. The AgrInvest-FS project aims at attracting private investment into agrifood systems aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by leveraging public funds. This paper recommends a package of policy improvements and interventions aiming to support SDG-oriented investments in the dairy sector in Oromia in Ethiopia by addressing bottlenecks in the sector and enabling a conducive environment. The paper highlights key challenges and proposes packages of policy interventions that aim to address these key challenges in a coherent and interrelated manner. Building on existing partnerships and processes will increase the feasibility of these recommendations being implemented. Concretely, the recommendations propose i) a gradual and integrated approach to developing, adopting and enforcing milk quality standards for human health; ii) effective ways to improve the access to affordable feed and forage through profitability studies, policy reforms and applied research and innovation and iii) adopting a context-specific approach in addressing finance and credit bottlenecks in the dairy value chain. In the case of Ethiopia, this means acknowledging how the persistent foreign exchange shortage is a major factor, as well as unequal power and gender dynamics. Lessons from past experiences illustrate the potential of multi-stakeholder dialogues to commit to a shared vision, coordinate interventions and improve joint learning and innovation. Spaces for multi-stakeholder dialogue should maximize local embeddedness and have clear benefits for the private sector actors to engage in. Transparent government-owned information management systems, especially at the local level, enable government and development partners, banks and investors to project and track the impact of their investments.
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    This publication was written by the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) as part of the project “AgrInvest-Food Systems: Enabling inclusive and efficient private sector investment in agrifood systems”, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with the ECDPM. The paper presents the methodology, and related lessons, that emerged from the AgrInvest-FS project to promote private investment into food systems aligned with the SDGs, by applying a fully-fledged food systems approach to value chain investment processes and by leveraging public funds and blended finance. In five stages, the use of this Methodology can lead to the launch of policy packages, inclusive multi-actor platforms, and funding opportunities, for effectively scaling up the quantity and quality of finance for sustainable food systems, with a focus on access to finance for local food system actors (SMEs, smallholder farmers, women) and local financial intermediaries.

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