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Ukraine: Humanitarian response update


FAO. 2023. Ukraine: Humanitarian response update – 20 April 2023. Rome. 

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    Ukraine: Humanitarian response update
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    This document provides an up-to-date summary of the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and the response of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the ground. Through its 2023 Response Programme for Ukraine, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) required a total of USD 205 million to assist rural households and small-scale farmers residing in the front-line oblasts by distributing agricultural production inputs to ensure that these communities can rely on their own production. As of 4 December 2023, FAO has mobilized USD 45.3 million, leaving a gap of USD 159.7 million. Since the escalation of the war in February 2022, FAO has supported over 185 000 rural families with vegetable seeds, animal feed, poultry, vouchers and cash and 10 000 farmers with temporary grain storage equipment, cereal seeds and generators. Under its Emergency Response Programme (ERP) for 2024, FAO requires USD 151 million to address and reduce the humanitarian needs of 315 800 vulnerable rural families (821 080 people) in ten frontline oblasts. FAO’s Programme for 2024 focuses on securing spring and winter crop harvests, maintaining healthy and productive livestock, augmenting food and income sources and covering basic needs while restoring production.
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    Ukraine: Humanitarian response update
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    This document provides an up-to-date summary of the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and the response of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the ground. As of 2 June 2022, the area sown with spring crops for the 2022 harvest decreased by 20 percent in comparison with the previous year, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food (MAPF). As of 23 June, the number of internally displaced people (IDP) has decreased to 6.3 million (14 percent of the population). FAO's revised Rapid Response Plan (RRP) requires USD 115.4 million to assist 979 320 people in rural areas through December 2022. To address the storage crisis, FAO has developed a Grain Storage Support Strategy, requiring an additional USD 50 million, as an extension of the RRP, to deploy 3.2 million tonnes of storage capacity in Ukraine – 20 percent of the estimated overall need. As of 15 July 2022, FAO has raised USD 30.4 million against the total of USD 165.4 million under the RRP and Grain Storage Support Strategy, leaving a gap of USD 135 million. Of this, USD 102 million are urgently needed to support vulnerable households and increase agricultural production in rural areas. As of 12 July, FAO has reached 30 622 households (80 000 people) in 13 oblasts of Ukraine with emergency agricultural support. FAO is on the ground in Ukraine with a team of over 95 members, including technical and operational staff deployed to support the scale-up.
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    Ukraine: Humanitarian response update
    5 June 2024
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    This document provides an up-to-date summary of the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and the response of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the ground.The Emergency Response Plan (ERP) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for 2024 requires USD 150 million to assist 821 050 people in rural areas through December 2024. To date, FAO has raised USD 17.5 million against the total of USD 150 million under the ERP 2024, leaving a gap of USD 132.5 million, which are urgently needed to support vulnerable households and farmers in frontline areas during the production season of 2024 and in order to prepare for the winter season 2024/25.In 2024, FAO has already supported 33 430 rural families with cash and voucher assistance and drip irrigation kits to enable them to cover their immediate needs and restore and keep production. Moreover, 3 130 farmers benefited from the distribution of spring crop seeds, generators, temporary storage equipment, animal feed, and cash and vouchers.

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