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Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Value Chains

EX-ACT VC – Guidelines

FAO. 2023. Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Value Chains | EX-ACT VC  Guidelines. Third edition. Rome.

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    EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Value Chains
    EX-ACT VC – Guidelines
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    The Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Value Chains (EX-ACT VC) is a quantitative multi-appraisal tool that evaluates the sustainability of agrifood value chains simultaneously along several environmental, economic, and social dimensions. It analyses greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions along an agrifood value chain, from farm-gate-to-shelf, including GHG fluxes from processing and storage, to packaging and transportation; calculates a set of value-added indicators including gross production value, value-added, and net income; and estimates the number and nature of jobs created along the value chain. It also includes an estimation of food loss at each stage of the value chain; an assessment of gender and youth participation and an SDG tracker. The primary objective of EX-ACT VC is to provide decision support to design (ex-ante) and evaluate (ex-post) agrifood VC projects and policies by comparing a ‘current’ scenario with baseline information and a ‘planned’ scenario involving a future vision or goal (or implemented activities scenario in case of ex-post evaluations). EX-ACT VC helps users to quantify the sustainability performance of the selected value chain, identify the drivers of sustainability, understand how economic, social, and environmental dimensions are intertwined, and identify potential entry points for environmental and socioeconomic improvements along the selected value chain. The EX-ACT VC methodological guidelines aim at: 1) providing a comprehensive overview of the tool and helping users assess the sustainability of agrifood value chains across environmental, economic, and social dimensions using the tool; 2) describing the various methodological concepts underlying the tool to perform a value chain assessment and calculating several indicators of sustainability; 3) illustrating the structural layout of the tool, explaining data requirements, and providing step-by-step data entry guidance to perform a value chain assessment using EX-ACT VC; 4) discussing the different indicators the tool calculates and how they can be used for project and policy evaluation and design. These guidelines are intended to assist potential users of EX-ACT VC including policymakers, project managers, analysts, and researchers, among others.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for value chains
    Assessing environmental and socio-economic potential of agri-food value chains
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    By analyzing agri-food value chains, policy makers and researchers are able to better understand how economic, social and environmental dimensions are intertwined. This is an important step, which allows for identification of areas for potential improvement along an agri-food value chain. EX-ACT Value Chain (EX-ACT VC) is derived from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT). The tool is based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodology to account for GHG emissions of primary agricultural production, augmented with methodologies from peer reviewed literature to cover the remaining sectors and actors in the value chain. EX-ACT VC is free to download and is Excel-based.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for value chains 2017
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    This practical guidance presents details on how to use the EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for Value Chain (EX-ACT VC), with the aim of providing a multi-impact appraisal in terms of socio-economic and environmental assessment for value chain analysis. Following the EX-ACT logic, EX-ACT VC compares the environmental and socio-economic performances of current value chains with those of an improved scenario (applicable to different degrees of the chain), based on the analysis of agricultural productio n, land use changes, processing, transport and climate resilience. EX-ACT VC has been developed for all types of agricultural sectors (which include here fisheries and livestock) that have the potential to mitigate the effects of climate change and to develop the resilience of rural populations that are dependent on them. The tool targets value chains in developing countries for single or more complex sectors, taking into account several agricultural practices and one end-type specific to a reg ion or area.

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