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Date palm cultivation

Zaid, A. 2024. Date palm publication. Second edition. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper Series, No.156. Rome, FAO.

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    أطلس نخيل البلح والتمور في مصر / Atlas of date palm in Egypt 2019
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    The Date Palm is one of earliest crops planted in the ancient world. It is the main source of livelihood for Egyptian farmers and their families. Besides being a source of food and animal fodder and used in trading, it is also utilised in housing construction, furniture manufacturing, home accessories and other personal needs. Date Palms are considered a national wealth, given their economic, social and nutritional and health benefits. Therefore, they must be maintained, conserved and developed since their cultivation contributes to the national domestic income by more than three billion pounds a year. In an effort to promote Date Palm agriculture and develop a national strategic framework for its expansion in newly reclaimed land, this Atlas is an essential step in the identification and characterization of Date Palm cultivars in Egypt. يعتبر نخيل البلح والتمور من أوائل المحاصيل المنزرعة في العالم القديم. تعتبر شجرة نخيل البلح بالنسبة لأماكن زراعتها في مصر، مصدر الرزق الرئيسي للأسر في هذه البلاد؛ فهي مصدر الطعام لهم ولأنعامهم، وهي مصدر البناء في المسكن وتصنيع أثاثهم ومستلزماتهم المنزلية واحتياجاتهم الحياتية بالإضافة إلى مصدر تجارتهم. تعتبر أشجار نخيل البلح والتمور ثروة قومية اقتصادية واجتماعية وصحية فيجب علينا الحفاظ عليها وصيانتها وتنميتها، حيث تدردخلا قومياً يزيد عن عشرة مليارات من الجنيهات سنوياً. وسعياً للنهوض بزراعة وتطوير نخيل البلح والتمور في إطار الاستراتيجية القومية نحو التوسع في الأراضي الجديدة، يأتي هذا الأطلس كخطوة جوهرية لتعريف وتوصيف أصناف نخيل البلح والتمور في مصر.
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    Red Palm Weevil: Guidelines on management practices 2020
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    Since gaining a foothold on date palm in the Near East during the mid-1980s, the red palm weevil (RPW) Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier has spread rapidly over the last three decades and is now a major pest of palms in a diverse range of agroecosystems worldwide. In most of the countries affected, failure to manage RPW can be attributed to a lack of awareness about this pest and to lack of systematic and coordinated control actions or management strategies that involve all stakeholders. These guidelines have been developed by FAO to support all those involved in the day-to-day management of RPW in the field (including farmers and pest-management professionals), researchers, and the decision-makers and administrative stakeholders who support the implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for RPW. Written by internationally recognized RPW experts, the guidelines describe the biology and host range of RPW and address all aspects of RPW-IPM, including surveillance, phytosanitary measures, early detection, pheromone trapping protocols, preventive and curative chemical treatments, removal and safe disposal of severely infested palms, and best agricultural practices to mitigate attacks by this lethal pest of palms.
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    Strategic Framework for the Development of the Date Palm Value Chain in the Arab Region 2023
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) entered a partnership to develop, as a first step, a regional strategic framework for the development of the date palm value chain. The framework will serve as an umbrella for concerted interventions at country and regional levels, and was developed in the context of a wide food system approach, considering elements such as the potential for food security and nutrition, sustainable use of natural resources (soil and water), contribution to ecosystems and biodiversity, potential for income generation and employment, reduction of food loss and waste, and food safety and quality. The framework presents a comprehensive strategy to revitalise and launch the date palm value chain on the path to be an even greater driver of economic development within the Arab Region. The recommendations outlined in this document were selected through a series of stakeholder consultations and a comprehensive study of the date palm value chain across the entire region. The interventions are designed to address the constraints and embrace the pportunities in the Arab Region to unleash the full potential of the date palm value chain.

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