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Eastern African dairy value chains: what prospects for women in trade?

Gender policy developments for inclusive dairy markets and trade in Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda

FAO. 2024. Eastern African dairy value chains: what prospects for women in trade? Gender policy developments forinclusive dairy markets and trade in Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda. Rome.

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    A framework for gender-responsive livestock development
    Contributing to a world free from hunger, malnutrition, poverty and inequality
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    Gender dynamics affect the ways in which the livestock sector contributes to sustaining livelihoods. Women comprise most poor livestock keepers in low- and middle-income countries, and are less represented in scaled-up production enterprises and other income-earning livestock-related activities. They also have limited access to livestock information, input and output services, as compared to their male counterparts. When production scales up, often as a result of investments or government policies to develop value chains, women can bear the brunt of increased workload and be pushed out of the accrued benefits. Such gender-based disadvantage is not only hindering the development of the livestock sector, but is also widening the gender gap. In this context, empowering women and girls is essential for both the sustainable development of the livestock sector, and for achieving gender equality. These in turn are key for building a world free from hunger, malnutrition and poverty, with resilient livelihoods for everyone. The Framework for Gender-Responsive Livestock Development was jointly developed by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), with the aim of supporting the planning and implementation of gender-responsive policies, projects and investments related to the development of the livestock sector. It provides an overarching framework to support the formulation of action plans and guidance documents contributing to gender equality and women’s empowerment through livestock development.
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    Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in aquaculture and fisheries
    From research to policies
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    Women perform essential work throughout aquaculture and fisheries, yet their contributions are often overlooked and unrecognized in national statistics, policies, and development interventions. Women remain underrepresented in or excluded from formal governance processes and have limited say in decision-making. This brief showcases promising research and innovation, particularly from countries engaged through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) 149 project. Uganda, Belize and Samoa are highlighted as examples to inform policymakers, guide gender-responsive investments, policies, and strategies in countries’ work in response to climate change. This brief is part of a series. Other briefs on climate-smart agriculture, agrifood value chains and the livestock sector are available.
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    Policy brief
    Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in climate-smart agriculture 2022
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    Championing women as critical agents of change within their communities and in policy and decision-making processes at national and international levels is a fundamental step towards ensuring gender equality and climate-related issues are adequately addressed in agricultural policies and dialogue and considered by international climate finance mechanisms, government ministries and research institutions. Gender-responsive climate-smart agriculture refers to approaches that consider women’s and men’s specific priorities and their different access to resources, services, education and information to build climate resilience, through a focus on equality and agency. This brief showcases promising research and innovation, particularly from countries engaged through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM) 149 project. Senegal, Uganda and Belize are highlighted as examples to inform policymakers, guide gender-responsive investments, policies, and strategies in countries’ work in response to climate change. This brief is part of a series. Other briefs on agrifood value chains, aquaculture and fisheries and the livestock sector are available.

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