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Impact of the global forest industry on atmospheric greenhouse gases

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    The share of agri-food systems in total greenhouse gas emissions
    Global, regional and country trends 1990–2019
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    Emissions from agri-food systems are those generated by farm production activities (crops and livestock), land use change and pre- and post-production processes. The first two components result in emissions generated on agricultural land, while the third refers to emissions from supply chain processes including transport, processing and input manufacturing, as well as from household consumption and waste. While emissions on agricultural land are well characterized in the literature, with FAO disseminating annual updates that are widely used and inform the periodic assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the quantification of emissions generated in agri-food systems beyond the farm gate is a more recent endevour. This analytical brief presents results of the first database on agri-food systems beyond the farm gate developed by FAO. Statistics on absolute emissions and their shares are disseminated at the country, regional and global level, over the period 1990–2019. The database covers, in addition to emissions on agricultural land, pre- and post-production processes in agri-food systems, such as those linked to: i) the production of inputs (fertilizers, materials for food packaging); ii) energy generation and consumption in food supply chains (food processing, transport and retail) and at the household level (cooking and refrigeration); and iii) waste disposal (such as in landfilling, incineration and wastewater management).
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    Assessment of Industrial Roundwood Production from Planted Forests 2014
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    Planted forests play an ever more important part in the global and regional economies to secure industrial roundwood and wood fuel. In many developing countries, planted forests have formed the structural basis for an increasing forest-based manufacturing and export sector. This report assesses the production of industrial roundwood from planted forests and evaluates their significance for the global industrial roundwood supply. The assessment was conducted by using national and international pr imary and secondary data, some of which have not been published before. The report focuses on forest plantations, providing data from 78 countries across five continents. As for semi-natural planted forests (SNPF)1, data could be estimated for 18 temperate-climate countries in America, Asia and Europe. The data and information given in this report have gone through a structured process of data collection, processing, validation, compilation and analysis. In general, however, it must be stated t hat many reporting countries found it difficult to provide reliable information on the origin or the sources of their industrial roundwood production. The report, together with previous outlook studies, may give policy- and decision-makers, investors, and managers a better understanding of the key role that planted forest resources play in the provision of wood products for national and global economies. The report has been produced as a joint project between the Forest Assessment, Management a nd Conservation Division and the Forest Economics, Policy and Products Division of the FAO Forestry Department. Data collection, analysis and evaluation were conducted during a six-month period, from September 2013 to February 2014.
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    Book (series)
    Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in livestock production – A review of technical options for non-CO2 emissions 2013
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    Animal agriculture substantially contributes to the world economy by providing food, jobs, and financial security for billions of people. With increasing concerns over global climate change and pollution, efforts are underway to reduce the overall environmental impact of animal production. This document analyses emission of non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gases, an important segment of the environmental footprint of animal production. It has been developed by a team that included experts in animal /ruminant nutrition, manure and soil management, animal and whole-farm modeling, and animal reproduction. Over 900 publications focusing on nutritional and manure management mitigation strategies for methane (enteric or from manure) and nitrous oxide emissions were reviewed and analysed, and a synthesis of feed-, animal management- and manure management-based mitigation approaches and interactions amongst them has been presented. This document will help researchers, animal industry consultants, policy-makers, animal producers, non-governmental organizations, and other groups with interest in maintaining a viable and environmentally-responsible animal production sector to make sound decisions on selection and adoption of effective and economically feasible greenhouse gas mitigation practices.

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