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Identification of indicators for evaluating of sustainable animal diets

FAO. 2016. Identification of indicators for evaluating of sustainable animal diets, by Freija H. van Holsteijn, Marion de Vries & Harinder P. S. Makkar. FAO Animal Production and Health Working Paper. No. 15. Rome, Italy.

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    Strategies for sustainable animal agriculture in developing countries 1993
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    he FAO Expert Consultation on Strategies for Sustainable Animal Agriculture in Developing Countries was held at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy, from 10 to 14 December 1990.Animal agriculture is a complex, multi-component, interactive process that is dependant on land, human resources and capital investment. Throughout the developing world it is practised in many different forms, in different environments and with differing degrees of intensity and biological efficiency. As a result any meaningful discussion of the subject must draw on a broad spectrum of the biological and earth sciences as well as the social, economic and political dimensions that bear so heavily on the advancement of animal agriculture. There is a growing consensus among politicians, planners and scientists alike that livestock production in the third world is not developing as it should, or at a sufficient pace to meet the high quality protein needs of a rapidly expanding human population. The sobering reality is, despite the many development projects implemented over the years by national, bilateral and multinational agencies and often substantial capital investment, there has been little or no change in the efficiency of animal production in the developing world. Livestock numbers have increased substantially in many countries and while the growth in output is welcome, it does not necessarily equate with sustainable productive growth. On the contrary it can, as it has done in the drought prone arid regions, lead to a lowering of productivity and degradation of the rangelands.The purpose of the Expert Consultation was to discuss and formulate specific criteria and questions relating to the planning and implementation of sustainable livestock production programmes in the developing world. There is increasing concern regarding the conservation of the natural resource base and protection of the global environment and FAO attaches highest priority to the sustainable development of plant and animal agriculture. This Expert Consultation is one of a number of initiatives being undertaken by FAO to ensure the sustainability of it's agricultural development programme. The discussion and recommendations arising from this Expert Consultation have been used to help to focus and guide global, regional and national policies and action programmes on the sustainable development of agriculture and have provided an important contribution to the FAO/Government of the Netherlands International Conference on Agriculture and the Environment held in the hague, 15–19 April, 1991.
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    International Symposium on Sustainable Animal Production and Health
    Current status and way forward, Vienna, Austria, 28 June to 2 July 2021
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    The International Symposium on Sustainable Animal Production and Health – Current Status and Way Forward, organized by the Animal Production and Health Section of the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, found its departing point in these challenges. Within the five days of discussions and debates, the Symposium comprised a panel discussion and eight thematic sessions: a) molecular tools for animal production and health, b) advances in vaccinology, c) emergency preparedness and response, d) zoonotic diseases, COVID-19 and ZODIAC, e) enhancing livestock’s contribution to One Health and the Sustainable Development Goals, f) challenges for better livestock production in the developing world; g) advances in biotechnologies for improving livestock breeding and feeding, h) application of improved technologies for sustainable livestock productivity: the way forward.The symposium, held virtually, was attended by more than 3000 participants and observers from more than 160 countries, as well as by representatives of international organizations including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). The more than 50 presentations were related to research and development actions for the sustainable improvement of animal production and health, emphasizing the role of nuclear technologies. These presentations were complemented by more than 145 synopses and posters from the participants, which were made available in a Book of Synopses.This publication is a compilation of the contributions emanating from the symposium. It encompasses the three opening speeches of the IAEA Director General, Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, the FAO Director General, Mr. Qu Dongyu, and the OIE Director General, Ms. Monique Eloit; and 47 papers from participants and speakers, which have been peer-reviewed by FAO and IAEA colleagues, independent outside experts and the Scientific Committee. The Book of Proceedings provides vital information and evidence on how nuclear and nuclear related techniques can contribute to the development of sustainable livestock production systems, as well as noting the constraints and opportunities for their use in developing countries. The book hopes to serve as guidance for scientists as well as government and institutional policy and decision makers.
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    Contribution of terrestrial animal source food to healthy diets for improved nutrition and health outcomes
    An evidence and policy overview on the state of knowledge and gaps
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    Diverse foods derived from livestock production systems, including grazing and pastoralist systems, and from the hunting of wild animals, provide high-quality proteins, important fatty acids and various vitamins and minerals – contributing to healthy diets for improved nutrition and health. Livestock species are adapted to a wide range of environments, including areas that are unsuitable for crop production. Globally, more than a billion people depend on livestock value chains for their livelihoods. Small-scale livestock farmers and pastoralists make up a large proportion of livestock producers. Well integrated livestock production increases the resilience of small-scale farming systems. Livestock also provide other important ecosystem services in landscape management, provide energy and help to improve soil fertility. Rangeland or grassland ecosystems occupy some 40 percent of the world’s terrestrial area. Livestock keepers raise grazing animals to transform grassland vegetation into food. Challenges related to high resource utilization and pollution, food–feed competition, greenhouse-gas emissions, antimicrobial resistance and animal welfare as well as zoonotic and food-borne diseases, accessibility and affordability need to be solved if agrifood systems are to become more sustainable. FAO’s Committee on Agriculture requested a comprehensive, science- and evidence-based global assessment of the contribution of livestock to food security, sustainable food systems, nutrition and healthy diets, considering environmental, economic and social sustainability. The assessment consists of four component documents. This first component document provides a holistic analysis of the contribution of terrestrial animal source food to healthy diets for improved nutrition and health outcomes over the course of people’s lives.

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