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FAO Statistical Programme of Work 2018-19

FAO. 2019. FAO Statistical Programme of Work 2018-19. Rome. 82 pp.

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    This document contains the report of the twenty-fifth session of the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP) held in Rome, Italy, from 23 to 26 February 2016. The two subject Groups on Fisheries and Aquaculture had their own meetings to review the progress made and develop work plan for the next intersessional period prior to the main session. The main session received the report from the two Groups and approved the work plans presented. Other main topics discussed were the revisi on of Standards and Classifications, the dissemination and future updates of the CWP handbook, the establishment of two CWP Task Groups, one for reviewing the International Standard Statistical Classification of Aquatic Animals and Plants (ISCAAP) groupings and the other for Reference harmonization for capture fisheries and aquaculture statistics (SDMX DSDs) and the improvement in visibility of CWP.

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