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Applications of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) in food safety management

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) for food safety 2016
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    Food safety is a global concern (FAO 1996 ) and the current estimated global burden of foodborne disease from microbiological food safety problem and the related social and economic costs remain unacceptably high (WHO 2015 ). Some newly emerging tools that can be useful in managing such food safety problems have become increasingly sophisticated. Yet challenges remain in outbreak investigations, in linking illness to particular foods in ensuring the appropriate products are recalled. WGS is one of such tools that offers great potential for various food safety regulatory activities including food inspection, outbreak detection/investigation and studies on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Such benefits would significantly contribute to protecting public health and food security as it eventually saves lives and prevents economic losses and food waste from incorrect or imprecise implications of wrong products and commodities. However, while several industrialized countries have been moving forward with WGS for food safety management, its application, particularly in developing and transitional countries, is limited.
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    Side Event on the Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and Food Safety
    FAO Rome, Italy. 28 June 2016
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    On 28 June 2016, FAO/WHO/OIE organized a side event to the 39th Codex Alimentarius Commission at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy on Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and Food Safety. After the official opening by Ms Renata Clarke (FAO) who emphasized the importance of having collaboration among FAO, WHO and OIE to tackle the issues together, the opening presentation was delivered by Ms Sarah Cahill (FAO) to discuss how WGS for food safety can potentially impact the scientific advice and ideas pr ovided to Codex for their work. Ms Amy Cawthorne (WHO), Mr Antonino Caminiti (OIE) and Ms Masami Takeuchi (FAO) then introduced the relevant activities of the respective organizations. During the panel discussions, participants exchanged their views, concerns and expectations to the technology and discussed potential follow up actions for Codex. The meeting was officially closed by Ms Awa Aidara-Kane (WHO).
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Final Meeting Report: Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management: within a One Health approach
    The 9th meeting of the Global Microbial Identifier (GMI9)
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    The 9th meeting of Global Microbial Identifier (GMI), which was preceded by a Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) for food safety management: within a One Health framework, was held at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy on 23- 25 May 2016. The Meeting was attended by 175 participants from 50 countries including 26 developing countries, highlighting the significant level of interest in the topic by many e xperts and government officials. WGS is a technology relevant to different sectors such as health, agriculture, food safety and medicine. Mulitsectoral collaboration, particularly in relation to sharing of data generated by this technology the technology is critical to optimizing its use. Key messages from the Technical Meeting are reported including the benefits and potential drawbacks of WGS, considerations for developing countries, issues around global data-sharing and key needs for global ac tions and potential roles of international organizations like FAO.

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