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Report of the Regional Workshop on Methods for Aquaculture Policy Analysis, Development and Implementation in Selected Southeast Asian Countries. Bangkok, 9–11 December 2009.

FAO. Report of the Regional Workshop on Methods for Aquaculture Policy Analysis, Development and Implementation in Selected Southeast Asian Countries. Bangkok, 9–11 December 2009. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report. No. 928. Rome, FAO. 2010. 45p.

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    Book (series)
    Report of the first Workshop on the Assessment of Fishery Stocks Status in South and Southeast Asia. Bangkok, 16–19 June 2009. [Only online] 2010
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    The state of fishery resources is an essential piece of information for effective fisheries management and policy formulation at national, regional and global levels. As part of a global effort to improve the information on the state of fishery resources, FAO has planned two workshops in South and Southeast Asia region in 2009 to review the data and information available in this region. The first Workshop on the Assessment of Fishery Stock Status in South and Southeast Asia, attended by thirty-t hree participants from eleven countries, the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), the WorldFish Center and FAO, reviewed the state of fishery resources and data availability in each participating country. The workshop compiled a summary table that presents – by country – the stocks to be assessed and the respective appropriate methodologies to be applied as preparatory work to the second workshop. The output from these workshops will be incorporated into the next FAO assessmen t of the state of world marine capture fishery resources. There seems to be a need for capacity building in stock assessment in the region and steps should be undertaken by relevant organizations (i.e. Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (LME), SEAFDEC survey, Asia Pacific Fishery Commission [APFIC], FAO) in this direction.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the second Workshop on the Assessment of Fishery Stocks Status in South and Southeast Asia. Bangkok, 5-9 October 2009. [Online only] 2010
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    This report covers the main outcomes of the second of two workshops held in Bangkok (Thailand) in May and October 2009 respectively, with the main objective to review the fisheries data and information available in South and Southeast Asia region and identify appropriate methods to update the assessment of the state of the fishery resources in this area. The workshop was attended by 38 participants from 10 countries, the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre (SEAFDEC), the WorldFish Center and FAO. Despite the scarcity of data, by using participants expert opinion it was possible to compile summary tables on the state of the main stocks for most countries. Key recommendations included the need for increased reliability and accuracy of fishery statistics; the desirability of fishery policies and management strategies to be designed based on stock assessment results; and undertaking training in stock assessment and fishery management. Establishment of a stock assessment w orking group was also considered as a priority.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the FAO/APFIC/SEAFDEC Regional Workshop on Port State Measures to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing. Bangkok, Thailand, 31 March–4 April 2008. 2008
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    This document contains the report of the FAO/APFIC/SEAFDEC [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/Asia Pacific Fisheries Commission/Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center] Regional Workshop on Port State Measures to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, that was held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 31 March to 4 April 2008. The objective of the Workshop was to develop national capacity and promote bilateral, subregional and/or regional coordination so t hat countries would be better placed to strengthen and harmonize port State measures and, as a result, implement further the 2001 FAO International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, the 2005 FAO Model Scheme on Port State Measures to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and contribute to the development of a legally-binding instrument on port State measures. The Workshop addressed: the background and framework fo r port State measures; the FAO Model Scheme including national plans of action to combat IUU fishing and IUU fishing activities in Southeast Asia; the FAO Model Scheme and regional approaches and the 2007 draft Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing; key elements of national laws, and the role of the Asia Pacific Fisheries Commission and the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; national coordination and impl ementation of port State measures; industry perspectives on port State measures, and responses to the questionnaire on port State measures. Working groups were formed to enhance the participatory nature of the Workshop and as a means of engendering broader and deeper discussion on concepts and issues relating to port State measures. A fictitious case study exercise was also undertaken to demonstrate how a port State might deal with a realistic IUU fishing problem. The final session o f the Workshop sought to identify key issues to be addressed on a regional basis as follow-up to the Workshop. Funding and support for the Workshop were provided by the FAO Regular Programme, by the Government of Norway through the Trust Fund for Port State Measures (MTF/GLO/206/MUL) and the FishCode Programme (MTF/GLO/125/MUL [Sweden-SIDA] [SWE/05/IUU Port State Measures/IUU fishing]).

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