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Modernization Strategy for Irrigation Management: Upper Krishna Project KJBNL -Karnataka - India

MASSCOTE Applications

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Modernization Strategy for Irrigation Management: Karnataka - India - Gandorinala and Bennithora Projects 2006
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    This paper is based on the outcomes of a training workshop on modernization of irrigation management organized in 2007 for 25 participants with a focus on the Gandorinala and Bennithora projects. The study has several purposes: a) produce food for thought for decision-makers in Karnataka before engaging in investment plans, particularly on how to ensure that diagnosis and solutions are investigated properly in modernization projects; b)suggest some specific strategies to managers of the Gando rinala and Bennithora projects on how they should start the management and operation of these new irrigation systems introducing modern concepts and techniques ; c) lay the foundations of a progressive modernization plan, with some initial steps taken for the monitoring of the next Kharif season starting June 2007 and the objective to prepare by the end of December a PLAN for an effective Service Oriented Management in these two projects.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Modernization Strategy for Irrigation Management: Karnataka - India - Bhadra Project 2008
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    This paper is based on the outcomes of a training workshop on modernization of irrigation management organized in 2007 for 25 participants with a focus on the Bhadra Project. The study has several purposes: a) produce food for thought for decision-makers in Karnataka before engaging in investment plans, particularly on how to ensure that diagnosis and solutions are investigated properly in modernization projects; b) suggest some specific strategies to managers of KNNL-Bhadra on how they sh ould make the best use of the modernization investment plan which is about to start with mainly works of canal lining; c) lay the foundations of a more elaborate modernization plan, with some initial steps planned for 2008.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Modernization Strategy for Irrigation Management: Karnataka - India Hemavathi Project - CNNL 2007
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    This paper is based on the outcomes of a training workshop on modernization of irrigation management organized in 2007 for 40 participants with a focus on the Hemavathi project. The study has several purposes: a) produce food for thought for decision-makers in Karnataka before engaging in investment plans, particularly on how to ensure that diagnosis and solutions are investigated properly in modernization projects; b) suggest some specific strategies to managers of the Hemavathi system an d CNNL on how they should conceptualise the modernization of irrigation management; c) introduce the MASSCOTE and RAP exercises to a large audience through real-case application.

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