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Book (stand-alone)Praktikat noteriale në Kosovë - Forcimi i barazisë gjinore në pronësinë dhe kontrollin mbi tokën/Notarial practices in Kosovo - Strengthening gender equality in land ownership and control 2021
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No results found.The country level guideline’s aim is to provide practical guidance to notaries when handling issues pertaining to gender sensitive property transactions. The purpose of the national guidelines is to help notaries and other legal professions to mitigate the effects of gender discrimination through the services that they provide across the country, raise awareness on women’s rights, and anticipate any risks that might occur in the enjoyment of property rights by women. Qëllimi i udhëzuesit kombëtar është të ofrojë udhëzime për noterët gjatë trajtimit të çështjeve lidhur me transferimet e pasurisë me ndjeshmëri gjinore. Qëllimi i udhëzuesit kombëtar është që të ndihmojë noterët dhe profesionet e tjera ligjore të zbusin efektet e diskriminimit për shkak të gjinisë përmes shërbimeve që ata ofrojnë në mbarë vendin, të rritet sensibilizimi lidhur me të drejtat e grave dhe t’i paraprihet ndonjë rreziku që mund të lindë gjatë ushtrimit të të drejtave pasurore nga ana e grave. -
Book (stand-alone)Guidelines on strengthening gender equality in land registration – Southeast Europe 2021 2021
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The present Guidelines form part of a joint effort by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to help countries achieve indicator 5.a.2 of Target 5.a in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations in 2015. Target 5.a is to “Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance, and natural resources in accordance with national laws” and is measured by two indicators:- Indicator 5.a.1: (a) Percentage of people with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land (out of total agricultural population), by sex; and (b) share of women among owners or rights-bearers of agricultural land, by type of tenure.
- Indicator 5.a.2: Proportion of countries where the legal framework (including customary law) guarantees women’s equal rights to land ownership and/or control.
Book (stand-alone)Нотарски практики во Северна Македонија - Зајакнување на родовата еднаквост во сопственоста на и управувањето со земјиште/Notarial practices in North Macedonia - Strengthening gender equality in land ownership and control 2021
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No results found.The country level guideline’s aim is to provide practical guidance to notaries when handling issues pertaining to gender sensitive property transactions. The purpose of the national guidelines is to help notaries and other legal professions to mitigate the effects of gender discrimination through the services that they provide across the country, raise awareness on women’s rights, and anticipate any risks that might occur in the enjoyment of property rights by women. Целта на националните упатства е да обезбедат практични насоки за нотарите при решавање на предмети што се однесуваат на родово чувствителни имотни трансакции. Целта на националните упатства е да им се помогне на нотарите и другите правни професии да ги ублажат ефектите од родова дискриминација преку услугите што ги даваат низ целата земја, да ја подигне свеста за правата на жените и да ги предвиди ризиците што можат да се појават во уживањето на имотните права од страна на жените.
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