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How design, management and policy affect the performance of irrigation projects. Emerging modernization procedures and design standards.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Modernization of irrigation system operations: proceedings of the fifth ITIS network international meeting
    Aurangabad, 28-30 October 1998
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    The central message which emerges from this meeting was that modernization is above all an issue of human-ware. It is quite noteworthy to see that, although most participants to the meeting were engineers, almost every paper and almost all questions and points of discussion dealt with institutional, development and sociological issues and were not focussed on techniques. The issue of human-ware can be further expanded into complementary directions.
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    The Carbon Balance of the World Bank-financed Land Husbandry, Water Harvesting and Hillside Irrigation (LWH) Project of the Government of Rwanda: Application of the EX-Ante Carbon-balance tool (EX-ACT)
    Applied Work. EASYPol Module 121
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    Agriculture can play an important role in climate change mitigation while contributing to increased food security and reductions in rural poverty. The Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) can estimate the mitigation potential of rural development projects generated from changes in farming systems and land use. The study presents and discusses the EX-ACT analysis performed on the World Bankfinanced Land Husbandry, Water Harvesting and Hillside Irrigation Project of the Government of Rwanda. Estim ates of the impact of project activities on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration demonstrate that the implementation of the LWH project will provide additional environmental benefits by helping to mitigate climate change. Thus it reflects possible synergies between mitigation and rural development goals through a watershed approach.
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    Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock to Perform Policy Gap Analysis - TCP/AFG/3606 2020
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    In Afghanistan, concerns over food insecurity and malnutrition are major hinderances to ensuring political, economic and social stability. The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) drafted more than 88 policies, strategies, laws, frameworks and procedures in the 2004–2017 period. Yet, only a few of these proposals have been endorsed and implemented, and Afghanistan continues to face major challenges in transforming drafted policies into actions. Greater coordination among departments and ministries of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) is required to improve the situation and avoid the duplication of efforts. A comprehensive gap analysis to map the major policies that have already been drafted, along with their relevance, will be crucial to this effort. In addition, compliance with the GoIRA’s national and international commitments in the agriculture sector must be prioritized, with a focus on reconciling disparities between ongoing implementation efforts and these commitments.

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