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Activities of the International Neem Network

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    Following the recommendations and agreements of the First and Second International Consultations on Neem Improvement, Bangkok (Thailand) January 1993, and Jodhpur (India) March 1994, the International Neem Network was established with the long term objective to improve the genetic quality and adaptability of Neem and to improve its utilization, throughout the world, as a contribution to development in the countries concerned, with particular focus on meeting the needs of rural people. The Networ k collaborators decided to undertake activities in relation to provenance exploration, seed collection and exchange for establishment of internationally coordinated trials. The Network collaborators also decided to undertake research in seed physiology and technology, genetic diversity and reproductive biology, as well as studies on variation in chemical compounds. This article summarizes the activities and achievements of the International Neem Network with main focus on 1996 activities, includ ing the discussions and outcome of the International Neem Workshop, held 14-15 March 1996 in Bangkok, Thailand. For a general description of the International Neem Network, its objectives, organization, networking principles, and activities in the early stages of the Network, please refer to the article by A. Thomsen and O. Souvannavong in Forest Genetic Resources No. 22 (1994).
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    Report of the Workshop of the International Neem Network - Yangon, Myanmar - 28 July - 1 August 1997 1997
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    National institutions of 23 countries, in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, are participating in the Network which is coordinated by FAO. During 1993 and 1994, seed-sources were surveyed and documented throughout the natural range of the species and in areas of introduction. Pilot seed collection and exchange were undertaken to improve the procedures used in these very difficult operations, Neem seed having a recalcitrant or intermediate behaviour. A training workshop was organised in July 1994, in Coimbatore (India), to familiarise network collaborators with the improved procedures for seed collection and exchange. Twenty five seed-sources, representing the eco-geographical variation in the range of distribution of the species, were selected for seed collection and exchange among network collaborators in 1995, for establishment of international provenance trials. Results of seed exchange and nursery production were discussed at a workshop of the International Neem Network in Ban gkok in March 1996. At this meeting guidelines for trial design of international provenance trials were discussed and adopted. Following the Bangkok workshop, approx. 30 international provenance trials were established by network collaborators in some 15 countries, sampling the full range of ecological conditions within the distribution area of Neem. The main objectives of the workshop were to (i) report and discuss the 1996 activities of the network, especially the results of the trial establis hment; (ii) discuss and adopt guidelines for assessment of provenance trials; (iii) discuss the future activities of the Network; and (iv) visit Neem research activities in the field in Myanmar.
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    Report of the Workshop of the International Neem Network - Bangkok, Thailand, 14-15 March 1996 1996
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    Following the recommendations and agreements of the First and Second International Consultations on Neem Improvement, Bangkok (Thailand) January 1993, and Jodhpur (India) March 1994, the International Neem Network was established with the long term objective to improve the genetic quality and adaptability of neem and to improve its utilization, throughout the world, as a contribution to development in the countries concerned, in particular in concern of meeting the needs of rural people. In the initial stage, the main component of the activities of the Network is: Provenance exploration, collection and exchange for establishment of internationally coordinated trials. The Network also decided to undertake research activities in Phenology, Seed Physiology and Tehnology, Genetic diversity and Reproductive biology, and Variation in chemical compounds. National institutions of 23 countries, in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, are participating in the Network which is coordinated by F AO. The main objectives of the workshop were to (i) report and discuss the 1995 activities of the network; (ii) discuss and adopt the guidelines for design and establishment of provenance trials; and (iii) to discuss the future activities of the Network. This report describes and summarizes the discussions and recommendations of the meeting.

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