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Book (stand-alone)Compulsory insurance (third party liability) requirements for fishing vessels: a case for the introduction of compulsory fishing vessel insurance in the Caribbean 2020
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No results found.This circular summarizes the findings of an FAO assessment of legal frameworks in five Caribbean countries (Barbados, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago) in terms of entry points for introducing fishing vessel insurance. It also contains an overview of international conventions governing marine insurance and examples of mandatory fishing vessel insurance legislation from selected countries. The origins of compulsory third party liability insurance in the maritime industry and its introduction in international instruments (e.g. the Bunkers Convention, the Wreck Removal Convention, and the EU Directive 2009/20/EC) are discussed. The benefits of introducing compulsory third party liability insurance for everyone involved in the fisheries industry (claimants, shipowners, and society in general) in line with those in the merchant shipping industry are presented. Model regulations to facilitate introduction of compulsory third party liability insurance for fishing vessels are provided, as well as information to support fishers’ awareness raising and capacity building on this subject. This circular also contains the proceedings of a Stakeholder Meeting on Fisheries Insurance Legislative Frameworks for the Caribbean, held on 15 November 2019 in Barbados, where the assessment findings, best-practices and model regulations were presented. The circular makes a case for introduction of compulsory third party liability insurance for fishing vessels in the Caribbean, and claims that such insurance contributes to improving the working conditions of fishers, their safety and to responsible fishing practices. -
Book (series)Report of the FAO Expert workshop on developing guidelines for inspection and valuation of small-scale fishing vessels. Rome, 24–26 September 2024 2025
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No results found.The Expert workshop on developing guidelines for inspection and valuation of small-scale fishing vessels, was held at FAO headquarters in Rome on 24–26 September 2024. Thirty-two fisheries insurance experts, maritime safety inspectors, naval architects, fisheries associations and fisheries experts, as well as representatives of the Africa Rural and Agricultural Credit Association, the Asia-Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association, the International Maritime Organization and the CAFI-SSF Network participated in the workshop. The workshop was organized by FAO to address some of the key barriers in the supply of insurance services to small-scale fishers worldwide, such as the limited knowledge of fishing vessels and fishing operations among insurers, gaps in safety inspections of small fishing vessels, and the perceived low profitability, high transaction costs, and cumbersome administrative processes associated with small fishing vessel insurance services.The workshop aimed to develop tools to facilitate the supply of insurance services for the millions of small fishing vessels of less than 12 metres in length that operate in developing countries.The workshop discussed and contributed to the finalization of guidelines and checklists for the survey and inspection of small fishing vessels and insurance value and risk assessment of small fishing vessels. Subjects discussed included the conduct of small fishing vessel surveys, practical vessel stability tests, safety inspections methods, value and risk assessment methods, vessel depreciation assessment tools, and methods to fast-track insurance supply for small fishing vessels. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetPoster: Global record for fishing vessels, refrigerated transport vessels and supply vessels 2017This poster provide an overview of the Global Record. This is include its' definition, its' purpose, and its' beneficiaries. It is also provide the context of SDG 14 and the FAO Strategy Objective 2, also the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the Blue Growth Initiative.
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