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World Food Day 2008. World food security: the challenges of climate change and bioenergy

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    Family Farming: Feeding the world, caring for the earth. World Food Day 2014 2015
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    A report of the thirty-fourth World Food Day celebration held at the FAO regional office in Bangkok in commemoration of the Organization’s founding in 1945. This year’s theme focused on family farming: Feeding the world, caring for the earth. Highlights of the day include a keynote speech on the theme of the celebration by Maria Estrella Penunia, the Special Ambassador of the International Year of Family Farming for Asia and the Pacific and the Secretary General of the Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA), as well as presentation of five awards by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn to outstanding farmers from China, India, Myanmar, New Zealand and Thailand.
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    World Food Day 2003. International Alliance Against Hunger 2003
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    A report of the twenty-third World Food Day celebration held at the FAO regional office in Bangkok. Each year on 16 October FAO celebrates World Food Day in commemoration of its founding in 1945. This year’s theme, International Alliance Against Hunger, is a call to action to encourage all those concerned about the problem of hunger to join forces in a common effort. The publication includes an address by HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, a message by the FAO Director-General, a statement by the FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific and a statement by Kim Hak-Su, UN Under Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP. Highlights of the day include a keynote speech on the theme of the celebration by Sartaj Aziz, former Agriculture, Finance and Foreign Affairs Minister, Pakistan and the presentation of three awards to outstanding farmers from Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thailand.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Agricultural Cooperatives: Key to Feeding the World. 2012 World Food Day Celebration Report 2012
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    A report of the thirty-second World Food Day celebration held at the FAO regional office in Bangkok in commemoration of the Organization's founding in 1945. This year's theme focused on agricultural cooperatives - key to feeding the world. In Asia and the Pacific, where 70 to 80 percent of the total number of farmers are smallholders who produce most of the food in the region, producer organizations and cooperatives play a vital role in supporting individual small farmers and promoting food secu rity. Highlights of the day include a keynote speech on the theme of the celebration by Mr Hisao Azuma, Senior Advisor from the Japan Association for International Collaboration of Agriculture and Forestry (JAICAF) and presentation of five awards by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn to outstanding farmers from Malaysia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

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