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Irrigation Manual - Crop Water Requirements and Irrigation Scheduling

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    Irrigation Water Management: Irrigation scheduling 1989
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    Assessment of irrigation potential in Africa - Arc-Info: a tool for the computation of the irrigation water requirements at continental level
    Télédétection et ressources en eau/Remote sensing and water resources p. 115
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    This article is based on the FAO study “Irrigation potential of Africa: a basin approach” and it is part of the proceedings of the international workshop on “Remote sensing and water resources” ( organized by FAO, in collaboration with the Comité interafricain d'études hydrauliques (CIEH), the Laboratoire commun de télédétection Cemagref-Engref (LCT) and Orstom (Institut français de recherche en coopération) and published in 1997. The study FAO undertook in 1995 investigated the potential use of remote sensing and geographic information systems in water resources assessment of small watersheds in semi-arid areas of West Africa. The use of the Arc-Info geographic information system allowed to define the geographical computation units, which are homogeneous regarding average rainfall, potential evapotranspiration, cropping pattern (calendar, intensity) and irrigation efficiency. Combining information on gross irrigation water requirements, area of soils suitable for irrigation and available water resources by basin eventually resulted in an estimation of the physical irrigation potential for Africa.

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