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Book (stand-alone)Secondary Guidelines for Development of National Farm Animal Genetic Resources Management Plans - Management of small populations at risk 1998In recognition of the importance of animal genetic resources (AnGR), and of the sizeable portion that is currently at risk of loss, and in keeping with FAO’s mandate and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) a special action programme for the Global Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources was launched by FAO in 1992. One of the objectives of this Programme is the development of Guidelines for country use. The Primary Guideline Document (FAO, 1996), mainly targeted towards policy ma kers, is designed to help countries get started to identify the main elements and objectives of an animal genetic resources management plan, and to outline the strategic policy directions required to fulfil these objectives. The Primary document is complemented and supported by four secondary documents targeted mainly at those that implement policy, administratively and technically, covering the following issues: characterization, livestock production systems description, active breed use and de velopment, and managing populations at risk to provide guidance for the management of areas identified in the primary document. These Guidelines looks at the specific aspects, options and techniques for the management of populations at risk.
Book (stand-alone)Primary Guidelines for Development of National Farm Animal Genetic Resources Management Plans 2000These guidelines are being developed to form a pivotal document in implementing the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm AnGR. This primary document provides the foundation guidelines for use in beginning management activities. It will be complimented and supported by secondary documents (see Figure 2.1 and Annex 6), that will provide detailed technical guidelines for each of the management areas identified in this primary document. The primary document will help countries get started a nd is designed for use by policy-makers to identify the main elements and objectives of the AnGR Management Plan, and to outline the strategic directions required to fulfil these objectives. Technical annexes in the primary document provide a bridge to the detailed technical secondary documents.
Book (stand-alone)Working Group on Production Environment Descriptors for Farm Animal Genetic Resources 1998
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No results found.Report of a Working Group held from 19 - 21 January 1998, Armidale, Australia
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