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Mainstreaming biodiversity in agriculture, fisheries and forestry for improved food security and better nutrition

FSN Forum discussion report

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    Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition - Knowledge Sharing for Improved Food Security and Better Nutrition 2010
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    The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum, is an online community for knowledge sharing on food security and nutrition, hosting discussions, queries and peer assist requests. Founded in late 2007 by FAO’s Agricultural Development Economics Division, this initiative aims at bridging the knowledge divide and at strengthening the interactions among professionals with different cultural backgrounds and affiliations. This booklet celebrates the milestone of 2 years of successful online discussions: 'FSN Forum - Knowledge Sharing for Improved Food Security and Better Nutrition - Two Years of Online Discussions' it presents the main features and outcomes of 44 online discussions held from 2007 to 2009, divided in four themes: • Food Security and Nutrition Policies, Analysis and Information • Nutrition • Cross-Cutting Issues • Agriculture, Natural Resources Management and Biodiveristy
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    Bangladesh: Bangladesh Country Programming Framework. CPF 2014- 2018. Towards Sustainable Agriculture and Improved Food Security & Nutrition 2014
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    The FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF) for Bangladesh is a strategic planning and management tool which provides FAO with a sound basis for developing its mid-term country programme, in line with the policies and development priorities of the Government. The specific objectives of the CPF are to identify country level priority areas of work, assistance needs and investment opportunities; to make FAO’s response at country level more effective; to help coordinate and contribute to multilatera l goals relating to sustainable agriculture, rural development, food security and nutrition. The identified focus areas must also reflect and be consistent with the mandate and expertise of FAO as a specialized technical agency of the UN (defined by its corporate FAO Strategic Framework and Regional Priorities), and be consistent with other internationally agreed development goals (such as the MDGs). The CPF represents a milestone in the decentralization of FAO, and lays the basis for a more int egrated and “bottom-up” approach to FAO Programming at country level. Being formulated in close collaboration with the government, the process by which the CPF was produced has established a formal dialogue, created ownership, and instilled a shared agenda for work over the next five years. In turn, this coherence-in defining investment and support needs-invites support from Development Partners. This document is a revised version of the first FAO CPF for Bangladesh which was formulated in 2010- 11. The document is structured as follows. Section I introduces, while Section II provides context and current situation related to agriculture and food security in Bangladesh. Section III explores FAO’s relative strengths in the country and relates these to the new FAO Strategic Framework and regional priorities. Section IV identifies the main development challenges and priorities that were articulated during the stakeholder consultations, followed by the outline of the new CPF Country Priority Areas. Finally, Section V describes how these priority areas are to be funded, implemented, monitored and evaluated.

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