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Maximizing nutrition in fisheries and aquaculture

A guidance note on impact pathways for mainstreaming nutrition based on a case study from Kenya

FAO and World Vision. 2021. Maximizing nutrition in fisheries and aquaculture – A guidance note on impact pathways for mainstreaming nutrition based on a case study from Kenya. Rome. 

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    A guidance note on impact pathways for mainstreaming nutrition based on a case study from Uganda
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    Ghana’s agricultural sector plays a vital role in income generation, foreign exchange earnings, employment, and food security for over 70 percent of its people. Despite the significant role of the crop production sector, limited attention has been given to maximizing its potential to address food insecurity and malnutrition. For that reason, FAO, in collaboration with World Vision, has produced this guidance note on mainstreaming nutrition into the crop production sector using a food systems approach. This guidance note aims to inform national-level policymakers and key participants in the food system on the issues and opportunities relating to Ghana’s fruit and vegetable value chain, with a particular focus on smallholder households.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Maximizing nutrition in fisheries and aquaculture using a food systems approach
    An evidence-based literature review
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    This literature review is one of a series of four sector-specific reviews aimed at informing the development of guidance notes for the integration of nutrition across the crops, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry and livestock sectors in 12 sub-Saharan African countries. The present literature review focuses on mainstreaming nutrition in fisheries and aquaculture using a food systems approach. The review also highlights challenges faced by the most vulnerable groups in this sector, such as small scale fishing communities and the women and youth within them.

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