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Drought risk management guidelines Western Balkan region

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    Reducing Disaster Risks and Strengthening Resilience of Farmers to Natural Hazards in The Western Balkans - TCP/RER/3504 2019
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    The Western Balkans region is prone to natural hazards, such as floods,landslides, droughts and forest fires, as a result of its geological structure,climatic and topographic characteristics. The agriculture sector is negativelyimpacted by these hazards, with damage caused to agriculturalinfrastructure and equipment and losses in crops, livestock, forestry andfisheries. Agricultural sector actors had only limited knowledge, awarenessand capacities to prevent, reduce and prepare for the adverse impacts ofnatural hazards in the short and long term. In this context, the project wasdesigned to strengthen institutional mechanisms with improved technicalcapacities, tools and methods in the Ministries of Agriculture and amongrelated stakeholders in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the formerYugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
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    The Diversity of Agriculture in Former Soviet and Western Balkan Countries
    Policy Studies on Rural Transition No. 2010-2
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    The aim of this report is to give a comprehensive picture of the effects of transition on agriculture in the 12 selected countries. The countries are (in alphabetic order): Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Croatia, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Ukraine. The collapse of the Soviet regime caused dramatic changes in Eastern Bloc countries. This is especially true in the agricultural sector. F or example, CIS countries have been faced with a 50% plus decline in agricultural output, which has resulted in a growing agricultural trade deficit. The basic ideas that underpin the future plans of these countries vary greatly. In the Western Balkans the key issue is undoubtedly accession to the EU as early as possible, although this seems like a long process for most of them. In the former Soviet countries in Europe (Western CIS) the transition process has not yet been fully finishe d, so they seem to be concentrating on modernisation. In the Caucasian countries resource management could be the most important area of further development. Although accession to the EU cannot be envisaged in the near future for the selected CIS countries, it is important to mention that the European Union initiated cooperation with them in 2009 with a programme entitled ‘Eastern Partnership’. The twentieth anniversary of the beginning of the collapse is a good opportunity to assess developments in agriculture in these countries, and to evaluate the status of the sector in the light of initial expectations. What are these countries’ main objectives in the field of agriculture? Has agricultural productivity and competitiveness improved? Is it possible for these countries to reach an acceptable trade balance? Are agricultural producers better off? What policy lessons have been learned? What is behind the diversity of individual country performances? performances?
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    Сеопфатна анализа на системот за управување и намалување на ризиците од катастрофи во земјоделскиот сектор Поранешна Југословенска Република Македонија 2018
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    This report aims to highlight the current strengths of the institutional DRR system for agriculture in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as well as indicate existing gaps and capacity needs to further enhance it. A comprehensive assessment is conducted, which includes a general overview of the country’s agricultural sector and outlines the most frequent natural hazards that are impacting the sector. It is followed by an analysis of the existing legal, policy and institutional structure and discusses various components of the system, including e.g. the functioning of early warning systems, assessments of disaster risks, post-disaster needs assessments, including damages and losses assessments and the availability of agricultural insurance for farmers. It concludes by providing recommendations for capacity building interventions to strengthen the current system to reduce the adverse impacts of natural hazards, in particular, floods, landslides and droughts, and climate change on agriculture in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This report is prepared for the FAO project ‘Enhancement of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRR/M) capacities and mainstreaming of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) practices into the Agricultural Sector in the Western Balkans (TCP/RER/3504).

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