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Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials for Sustainable Agrifood System Transformation (RENOFARM)

Innovation, technologies and hand-in-hand partnerships to address antimicrobial resistance for healthier agrifood systems

FAO. 2024. Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials on Farms for Sustainable Agrifood Systems Transformation (RENOFARM) - Innovation, technologies and hand-in-hand partnerships to address antimicrobial resistance for healthier agrifood systems. Rome.

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    Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials for Sustainable Agrifood System Transformation (RENOFARM) - Guidance for Membership Application 2024
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    Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials for Sustainable Agrifood Systems Transformation (RENOFARM) is a ten-year action-oriented global initiative by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that contributes toward countries’ agrifood systems transformation through the provision of comprehensive support in the implementation of good production practices. The overarching goal is to reduce the need for antimicrobials and to promote responsible and prudent use when antimicrobials are needed. The initiative will support countries to strengthen the implementation of National Action Plans (NAPs) on AMR across agrifood sectors and increase the capacity of the agriculture workforce to promote and adopt best practices that reduce the need for antimicrobials throughout agrifood systems.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    How prevention can reduce the need for antibiotics
    Pathways to Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials on Farms for Sustainable Agrifood Systems Transformation (RENOFARM)
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    This report illustrates how governments, health professionals, veterinarians and food producers can work together to implement greater disease prevention tools, reducing the need for antimicrobials on farms and transitioning towards healthier and more sustainable agrifood systems. The evidence and solutions presented align with the Reduce the Needfor Antimicrobials on Farms for Sustainable Agrifood Systems Transformation initiative (RENOFARM), coordinated by FAO, which aims to enroll 100 countries in the ten-year intiative.
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    Climate technologies for agrifood systems transformation
    Placing food security, climate change and poverty reduction at the forefront
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    The global community has committed to responding to climate change while ensuring decent livelihoods and healthy food for everyone, keeping within planetary boundaries. Transforming agrifood systems is essential to meeting these challenges, with climate response being an intrinsic element. The need for more resilient systems that can sustain increasing demands in a setting of tightening constraints is evident. Resilience must be generated across environmental, social and economic domains, all the while maintaining the economic viability of agrifood systems to ensure that transition occurs in a just and fair manner. Climate technologies are a key enabler to support climate action and the sustainable transition of agrifood systems.The report highlights the needs for robust technology assessments to underpin climate technology identification for agrifood systems transformation that addresses all stages of agrifood value chains. This needs to be supported by capacity-building programmes, targeted financing and fed into the ongoing climate policy process. The capacity-building strategy and efforts are to be tied to the technology assessments, and identify suitable and correct skill sets, especially for smallholders and vulnerable segments of the population.

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