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Book (series)Modern water control and management practices in irrigation
Impact on performance
1999Also available in:
No results found.Increased food production, including staple food, is needed to overcome the present and future threats to food security. This should happen within a framework of sustainable management of natural resources, elimination of unsustainable methods of production, poverty reduction and early stabilization of the world population. Water plays a critical role in food production. It is estimated that 80% of the additional production required to meet the demands of the future will have to come from intens ification and yield increase. Improved moisture control and irrigation are, essential to achieve these. A two-pronged strategy is needed to increase food production through irrigation, namely: (a) increasing water productivity in existing irrigation schemes through modernization of such schemes; and (b) increasing the area under irrigation, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Irrigation modernization is a process of change from supply-oriented to service-oriented irrigation. It involves institut ional, organizational and technological changes. It transforms a traditional irrigation scheme from protective to productive irrigation. The modernization process is now accepted as a strategic option to increase water productivity, total production and increase economic output of large gravity irrigation schemes. -
Book (stand-alone)Modernization of irrigation system operations: proceedings of the fifth ITIS network international meeting
Aurangabad, 28-30 October 1998
1999Also available in:
No results found.The central message which emerges from this meeting was that modernization is above all an issue of human-ware. It is quite noteworthy to see that, although most participants to the meeting were engineers, almost every paper and almost all questions and points of discussion dealt with institutional, development and sociological issues and were not focussed on techniques. The issue of human-ware can be further expanded into complementary directions. -
ProjectSupport Sustainable Water Management and Irrigation Modernization for Newly Reclaimed Areas - TCP/EGY/3604 2020
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No results found.A key challenge for the agriculture sector in Egypt is to feed its growing population in the context of increasing demand on the finite water resources and a trade deficit. Horizontal expansion into new land in the desert has long been strategic in meeting this challenge. Major land reclamation activities have been initiated under the National Reclamation Project, with the objective of increasing agricultural land area by two percent, making agricultural land nine percent of the total area of Egypt. These activities aim to sustainably use the groundwater resources of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer and other GW systems in different parts of Egypt to irrigate an area of up to 1.5 million feddan (630 000 ha). To this end, the Government of Egypt requested FAO support to the land reclamation programme. Within the Regional Initiative on Water Scarcity, FAO would pilot a data and information management system, based on monitoring and remote sensing (RS) data to assist MWRI and MALR to monitor water consumption and water productivity in the newly reclaimed areas.
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