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Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission Strategic Plan 2022–2028

FAO. 2024. Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission Strategic Plan 2022–2028. Bangkok.

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    Report of the Thirty-second Session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission
    Bangkok, Thailand 7–11 November 2022
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    The thirty-second session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) was held on 7–11 November 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand. The session of the Commission adopted the APPPC six-year Strategic Plan 2022–2028 and its biennium work programme 2023–2024, as well as approved the publication of the revised APPPC Regional Standard Setting Procedural Guidelines and Regional Implementation Guidance (RIG) for Phytosanitary Procedures for Seed Certification. The session reviewed the implementation of the workplan activities during 2020–2022 adopted at the 31st session and the financial report. Despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic had significantly affected the implementation of the planned activities throughout the period, APPPC had planned and implemented various activities with support from the member countries. Based on the discussion of three Standing Committees on Plant Quarantine, Integrated Pest Management and Pesticide Management, the session adopted the proposed budget for the 2023–2024 biennium to implement the programmes for the strategic objectives and goals of the APPPC, those included organization of capacity development workshop under the work programmes of Standing Committees and the development of Regional Standard for Phytosanitary Measures led by Standard Committee. The session also invited the participants to consider 1983 and 1999 amendments to the Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific region in pursuance of acceptance of amendments by members. For the effective operation of the regional system, the session approved the establishment of the APPPC Advisory Group to support the administration, management and monitoring of the APPPC biennium work programme. The session agreed to implement its biennium work programme effectively toward accomplishing the strategic objectives of the APPPC Strategic Plan. The next session of the Commission will be hosted by China in 2024.
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    Report of the twenty-eighth session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission 2014
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    This publication reports on the twenty-eighth session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) convened in Jeju, Republic of Korea from 23 to 27 September 2013. The session reviewed the body's work carried out during the previous biennium and the overall plant protection situation at national and regional levels, and adopted the work plan for 2014-15. The session reported on progress in the region in information exchange, plant quarantine, integrated pest management, pesticide management, and implementation of the provisions of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides and the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure. Two new Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (RSPMs) were approved by the session, bringing the total of RSPMs adopted by the APPPC to ten.
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    Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. Guidelines for the development of heat disinfestation treatments of fruit fly host commodities 2004
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    Phytosanitary measures are often required for imported commodities to prevent the introduction of quarantine pests. Such measures need to be appropriate for a specific commodity and effective against the quarantine pests of that commodity. Among the options available, heat treatment is regarded as one the measures that is environmentally friendly and free from residues. Endorsed by the twenty-third session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in August 2003, these guidelines describe methods for identifying and developing appropriate heat disinfestation treatments against quarantine fruit flies in host commodities traded by APPPC member countries. Regional standards for phytosanitary measures are developed and adopted by APPPC as part of the plant protection programme of the Commission's contracting parties to support regional harmonization and facilitate trade of commodities by member countries.

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