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Penerapan metode pengambilan sampeldalam ilmu perikanan: sebuah panduan

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Proceedings of the International Conference on integrated Fisheries Monitoring 1999
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    The Conference was co-hosted by the Governments of Australia and Canada in co-operation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and with the support of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA, and the New South Wales Department of Fisheries, Australia. More than 160 delegates from 26 countries participated and 26 papers were presented. The Conference was held in response to a recommendation made at the 1996 FAO/Japan Technical Consulta tion on Wastage in Fisheries (Tokyo) which identified as a key concern the lack of reliable, basic level data from the majority of global fisheries, particularly when attempting to estimate global discards and the incidental mortality of non-target species. The purpose of the Conference was to address the challenges and opportunities of fisheries monitoring that are common to many fisheries. The Conference speakers, panel discussions, and workshops were organized around the following five main t hemes: 1) Rational for monitoring programmes - conceptual and legal frameworks, 2) Perspectives on monitoring from key stakeholders, 3) Designing, executing and analysing monitoring programmes, 4) Key components and issues for monitoring programmes; and 5) Integrated monitoring. The recommendation that came out of the Conference was presented to the 1999 Meeting of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI). It stated that the FAO Fisheries Department should undertake the preparation of guidelines fo r the integrated monitoring of fisheries within the context of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries with the aim to improve the management of fisheries and the sustainable use of living resources, through the formulation of an appropriate framework for the collection of relevant data and information from fisheries and their associated ecosystems.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Pengenalan ikan mersuji, layaran mersuji muncung dan todak dalam Perikanan Pelagik di Lautan Hindi 2024
    Kad pengenalan ini dikeluarkan oleh Suruhanjaya Tuna Lautan Hindi (IOTC), untuk memperbaiki data tangkapan dan statistik ikan mersuji, layaran, mersuji muncung dan todak yang disasarkan atau yang berinteraksi dengan perikanan tuna di Lautan Hindi. Dengan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang stok ikan mersuji, layaran, mersuji muncung dan todak maka dengan statistik yang lebih teliti, pengurus perikanan serantau boleh memastikan bahawa spesies ini dipancing dengan cara yang mampan di Lautan Hindi. Kemungkinan besar pengguna kad tersebut adalah pemerhati perikanan, pensampel, juragan dan kru di atas vesel penangkapan ikan yang mensasarkan ikan mersuji, layaran, mersuji muncung, todak, ikan tuna dan tenggiri di Lautan Hindi. Institusi latihan perikanan dan komuniti nelayan adalah pengguna berpotensi lain.

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