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Standard operating procedure for soil bulk density, cylinder method

FAO. 2023. Standard operating procedure for soil bulk density, cylinder method. Rome.

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    Standard operating procedure for soil organic carbon: Tyurin spectrophotometric method 2021
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    This protocol applies to the determination of the oxidizable organic carbon content in the soil. The organic carbon content is calculated from the amount of chromic ion (Cr3+) formed which is determined by the spectrophotometric method.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Standard operating procedure for handling and preparation of soil samples for chemical and physical analyses 2020
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    GLOSOLAN is a Global Soil Laboratory Network which aims to harmonize soil analysis methods and data so that soil information is comparable and interpretable across laboratories, countries and regions. Evidence-based decisions are critical to the achievement of Sustainable Soil Management (SSM), food security and nutrition, and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. While the quantity and quality of soil data are fundamental, soil information must also be harmonized and globally consistent to have impact. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are sets of step-by-step written instructions that help lab staff to carry out routine operations by describing, in detail, how to perform a laboratory process or experiment safely and effectively. SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality of output and uniformity of performance, while reducing miscommunication and failure to comply with laboratory and international standards. The harmonization of laboratory standard operating procedures and methods is at the basis of harmonizing soil laboratory data.
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    Standard operating procedure for soil microbial biomass (carbon): chloroform fumigation-extraction method 2024
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    Microbial biomass is considered as an estimation of soil biological activities and the capacity to mediate soil biochemical reactions. It is the most dynamic and labile of soil organic matter fractions, generally accounting for 1 to 5 percent of soil organic matter and very sensitive to soil management. The need to quantify soil microbiota has become increasingly relevant in current times as they are responsible for many different processes like the degradation of organic matter, the stability of aggregates and most of the nutrient cycling that occurs in soils. This standard operating procedure (SOP) focuses on the determination of soil microbial biomass using the chloroform fumigation-extraction method, which is applicable to both aerobic and anaerobic conditions over the whole range of soil pH, regardless of land use type. While chloroform fumigation also affects soil fauna, the carbon aliquot derived from these organisms is generally small (less than 5 percent) and can usually be disregarded.

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