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The Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth Union, Workshop in Lao PDR (26-27 January 2005), would like to extend their sincere thanks to FAO and UNESCO Bangkok for supporting the workshop through the provision of financial and technical support. Special appreciation is extended to Malcolm Hazelman, Senior Extension, Education and Communications Officer from the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, A.H.A. Hakeem, APPEAL Coordinator from UNESCO-APPEAL, Bangkok, and to Annika Kaipola, Gender and Poverty Reduction Officer from FAO Representation in Lao PDR. In addition, we extend appreciation and thanks to representatives and presenters from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Education of Lao PDR, the FAO Office in Vientiane, various UN agencies, staff of the Lao Youth Union as well as the participants from provinces and districts for their contributions and participation that enabled a successful conclusion of the workshop.

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