The Lao Peoples Revolutionary Youth Union (Lao Youth Union, or LYU) collaborated with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in conducting a national rural youth workshop on "Rural Youth, Food Security and Sustainable Rural Development" in Vientiane, Lao Peoples
Democratic Republic (26 and 27 January 2005). The workshop was an important step towards placing youth-related issues on the Governments and international agencies agenda. It brought together 61 rural youth (24 women and 37 men) from all 18 provinces and representatives from the Government and international agencies to address the needs, constraints and challenges confronting young people in the country. FAO, LYU and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the LYU provided technical and financial support.
Presentations touched on various themes, such as rural youths employment opportunities, income generation, formal and non-formal education, agriculture and rural development, HIV/AIDS, drug abuse and sanitation-related issues, and provided experiences, knowledge gained and new concepts.