Phetsakhone Luanaphay, Acting Secretary-General of the Lao Peoples Revolutionary Youth Union and Leena Kirjavainen, FAO representative for Lao PDR made welcoming comments during the inaugural session.
In his opening remarks, Phetsakhone Luanaphay expressed appreciation and gratitude to FAO for providing support to conduct the workshop. He referred briefly to the important role that the LYU plays as the leading arm involved with youth matters in the country. He also proposed future cooperation with all parties in addressing the many challenges confronting youth, especially those living in rural areas, including at least one project focusing on the needs of rural youth.
Leena Kirjavainen, on behalf of FAO, stressed the importance of this first national rural youth workshop as an opportunity for young men and women representing all provinces to discuss, learn and share views about current issues. She emphasized that youths concerns, comments and arguments bring new content and perspectives in possible linkages between rural youth and various sectors. She also emphasized that the youths input and active participation was needed to develop concrete and practical recommendations.