Formulation Indicators |
Implementation Indicators |
Monitoring Indicators |
Evaluation Indicators |
Situation |
Alert |
Initial set a 0 |
- Valorization of local expertise, knowledge and local technologies
Set a 1 |
- Forest area/1 |
- Research and extension capacity |
-Forest area/1 |
Results of: Initial set a 0 + Set a1: analysis of Forest Inventory |
Supplementary set a 2 |
- Forest area converted to other uses/9 |
- Forest area converted to other uses /2 |
Results of: Initial set a 0 + Set al + Supplementary set a 2: analysis of Forest Management |
Organization of set of Indicators for Forest Management |
Set a 0 + Set a 1: Forest Inventory + Set a 2: Forest Management |
Formulation |
Indicators |
Implementation Indicators |
Monitoring Indicators |
Evaluation Indicators |
Situation |
Alert |
Initial set b 0 |
- Forest area/1 |
- Forest area converted to other uses /9 |
- Valorization of local expertise, knowledge and local technologies
- Forest area/1 |
- % of managed forest according to a management plan or management guidelines/55 |
Set b1 |
- Forest area and % of area managed primarily for soil protection/66
- Forest area and % of area managed primarily for soil protection/66
Results of: Initial set b 0 + Set b1: analysis of Environment, Soil and Water Conservation |
Set b1-1 |
- Forest land area with a conserahle soil erosion/68 |
- Number of endangered forests, and change process/33 |
Results of: Initial set b 0 + Set b 1 + Set b 1 -1: analysis of Watershed Management |
Set b2 |
- Area of natural forest or forest assimilated as such, and change
process/23 |
- Management of landscape/77 |
- Area of natural forest or forest assimilated as such, and change
process/23 |
Results of: Initial set b0 + Set b2: analysis of Nature Conservation System, National Parks and Protected Area |
Set b2-1 |
- Area of strictly protected forest reserves, and forests that are protected by a special management regime and change process/26 |
- Area of strictly protected forest reserves, and forests that are protected by a special management regime and change process/26 |
- Production of non-wood forest products/80 |
Results of Initial set b0+ Set b2 + Set b2-1- analysis of Wildlife Management and Protected Areas |
Set b2-1-1 |
- Share of forest sector in GNP/GDP |
- Share of forest sector in GNP/GDP |
Results of: Initial set b 0 + Set b2 + Set b2-1 + Set b2-1-1: analysis of Wildlife Resources |
Results of the whole set: analysis of Ecosystems Conservation |
FOREST GENETIC and SEEDS analysed by the following set:
Formulation Indicators |
Implementation Indicators |
Monitoring Indicators |
Evaluation Indicators |
Situation |
Alert |
- Area of forest and vegetation types/3 |
- Valorization of local expertise, knowledge and local technologies
- Area of strictly protected forest reserves, and forests that
are protected by a special management regime and change process/26 |
- Proportion of plantations managed for the conservation and the use of forest genetic resources/29 |
FUELWOOD SECTOR analysed by the following set:
Formulation Indicators |
Implementation Indicators |
Monitoring Indicators |
Evaluation Indicators |
Situation |
Alert |
- Forest area/1 |
- Forest area converted to other uses/9 |
-Valorization of local expertise, knowledge and local technologies
- Forest plantationa area per species category/4 |
- % of managed forest according to a management plan or management guidelines/55 |
Formulation Indicators |
Implementation Indicators |
Monitoring Indicators |
Evaluation Indicators |
Situation |
Alert |
Initial set c 0 |
- Forest area/1 |
- Forest area converted to other uses/9 |
- Valorization of local expertise, knowledge and local technologies
- Forest area/1 |
- % of managed forest according to a management plan or management guidelines/55 |
Set c1 |
- Total standing volume/14 |
- Total standing volume/14 |
Results of: Initial set c 0 + Set c1: analysis of Management of Forest Resources and Village Lands |
Set c2 |
- Average consumption of fuelwood per caput and per year/63 |
- Forest land area with compacted soils and/or whose physical properties have been altered/70 |
- Volume of wood production/79 |
Results of: Initial set c 0 + Set c2: analysis of Forestry and Rural Development |
Set c3 |
- Volume of wood production/79 |
- Volume of wood production/79 |
Results of: Initial set c0 + Set c3: analysis of Agro-Forestry |
- Area of natural forest or forest assimilated as such, and change process/23 |
- Forest area by ownership type/6 |
Results of the wholes set: analysis of Forestry Land Us |