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Priority Indicators Used Currently

Indicator generally less used, but of which the methodology of measure exists and can be developed

State and change process of forest researches

Forest area /1

Other wooded land area /2

Area of forest and vegetation types /3

Forest plantations area per species category /4

Forest area by ownership type /6

Forest areas converted to other uses /9

Biomass according to forest types /11

Total standing volume /14

Average standing volume, possibly by vegetation zones or site classes /15

Change over time of total standing volume /20 *

Change over time of total standing volume possibly according to vegetation zones or sites classes /21 *

Distribution by diameter classes and change process /22 *

Biological diversity:

Area of natural forest or forest assimilated as such, and change process /23

Proportion of mixed plantations with 2-3 species and change process /24 *

Area of strictly protected forest reserves, and forests that are protected by a special management regime and change process /26

Area of protected forest zones by forest type /27

Proportion of plantations managed for the conservation and the use of forest genetic resources /29

Annual clearing of forest ecosystems which contain endemic species /31 *

Number of forest species /32

Number of endangered forests and change process /33

Proportion of endangered species/number of forest species, and change process /34

Health and vitality

Areas affected by insect attacks or diseases, divided according to seriousness /37 *

Forest area and other wooded land burnt annually /38

Forest area (and % of forest) affected by: - permanent flooding /42 *

Forest area (and % of forest) affected by: - drought /44 *

Forest area (and % of forest) affected by: - wind erosion /45 *

% of regeneration area with serious damage caused by wildlife or grazing /51 *

Production of wood and other forest products

% of managed forest according to a management plan or management guidelines /55

Area and % of forests with a sustained production objective, in comparison with forest area under permanent production /56

Area of forest land available for wood production /57

Volume of estimated sustainable forest production compared to total production /61

Priority Indicators Used Currently

Indicator generally less used, but of which the methodology measure exists and can be developed

Average consumption of fuelwood per caput and per year /63

Quantity and/or total value of harvest of non-wood forest products /65

Soil and water protection

Forest area and % of area managed primarily for soil protection /66

Forest area and % of area managed primarily for water protection., against floods,... /67

Forest land area with a considerable soil erosion /68

Forest land area with compacted soils and/or whose physical properties have been altered /70

Socio-economic functions

Area managed with primary objective: leisure and tourism /75

Maintenance of cultural, social and spiritual values /76

Management of landscape /77

Volume of wood production /79

Production of non-wood forest products/80

Value of wood products

Value of Non-Wood Forest Products

Value of eco-tourism (recreation, hunting)

Share of forest sector in GNP/GDP

Value from forest industries

Value from biomass energy

Forest trade balance

Investment in forest sector and forest products based industries

Employment generation in forest sector

Benefits accruing to local communities

Legal and institutional frameworks

National forest policy, legislation and regulations

Institutional instruments and tools

Economic framework and financial instruments

Research and extension capacity

Valorisation of local expertise, knowledge and local technologies

Transfer and adaptation of appropriate technologies

* To point out the Indicators that did not appear in our six study cases.

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