Pertinent Indicators for GFRA 2000 |
Identified in the 6 study cases |
Possible for the sector-based studies of NFP |
Recommended | ||
Forest area /1 |
x |
x |
Other wooded land area /2 |
x |
x |
Forest plantations area per species category /4 |
x |
x |
Forest area by ownership type /6 |
x |
x |
Forest area by origin /7 |
Forest areas converted to other uses /9 |
x |
x |
Total biomass /10 |
Total carbon storage /13 |
Total standing volume /14 |
x |
x |
Change over time of total biomass /16 |
Change over time of total carbon storage /17 |
Change over time of total standing volume /20 |
x |
Area of strictly protected forest reserves, and forests that are protected by a special management regime and change process /26 |
x |
x |
Forest area and other wooded land burnt annually /38 |
x |
x |
Area of forest land available for wood production /57 |
x |
x |
Possible | ||
Fragmentation of forests /8 |
Biomass according to forest types /11 |
x |
x |
Change in defoliation during the last 5 years /49 |
Forest area and % of area managed primarily for soil protection /66 |
x |
x |
Forest area and % of area managed primarily for water protection, against floods, /67 |
x |
x |
Area managed with primary objective: leisure and tourism /75 |
x |
x |
Maintenance of cultural, social and spiritual values /76 |
x |
x |
Production of non-wood forest products /80 |
x |
x |
Value of Non-Wood Forest Products |
x |
x |