compiled by
André G. Coche
Rome, 1997
This list of selected reference books and monographs (excluding meeting proceedings) was prepared to help students, researchers, field workers and laymen locate and retrieve published information on marine aquaculture. Most of the books selected are less than fifteen years old and are still available either from their publisher or from technical bookstores. Although the majority of them are in English, the list also includes major French, German, Italian and Spanish titles currently available on the subject.
The titles are listed in chronological order of year of publication. For each particular year, they are listed in alphabetical order of authors names. Author, geographic, taxonomic and subject indexes provide further assistance in retrieving the information required. A list of acronyms is given on page vi. Addresses of major publishers and useful contacts are listed separately.
The present circular completes the information on aquaculture literature provided in similar lists published in the same series as follows:
It is planned that subsequent revisions will make it possible to keep these lists current. Suggestions from users of modifications which should be introduced would be welcome. They may be addressed to the Senior Adviser (Aquaculture Development), Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service (FIRI), FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome (Italy).
Such literature compilation could not have been successfully completed without the full support of the staff of the FAO Fisheries Library.
Similarly, this document would not have been published without the perseverance and professionalism of Ms Rine Sola, FAO/FIRI Secretary.
Coche, A.G. (comp.) Aquaculture in fresh waters. An indexed list of non-FAO reference books and monographs, 1951-1997. FAO Fisheries Circular . No. 926. Rome, FAO. 1997. 71p.ABSTRACTA bibliographical list of about 630 selected non-FAO books and monographs providing information related to aquaculture in fresh waters in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Author, geographic, taxonomic and subject indexes provide further assistance in locating the information required. |