الصفحة السابقةالمحتوياتالصفحة المقبلة

قراءات مفيدة

هذه القائمة ليست شاملة بل تعدد بعض عناوين متوافرة ويمكن أن تكون مفيدة في الاستزادة من البحث

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Bruce, J. & Migot-Adholla, S. ed. 1993. SearchIng for land tenure security in Africa. Dubuque, IA, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company

Dale, P & McLaughlin, J. 1988. Land Information management، Oxford .Clarendon Press

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De Soto, H. 2000. The mystery of capital. New York, Basic Books

Dorner, P. 1992. Latin American land reforms in theory and practice .Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin Press

Feder, G. & Feeny, D. 1991. Land tenure and property rights: theory and implIcations for development policy. The World Bank Economic Review 5(1): pp. 135-153

Feder, G., Onchan, T., Chalamwong, Y. & Hongladarom, C. 1988. Land policies and farm productivty in Thailand. Baltimore, MD, John .Hopkins University Press

FAO. 1999. Thésaurus muitilingue du foncier: version francaise. Rome

Ghonemy, M.R. 1993 (محمد رياض الغنبمي) Land,food and rural development in North Africa. London, IT and Westview Press

Ghonemy, M.R. 1998 ( محمد رياض الغنبمي ) Affluence and poverty in the Near East. London and New York, Routledge

GTZ (Deutsche Gesellscahft für Technishe Zusammenarbeit). 1998. Land tenure in Development Cooperation: Guiding Principles. Wiesbaden .Universum Verlagsanstalt

Hardin, G. 1968. The tragedy of the commons. Science 162: 1343-1348

Ilerrera, A. 2000. New approaches to land reform. Rome, FAO

Macpherson, C.B. ed. 1981. Property: mainstream and critical positions .Toronto, University of Toronto

Norton, R.D. Forthcomig. Agricultural Development Policy: Concepts and Experiences. Rome, FAO

Palmer, D. 1999. Making land registration more effective. SD-Dimensions .Rome, FAO

Prosterman, R. & Riedinger, J. 1987. Land reform and democratic development. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press

Riddell, J. 2000. Contemporary thinking on land reform. SD-Dimensions ,Rome, FAO

Simpson, S.R. 1976. Land law and registration. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

Thiesenhusen, W. 1995. Broken promises: agrarian reform and the Latin American campesino. Boulder, Co., Westview Press

UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe). 1996. Land Administration Guidelines. New York and Geneva: United Nations


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