(dans leur langue originale)
- Albania
- Algérie
- Cyprus
- France
- Italy
- Japan
- Malta
- Maroc
- Slovenia
by Roland Kristo
Fisheries Research Institutes is involved in two main directions on the frame of research:
1) Fish stock assessment, and
2) Aquaculture
In the frame of demersals fish stock assessment of resources, there are several programs:
a) national program financed by Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
b) Medits program, financed by EU, and
c) ADRIAMED bottom trawl - survey program
(Regarding ADRIAMED Project, there are under implementation)
The commercial catch monitoring and biological sampling of small pelagic, jointly with the other countries involved in ADRIAMED: Croatia, Italia and Slovenia.
As a Fisheries Directorate, we are under implementation of survey on socio-economic data in the frame of Adriamed project. The survey was implemented in every fishing port and the sample group was choice in random way. Three forms compose this survey:
1. Personal data
2. Crew working conditions and fishing.
3. Maritime district characteristics and relations.
The fishery statistical system is being strengthened by the assistance of ADRIAMED Project. This data are regarding catch efforts assessment survey in the four main fishing ports of Albania.
Dans le cadre du développement des programmes de recherche dans le domaine de la pêche, lAlgérie dispose dune institution de recherche relevant du Ministère de la pêche et des ressources Halieutiques et des structures de recherche relevant du Ministère de lenseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique.
Sagissant du secteur de la pêche et des ressources halieutiques qui dispose dun Centre Nationale dEtudes et de Documentation pour la Pêche et lAquaculture (CNDPA) et qui développe une recherche appliquée a savoir:
La réalisation dune étude sur linventaire des activités de la pêche artisanale. Cette étude consiste au recensement et la description des sites de débarquements, des engins de pêche et des espèces ciblées.
Lenquête cadre pour le recensement des activités des pêches visant lélaboration dune base de données sur létat des pêcheries nationales et de la flottille.
Létude des indicateurs socio-économiques de pêcheries a pour objectifs:
Une étude socio-économique des populations de pêcheurs
Lanalyse de lenvironnement socio-économique et institutionnel du secteur de la pêche.
Etat des lieux concernant sur lutilisation des engins de pêche dans les pêcheries nationales
La détermination de la première maturité sexuelle des espèces les plus commercialisées
Il est à souligner que les trois premiers thèmes sont programmés dans le cadre du projet FAO/COPEMED initiés en fin 2002.
Evaluation des ressources halieutiques, ce programme rentre dans le cadre de la coopération internationale:
Le projet Evaluation des Ressources Halieutiques (ERH) a été réalisé avec lappui et lassistance technique Allemande.
La campagne nationale dévaluation des ressources halieutiques avec lassistance technique Espagnole. Cette compagne a permis lévaluation des ressources halieutiques pélagiques et démersales.
Dans ce cadre lAlgérie dispose de plusieurs institutions de formation et de recherche dans le domaine halieutique a savoir:
(a) L'Institut des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Aménagement du littoral (ISMAL)
Linstitut national de formation supérieur et de recherche dans le domaine océanographique et l'halieutique; il dispose de:
Un potentiel scientifique important confirmé dans les spécialités océanographiques différentes avec des spécialités dans le domaine des sciences halieutiques.
Un navire de recherche de 25m en plus de deux autres embarcations de 10 et 12 mètres afin de réaliser des études de prospection axées essentiellement sur lenvironnement marin.
(b) Université des sciences de la technologie Houari Boumediene/faculté des sciences biologiques
Cette faculté dispose de six (06) équipes, avec 24 chercheurs structurés dans des laboratoires ayant trait aux sciences de la mer dont un laboratoire d'halieutique.
(c) Université d'Annaba
Avec 14 chercheurs couvrant les principales disciplines à savoir l'halieutique, l'aquaculture, la pollution marine et l'environnement marin. Cette université entreprend des travaux de recherche sur l'ichtyo- faune côtière d'Annaba (biologie et écologie).
(d) Université d'Oran
Elle dispose de 09 chercheurs travaillant surtout sur la pollution marine;
(e) Université de Bejaia
Avec une équipe de 08 chercheurs; leurs principaux thèmes de recherche ont trait à la pollution marine.
(f) Universités de Tizi-ouzou et de Mostaganem
De leur côté, ces universités disposent de petites équipes traitant des thèmes de recherche en aquaculture et en halieutique.
Ces institutions, en plus de la formation dans le domaine halieutique, ils mènent des travaux de recherche sur des sujets différents traitant des questions en relation directe ou indirecte avec la pêche. Certains résultats de leurs travaux sont publiés dans les revues scientifiques internationales. Les sujets traités par ces travaux portent surtout sur l'état des stocks des espèces d'intérêt commercial, des études socio-économiques pour l'orientation de l'investissement ainsi que des sujets en relation directe avec l'environnement.
by Nicos Hadjistephanou
In Cyprus, the authority
responsible for the fishery matters is the Department of Fisheries and Marine
Research (DFMR) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and
Environment. The activities of the DFMR concern the research, development and
management of fisheries and aquaculture, the marine ecology, the protection of
endangered species and habitats, physical and chemical oceanography and the
prevention and combat of marine pollution. Furthermore, the Department promoted
supporting programmes to the fishermen, including the construction of fishing
shelters. It is also responsible for the enforcement of the relevant
Research on the capture Fisheries of Cyprus
The Cyprus capture fishery is a small scale fishery. It mainly consists of the Inshore fishery, the Trawl fishery in local and international waters, the Swordfish/Tuna fishery and the Sport fishery.
Research on the inshore and trawl fishery of Cyprus is done for the last two decades, in order to carefully follow the state of the stocks. The data are collected by surveys with the research vessel of the Department and by commercial trawlers surveys. Furthermore, data are collected from the private boats´ catch by random visits to all fishing stations of the Government control coast.
The species being assessed every year are: Mullus surmuletus, Mullus barbatus, Spicara smaris, Boops boops and Pagellus erythrinus. These species represent more than 50% of the total catch of Cyprus.
A 3-year project started at 2000 in Chrysochou bay -an isolated bay on the North coast - aims to evaluate the effect on the catch of the possible withdrawal of the trawlers fishing in the area.
Research on small pelagics is carried out by purse seine surveys, in order to assess the effect of fishing by the purse seiner on the total catch.
National Statistics System
Detailed statistics on the quantities caught of 52 fish species are collected by the Department by the means of log-book sheets and weekly coastal boat fishery reports. Statistics are also collected on the effort and the total production of the Cyprus fishery. A series of other statistical data are also collected, as regards to the fishing fleet, the aquaculture, the employment, the prices, the imports, exports etc.
In order to optimize the existing statistical and information system and achieve data compatible with regional and internationals standards, Cyprus is planning to participate in the MedFIsis TCP project with other Countries of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Other Research Projects
Research on Marine Ecology
Research on the marine ecology is undertaken through various National and EU funded projects. National Projects include:
- The Turtle project which aims to the protection and conservation of marine turtles and their biotopes
- Research in marine biodiversity and identification of natural sites of ecological interest.
- Studies on the ecological relationships among marine macrobenthos and the ambient environment, especially in areas affected by activities such as aquaculture and desalination plants, as well as studies on marine alien and invasive species.
- Wetland monitoring is an on ongoing activity, which includes wetlands, such as the Larnaca Salt lake complex and others.
EU Projects:
- MEDVEG, effects of nutrient release from Mediterranean fish farms on benthic vegetation in coastal ecosystems.
- MedMPA Development of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Region.
- Life, Special areas of conservation (Habitat Directive, 92/43/EEC) in Cyprus.
Research on Oceanography
The DFMR participates in the following ongoing 5th frame EU oceanographic research projects, most of them aiming to develop the operational oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea:
- CYCLOPS-Cycling of Phosphorous in the Mediterranean.
- MAMA, Mediterranean network to Assess and upgrade Monitoring and forecasting Activities in the area.
- MFSTEP, Mediterranean Forecasting System Towards Environmental Predictions.
- MERSEA-strand1, Marine Environment and Security for the European Area.
- SEA-SEARCH, Pan-European Network for Ocean & Marine Data and Information Management.
- ESEAS-RI- European sea level research infrastructure.
Research in Aquaculture
Research in Aquaculture is being done in the Departments experimental stations. The research projects of the sector include:
- Reproduction, development of good quality and quantity of eggs, larval rearing and mass production of fry for the species Pagrus pagrus, Umbrina arrosa, Siganus rivulatus, Dentex dentex, Puntazzo puntazzo, Ancipenser baeri, and others.
- Development of broodstock populations for Pagellus erythrinus and other species,
- Development of practical feeds for mass cultivation of Siganus vivulatus, and
- Development of alternative live food for hatcheries and improvement of existing live food.
En France, les travaux de recherche halieutique pour la Méditerranée sont essentiellement réalisés au sein du laboratoire «Ressources Halieutiques» et du service «Technologie des pêches» de lIFREMER, regroupés au sein du Centre de Recherche Méditerranéen et Tropical de Sète.
Au cours de lannée 2002, léchantillonnage régulier des débarquements des principales espèces commerciales réalisé par lIFREMER dans les principaux ports et criées du littoral français sest poursuivi. Ces données ont été saisies dans la base de données Arpège et ont été utilisées par un groupe de chercheurs français et espagnols pour actualiser lévaluation du stock partagé de merlu du golfe du Lion. Ces résultats ont été présentés au groupe de travail démersaux du sous comité évaluation des ressources de la CGPM.
Les campagnes de chalutage MEDITS menées à partir du navire océanographique «LEUROPE» et destinées à lévaluation directe des ressources démersales en Méditerranée le long des côtes françaises, se sont poursuivies en 2002 pour la 8eme année consécutive.
En 2002 ont aussi commencé les travaux du projet communautaire BEMMFISH (Espagne, France, Italie et Grèce) destiné à la modélisation bio-économique de certaines pêcheries, en particulier la pêcherie franco-espagnole du golfe du Lion.
Le laboratoire IFREMER de Sète a poursuivi en 2002 la réalisation de son programme national pluriannuel détude sur les petits pélagiques et en particulier sur lanchois du golfe du Lion. Le programme consiste en une évaluation annuelle des populations par échointégration (campagnes PELMED du N.O. LEUROPE) et en études sur le comportement et la variabilité spatio-temporelle de lespèce. Les résultats de cete campagne ont été présentés au groupe de travail petits pélagiques du sous comité évaluation des ressources de la CGPM.
Létude du thon rouge a vu en 2002 la poursuite de létude de linfluence de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des upwellings côtiers du golfe du Lion, via limagerie satellitaire, sur les populations de juvéniles de thon rouge (collaboration entre lIFREMER et lIRD). Par ailleurs le projet communautaire STROMBOLI, coordonné par lIFREMER (avec ES et IT) a pris fin en 2002. Ce projet consistait dune part en lanalyse des données historiques sur la pêche du thon rouge et dautre part en lanalyse des données provenant de missions aéroportées réalisées pendant les 3 années du projet. pour dénombrer les concentrations de thon rouge en surface. Les résultats ont montré que lon peut espérer utiliser cette méthodologie pour calculer des indices dabondance du stock de surface dans le golfe du Lion.
Lactivité et la production de la flottille thonière ont continué dêtre suivies en soutien à ces travaux (mais, à cause du développement de la pratique dengraissement en cages, il devient de plus en plus difficile daccéder aux données conrenant la pêche du thon rouge).
Le rôle des caractéristiques des engins de pêche et de leur utilisation est une question majeure des problèmes posés par lapplication de la politique des pêches de lUnion Européenne et, dune façon générale, de limpact des techniques de pêches sur lenvironnement et les ressources en Méditerranée. Au cours de lannée 2002, le service de Technologie des pêches a poursuivi ses actions dans ce domaine, en particulier les travaux orientés vers lévaluation des capacités des flottilles de pêche.
1. Introduction
Fisheries research in Greece is carried out by Fisheries Research Institutes, University Departments and Ministry Laboratories. Although these different research Institutes do not belong to the same administrative authority, the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for the Fisheries Policy. Fisheries in Greek waters are characterised as multi-species and multi-gear activity, which targets to demersal and pelagic fish stocks. The demersals such as hake, red mullet, cephalopods and shrimps are mainly caught by trawlers, while the small pelagics such as sardine, anchovy, bogue, Mediterranean horse mackerel and scombridae are caught by purse seiners. Besides the EC Regulations, National legislation does exist and it includes several restrictions mainly related to closed seasons-areas.
The recent application of the National Program for Collection of Fisheries Data in 2002 (NP) according to Reg.(EC)1639/2001 "establishing the minimum and extended Community programmes for the collection of data in the fisheries sector and laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) 1543/200" offers the opportunity to Greece as well as to all other Member States to better co-ordinate their fisheries research. Moreover, the research and fisheries data collection of our NP extend to all sectors of the fisheries sector and cover a methodological approach which eventually will be standardised with the Members States in the Mediterranean Basin. As a result, better assessment of the stocks and management techniques could be developed based on an integrated approach for the fishing industry aiming to efficiency, sustainability of the fisheries resources and to the amelioration of the socioeconomic development of fisheries depended areas.
The N.P. involves the following aspects:
- Gathering of data concerning fisheries capacities
- Gathering of data related to fishing effort
- Gathering of data related to catches and landings
- The processing of parameters concerning the return per unit of effort and fisheries effort for special categories of the Greek commercial fisheries fleets
- Biological sampling with experimental trawler fisheries in the Greek seas
- Assessment of the parameters of biological sampling of landings
- Collection of data concerning the processing industry
- The setting up of a fisheries database.
- International Coordination between fisheries research bodies
2. Fisheries research studies carried out in 2002
In addition to the above mentioned National Program for Collection of Fisheries Data which is carried out by three fisheries research institutes, i.e. National Centre for Marine Research (NCMR), Institute of Marine Biology of Crete (IMBC) and of Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) on behalf of the Hellenic Ministry of Agriculture and European Commission, the following research fisheries studies/projects have been carried out in Greece in 2002. Besides, the studies/projects below, there are several other research projects of regional concern that involve studies of certain species and propose certain managerial measures that have limited regional effect on fisheries.
Research fisheries studies/projects carried out by NCMR
- EDFAM: European Decapod Fisheries: Assessment and Management. E.C., DG Fisheries.
- PURSE SEINE: The purse seine landing composition in Eastern and Central Mediterranean Sea. E.C., DG Fisheries.
- EDFAM European Decapod Crustacean Fisheries: Assessment and Management options. E.C., DG Fisheries QLK5-CT99/01272,
- Center of Excellence on Fisheries and Coastal Zone Management1466/Â1/3.3.1/381 16.04.2002, Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
- Comparative studies on the current state of fishery of the native population of the shrimp P. kerathurus, N. Mediterranean. E.C., DG Fisheries
- RESHIO Exploration of pristine red shrimp resources and comparison with the exploited ones in the Ionian Seas. E.C., DG Fisheries 99/029.
- Socio-economic consequences of CFP to the fishing gears and fisheries production in National and regional level. Ministry of Agriculture.
Research fisheries studies/projects carried out by FRI
- ANREC "Association of Physical and Biological processes acting on Recruitment and post Recruitment of Anchovy, Q5RS-2002-01216 E.C., D.G. Fisheries
- FORM: Fish oil and meal replacement E.C., DG Fisheries
- FPPARs: Cloning and functional analysis of fish peroxisome proliferators-activated receptors: The transcriptional control of lipid metabolism in farmed fish species E.C., D.G. Fisheries
- IMPACTO Assessing the impact of bivalve fisheries on the benthic ecosystems of the Ria Formosa lagoon (Portugal), Venice lagoon (Italy), Aegean Sea (Kavala, Greece) and on the juvenile flatfish in the South coast of Portugal. E.C., D.G. Fisheries.
- LEONARDO: Multi-media distance learning package for Eastern Europe on Integrated Coastal Management E.C., D.G. V
- PURSE SEINE: The purse seine landing composition in Eastern and Central Mediterranean Sea. E.C., D.G. Fisheries
- SCOMBER: Fisheries and population structure of Scomber spp. in the Mediterranean and S. Iberian Atlantic waters. E.C., D.G. Fisheries
- The effects of eutrophication to the macro societies of coastal zone and factors of environmental perturbations. General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
- CoastLearn II: Development of Transnational Networks ÅõñùðáúêÞ ÅðéôñïðÞ - Ã.Ä. V, Leonardo da Vinci
Research fisheries study/project carried out by IMBC
- Fine genetic structure of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic: study by means of individual tagging, using microsatellite DNA. EU (FAIR CT98-3941).
Research fisheries studies/projects carried out by the Fisheries Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture
- Bio-economic Modeling of the Mediterranean Fisheries (BEMMFISH, Contract No Q5RS-2001-01533) E.C., D.G. Fisheries
- Monitoring of catch and effort data collection in the Saronikos Gulf since 1988 by trawlers and beach seiners, while recently by purse seiners.
Research activities on marine living resources are carried out in Italy by several bodies, both private and public, among which are mainly involved Universities, C.N.R. (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), ICRAM (Istituto Centrale di Ricerca sul Mare), IREPA (Istituto Ricerche Economiche per la Pesca e lAcquacoltura) and SIBM (Societa Italiana di Biologia Marina).
SIBM provides to connect researchers working in this field, organizing meeting and workshop, managing several national and international research programs, publishing an international research journal (Biologia Marina Mediterranea).
In the frame of the National Plan on Fishery and Aquaculture, adopted by the Ministry of Agricultural policy, several research programs has been carried out in 2002, most of them are the continuation of programs previously started.
Demersal resources
Research in this field has been carried out mainly using direct methods. National trawl surveys continued to be carried out (GRUND program). Furthermore, several programs on gears selectivity, fishery ecology, small-scale fishery and bioeconomic modeling were started.
Large Pelagic
Continued the studies on the biology and distribution of Thunnus thunnus, Thunnus alalunga, Xiphias gladius, Sarda sarda, Coryphaena hippurus, Euthynnus alleteratus, Seriola dumerilii.
Small Pelagic
Continued the researches aimed at the stock assessment of anchovies and sardines, with different methods such as echosurvey and landing surveys.
Studies on the distribution and stock assessment of Chamelea gallina were continued, in the Adriatic and of Donax trunculus in the Thyrrenian Sea.
In the frame of the Reg. Ce 1543/00 and 1639/01 several programs were started.
1. Collection of statistical data on fishery (fishing capacity and landings by quantity and value, economical data)
2. Experimental trawl survey (medits)
3. Biological sample of catches
4. Data collection on specific fishing effort
5. Pilot studies on discards of some relevant stocks (trawl fishery)
a) Analyses of time series
b) Data collection on board of fishing vessel
6. Recreational fishing of tuna
Japanese fishery in the Mediterranean Sea is entirely targeted on bluefin tuna by longliners. Recently, Japanese bluefin catch in the Mediterranean Sea has been decreasing from about 800 MT in 1995 to 131 MT in 2001 (data for 2001 is preliminary) mostly due to a decline in fishing effort. On the other hand, Japanese import of bluefin tuna is increasing, and among the import, the proportion of farmed product is drastically increasing in the background that bluefin tuna farming in which Japanese companies are often involved has been developing rapidly and spreading to various Mediterranean countries.
1. Status of stocks of commercially important species
Stock assessment of the eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna including the Mediterranean Sea has been made by the ICCAT SCRS. Most recent assessment was done in 2002 but no clear recommendation was made because of insufficient catch, effort and size data. Instead, more general recommendation, i.e., reduction of bluefin catch, especially catch of smaller fish, was made in order to stop further decline of spawning stock. As for swordfish, there is a problem that the percentage of juveniles in the catch is high, so several management options, such as area/season closure or limit of minimum size, are investigated in the ICCAT SCRS. No comprehensive stock assessments were conducted for albacore in the Mediterranean Sea due to the lack of information.
2. Trend of bluefin tuna import including farmed products
The increase of farmed bluefin production started when the farming technology originated from southern bluefin tuna in Australia was transferred to the Mediterranean countries. No farmed bluefin was imported to Japan from the Mediterranean Sea before 1997. General aspect of bluefin tuna farming is summarized and reported by Miyake et. al. (2002). Also, summary of Japanese import of farmed bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean based on Japanese BTSD (Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document) was reported to this years GFCM/ICCAT meeting (Matsumoto, 2003). A part of data has been modified based on the report of that meeting, i.e. a part of products which is not recorded as farmed are regarded as farmed.
The import of farmed product has been drastically increasing from 261 MT in 1997 to 14,558 MT in 2002. The increase is much more drastic than the increase in the import of total bluefin product accounting for 78% of total import in 2002.
Table 1 shows annual trend in the import of farmed bluefin by exporting countries (final transshipment country). At first products from Spain accounted for most of the import, but imports from other countries such as Croatia, Malta and Italy is increasing in recent years. In 2002, the import from Turkey has also started.
3. Status of research in progress
Research activities for bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean Sea have been conducted under the ICCAT Bluefin Year Program (BYP), in collaboration with GFCM. The BYP covers general biological surveys, improvement of statistics and stock assessment. Japan continues to participate in the BYP.
Japan conducted archival tagging for Bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean in 1999 and 2000. A total of 76 juveniles were released in the two years above mentioned and so far 17 fishes were recovered. The brief analysis of this experiment was already presented to the Joint GFCM/ICCAT meeting held in Malta in 2000. All recovered fishes, ranged 1 to 15 months at liberty, seem to have remained in and around the Adriatic Sea.
4. Status of the monitoring program in progress
For monitoring the fishing activities of Japanese longline boats as well as other large longline boats in the Mediterranean Sea, Japanese Fisheries Agency routinely have sent the patrol boats there and presented the sighting information on FOC/IUU boats to the ICCAT.
5. Marine ecosystem-related studies in progress
Japan, jointly with other longline countries in the Indian Ocean under the framework of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC), has started survey, from 2000 globally, on the predation of tunas and tuna-like-fishes by marine mammals (mostly false killer whale) and sharks. This survey was motivated by serious predation problem in tuna longline catches by porpoises as well as by sharks in the Indian Ocean. In the Indian Ocean, from September 2000 to September 2002, predation rates differed depending on area and season, and average predation rate was from 11 to 31% for tunas (bigeye, yellowfin, southern bluefin and albacore tunas), from 0 to 51% for billfishes and 15% for the total catch (Nishida and Shiba, 2003). This predation rates are very high and not negligible. So far there are no data of predation survey for the vessels operated in the Mediterranean Sea, but we will continue this project and try to collect data including those of the Mediterranean Sea. This project forms a part of multi-species or ecosystem approaches for sustainable use of marine organisms, especially sustainable utilization and control of whale stocks, which have become more and more important subject to study. Also, this project will be useful for more accurate estimates of the removal of stocks in the assessment.
6. Marine environmental studies in progress
With respect to bluefin farming, pollution of environment around the farms and safety as food of farmed bluefin tuna such as dioxin contents in farmed tunas should be carefully monitored in response to recent requirement on increased transparency of cultured fish for the public including consumer. In this respect, according to FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and responding to public awareness and growing interest to safe foods, Japan has established a domestic law that assures the sustainable aquacultures which prevents epidemic diseases and any adverse effects of environment which might be caused by the aquaculture.
7. Researches suggested for consideration by SAC
1) As the amount of farming is still incomplete, precise statistics for farming should be made.
2) Basic statistics such as catch, effort and size data for tuna and tuna-like species in the Mediterranean Sea should be urgently collected or provided so that timely stock assessments for bluefin, swordfish and albacore in the Mediterranean Sea can be made (it is getting more difficult to collect accurate catch and size data used for BFT farming due to the reduced chances for taking measurements).
3) To improve estimation of farmed bluefin tuna in whole weight, conversion keys should be developed for all types of processed products.
4) Similar to the initiative taken by the IOTC, a survey for predation of longline catches by marine mammals and sharks is encouraged to start in the GFCM.
Matsumoto, T. 2003. Summary of the Japanese statistics for the import of farmed Bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean. Meeting of the Ad Hoc GFCM/ICCAT Working Group on Sustainable Tuna Farming/Fattening Practices in the Mediterranean. 14pp.
Miyake, P.M., J.M. de la Serna, A. di Natale, A. Farrugia, N. Miyabe and V. Ticina 2002. General review of bluefin tuna farming in the Mediterranean area. ICCAT SCRS/02/036. 10pp.
Nishida, T. and Y. Shiba. 2003. Report of the predation survey by the Japanese commercial tuna longline fisheries (September, 2000 - September, 2002). IOTC WPTT-03-10. 22pp.
Table 1 Annual trend in the amount of Japanese import of Mediterranean farmed bluefin tuna by country of shipment (mt). Estimated whole weight is used.
Year |
Spain |
Croatia |
Malta |
Italy |
Turkey |
Korea |
Total |
1997 |
260.9 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
260.9 |
1998 |
1,455.9 |
102.7 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
1,558.6 |
1999 |
3,345.6 |
276.6 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
3,622.1 |
2000 |
5,806.5 |
664.3 |
16.3 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
6,487.1 |
2001 |
5,839.4 |
1,349.3 |
842.2 |
115.4 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
8,146.3 |
2002 |
6,006.0 |
3,190.2 |
2,311.3 |
1,640.5 |
1,404.8 |
5.1 |
14,558.0 |
The Malta Centre for Fisheries Sciences (MCFS) within the Fisheries Conservation and Control Division has continued to be active in fisheries research and participation in international cooperation programmes as well as in activities of international fisheries bodies during the intersessional period.
Catch Assessment Scheme
The results of a 10-month pilot catch and effort data collection scheme were analysed and the protocol was revised accordingly. The official Catch Assessment Scheme for vessels under 10m in length was launched in January 2003, whereby 6 representative ports are sampled every other month. The data collected are processed by an information system which produces monthly reports on estimates of total catches and effort by species and gear for the sample port, stratum and country.
Trawl surveys and other assessments
The MCFS has also carried out a trawl survey in 2002 within the framework of the MEDITS programme in which a total of 18 hauls were performed in Maltese waters. A software (SAFSIM) developed by CNR-IRMA (Italy), which processes trawl survey data and produces related summary statistics, has been adapted to include the Maltese Geographical Sub-Area (15).
A key role was played by the MCFS in the preliminary assessment of Coryphaena hippurus, within the framework of the COPEMED project, using catch, effort and biological data collected in 2000 and 2001 along with time series data available.
Collaboration with ICCAT in the collection of data on blue-fin tuna and swordfish fisheries and stocks was also maintained through the support of COPEMED.
MedSudMed project
The commitment of the MCFS to participate in the FAO-MedSudMed project has started to materialise through its initial contributions to the multidisciplinary studies on "the distribution of demersal resources and the influence of the environment and fishery characteristics" and on "Marine Protected Areas in relation to fisheries".
MM. Abdellatif BERRAHO et Abdellah SROUR[13]
I. Introduction
La pêche en Méditerranée marocaine participe activement au développement du tissu économique national et particulièrement à celui de la région du Nord du Royaume. Cette activité essentielle sexerce sur lensemble du littoral; elle est pratiquée par une flottille artisanale dite «pêche aux petits métiers» et par par une flottille côtière composée de chalutiers, de sardiniers et de palangriers. Dautres types de pêche existent également: pêche à la madrague et pêche sous-marine.
La recherche halieutique en Méditerranée marocaine est conduite par lInstitut National de Recherche Halieutiques (INRH) qui assure un suivi scientifique par le bais de son Centre Régional de Nador.
Lessentiel des activités du Centre de Nador a été mis en place grâce à lappui technique du projet COPEMED. La consolidation de ces activités continue à bénéficier de cet appui dans le cadre de la deuxième phase dexistence du projet.
II. Etat davancement des activités de recherche.
En 2002, lINRH a poursuivi lexécution des programmes de recherche déjà mis en place qui et qui sont:
- Etude et évaluation des ressources halieutiques
Ce programme est réalisé au moyen des deux approches complémentaires: lévaluation indirecte basée sur léchantillonnage des débarquements commerciaux et lévaluation directe par le biais des campagnes de prospection en mer.
Léchantillonnage biologique a permis la collecte de données bio-statistiques essentielles à lévaluation des ressources qui concernent les prises, les structures démographiques, les paramètres biologiques, etc.., des principales espèces dintérêt commercial: sardine, chinchard, besugue, bogue, rouget de vase, crevette rose.
Le suivi de lactivité des flottilles de pêche et de leur dynamique, est réalisé par la collecte et le traitement des données sur les débarquements, leffort de pêche etc. Ce travail consiste à dépouiller les documents statistiques au niveau des halles au poisson en vue d'actualisation des séries chronologiques deffort de pêche des différentes flottilles.
En terme dévaluation directe, lINRH a réalisé deux campagnes de prospection des principales ressources demersales, dans le cadre du programme «Médits» et deux campagnes de prospection acoustique pour lévaluation des petits pélagiques.
En se basant sur les données collectées, des évaluations ont concerné les stocks des principales espèce exploitées en Méditerranée marocaine à savoir la sardine, le chinchard, le pageot, le rouget de vase et la crevette rose. Ces travaux ont été présentés aux groupes de travail dévaluation qui se sont tenus à Tanger, en mars 2003.
LINRH a participé également aux programmes régionaux relatifs à létude de la biologie et lexploitation des thonidés et espèces apparentées en loccurrence le thon rouge et lespadon. Dans ce cadre, dimportantes informations ont été obtenues et communiquées au Comité scientifique de lICCAT.
- Autres activités scientifiques
Mise en place dun système statistique.
Le système mis en place pour palier au manque de certaines données essentielles à lévaluation des ressources halieutiques, au niveau du système officiel des statistiques de pêche, a été complété en 2002 par lélaboration du module informatique nécessaire au traitement et à lanalyse de données.
Etudes socio-économiques
En 2002, il a été procédé à lactualisation de cette base de données en vue dévaluer:
- La distribution et la dimension de linvestissement dans le secteur de la pêche et son impact économique;
- La situation des différents segments, définis par le CSC;
- Les structures des coûts et dinvestissement;
- Les aspects sociaux;
- Les similarités et les disparités entre les différents segments et ports.
Dans le domaine détude de la pêche artisanale, un programme de recherche est établi pour réaliser des études ponctuelles au niveau des zones et des pêcheries les plus importantes et les plus sensibles. Les deux études de cas déjà identifiées et mises en marche concernent la pêche artisanale dans la lagune de Nador et la pêcherie artisanale au thon rouge géant dans la région de Ksar Sghir.
Les principaux objectifs de ces deux études consistent à appréhender:
- Les principales caractéristiques socio-économiques;
- Les aspects liés à la commercialisation;
- Lestimation des captures et de leffort de pêche.
En 2002, une tentative a été lancée pour lapplication du logiciel «MEFISTO» sur les flottilles sardinière et chalutière au niveau de certaines régions de la Méditerranée marocaine.
Interactions filets de pêche- mammifères marins
Ce programme a été entamé durant l'année 2000. l'objectif est lexpérimentation dun tube disperseur des dauphins et l'évaluation, à moyen terme, du degré réel de limpact économique posé par linteraction entre filets de pêche et dauphins en vue de réduire les dégâts causés aux filets de pêche par lattaque des dauphins et de contribuer aux réglementations internationales pour la conservation des espèces protégées.
Les résultats préliminaires montrent que des pertes substantielles sont causées aux pêcheurs par limpact de ce phénomène; ces pertes se concrétisent par les frais supplémentaires de ramendage des filets, les frais additifs sur lamortissement des filets suite à la diminution de leur durée de vie, les pertes totales ou partielles des captures lors des opérations de pêche.
Etudes de lécosystème marin.
Ce volet comporte létude de la biodiversité marine en Méditerranée, le suivi déchouage des grands mammifères marins et des tortues, en plus du suivi de la qualité du milieu marin et notamment les milieux à écosystème fragile tels que la lagune de Nador et les zones de production conchylicole en loccurrence laxe Ras Kebdana - Saîdia.
Travaux de Cartographie.
Grâce à lutilisation des différentes données existantes sur la bathymétrie et la distribution géographique des principales espèces de poisson dintérêt commercial et au moyen de loutil SIG, deux cartes ont été élaborées: lune concernant les profils bathymétriques en Méditerranée et lautre qui est une carte de pêche faisant ressortir la distribution des principales ressources halieutiques de la Méditérranée.
Slovene marine fishery research in the light of cooperation within FAO-ADRIAMED
Marine fishery research in Slovenia is still poorly developed. Recently, marine fishery biology was moved from National Institute of Biology to Fishery Research Institute. Despite of promising name of institution only one researcher is engaged with marine fishery. The only component of the national fishery research program is "Monitoring of demersal fishery resources of Slovene Sea" which is financed from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. Collection of data is based on the bottom trawl surveys performed by commercial fishing vessel.
Two more researchers were involved in fishery research since FAO-AdriaMed project started. One researcher employed at the National Institute of Biology and the other in industry. Fishery research activities of both researcher are funded exclusively by FAO and limited with duration of projects.
Slovene cooperation within FAO-ADRIAMED
Identification of population units in Adriatic Sea shared stocks by genetic structure analysis.
The most prominent Slovene research contribution belongs to collaboration within IPUAS project. The complete protocol for isolation of microsatellite markers was setting up in the laboratory at National Institute of Biology as it proposed in the IPUAS project proposal. The adopted protocol was FIASCO protocol originally described by Zane et al., 2002. Seven microsatellite markers were isolated and optimized for Pagellus erythrinus which were first microsatellite markers up to now described for this species. All seven described microsatellite markers were used in screening of individuals from genetic area I. Four microsatellite markers were used to screening individuals from genetic area III, and two microsatellite markers were used for screening individuals from genetic area VI. Described microsatellite markers were highly polymorphic. Calculated basic parameters indicate possibility of sampling distinct demes. A suite of microsatellite markers will be used in further genetic analysis to resolve the genetic structure of P. erythinus. Isolation of microsatellite markers from Eledone moschata is going on. A few microsatellites were already isolated and two of them need to be optimized for genotyping of individuals. Genotyping of individuals Merlangius merlangus using microsatellite markers was not finished yet.
Advantages and perspectives of IPUAS project in Slovenia
Regarding to isolation of microsatellites, which is laborious and required well equipped laboratory and skilled staff, efficient and reliably protocol for microsatellite isolation was adopted. Through financial support from AdriaMed we are able to implement FIASCO protocol and we learn some new techniques of molecular biology. Of high importance is acquisition of new knowledge how to use microsatellite in resolving of population structuring of marine fishes. Up to now only one person is involved in the IPUAS project. We would like to involve another person and on such a way accelerate and extend the work on the project.
Data collection and biological sampling system on small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea.
Until now data on small pelagics were collected in each country applying different methodology and different space-temporal coverage. Therefore, the results were not comparable and data analysis risked to be incomplete because the lack of information.
ADRIAMED-SP represents a serious tentative to built a network in Adriatic for statistical and biological data collection which based on the same approach in field and in the laboratory in all participating countries. In 2003 the joint elaboration and analysis of data were performed and presented on a meeting of GFCM-SAC Subcommittee of Stock Assessment on March 2003. AdriaMed-SP could be a good start for joint management of small pelagic species leading to a more rationale exploitation and to reduction of discards (sardines in Italy and anchovy in Slovenia and Croatia- Eastern and Western markets show different preferences).
Pilot joint echo-survey and training exercise in a northern part of the Adriatic Sea to assess the pelagic fish biomass and correlation with environmental parameters.
This was the first successful attempt of joint hydroacustic research within Adriatic Sea. It is very important to note that all users of small pelagic fish resources in the northern Adriatic Sea collaborated together with aim to get essential information needed for proper sustainable management of these common and shared resources of the Adriatic Sea. Besides biomass estimations, this kind of joint international echo-surveys also offer a lot of possibilities to perform many different research activities on environment and biology of pelagic fish populations, thus providing additional important information to fishery scientists and managers.
International bottom trawl survey in the Adriatic Sea.
The most important demersal commercial stocks in the Adriatic Sea are almost all exploited and shared by different fishing fleets. There is strong need to carry out common monitoring and assessment over the whole Adriatic basin. The AdriaMed trawl survey is extension of GRUND and supplement of MEDITS survey in the Adriatic Sea.
Slovene contribution to the ADRIAMED trawl survey consist of logistical support before and during the survey in territorial waters as well of treatment of biological material.
Establishment of Statistical unit in the Fishery department of the Ministry of agriculture, forestry and food.
After a certain period of delay the National Program for Establishment of Statistical Unit in the Fishery Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food was made. According the proposal initial phase of a new fishery statistics system will start in June 2003. Full functionality of system is expected to the end of the year 2003. The new fishery statistical system will provide appropriate fishery statistics not only for national but also for international demands.
[12] Document presented to
the Sixth Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the GFCM,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 30 June-3 July 2003 [13] Respectivement, Directeur Général de lINRH et Directeur Centre Régional de lINRH à Nador. [14] Prepared by: Adnreja Ramšak. [15] Prepared by: Tjaša Kariš. [16] Prepared by: Tjaša Kariš. |