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New books on conservation of tropical forest tree species from the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

Recently, ITTO in collaboration with the Regional Centre for Forest Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, published four books dealing with various aspects of conservation and management of tropical timber species. These four publications are described briefly below:

1. State of the Art Review on Conservation of Forest Tree Species in Tropical Asia and the Pacific. 98 pp.

Reviews current regional and national policy and legislation dealing with conservation of tree species of five countries (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Papua New Guinea). Reports on the conservation status of tree genetic resources at regional and national levels, and a discusses related education, training and public awareness.

2. Operational Plans for the Conservation of Tropical Timber Species in Southeast Asian Countries. 101 pp.

Briefly addresses the step necessary in both in and ex situ conservation in South East Asian countries. Enabling conditions and operational considerations for in and ex situ conservation are also reviewed, based on country case studies.

3. Technical Guidelines for the Establishment and Management of In situ Conservation Stands of Tropical Timber Species. 52 pp.

Reviews needs, definitions, policy and legislation, strategy and implementation of in situ conservation in both managed production forests and strictly protected areas.

4. Technical Guidelines for the Establishment and Management of Ex situ Conservation Stands of Tropical Timber Species. 117 pp.

Reviews and discusses a number of ex situ conservation methods and steps towards their implementation. Includes the roles of arboreta, gene conservation stands, seed production areas and seed orchards, and the setting up of propagation and storage facilities, seed gene banks, and education and public awareness programmes.

All the above publications are written in an easily understood style, and cover a very broad and important range of topics related to conservation in tropical timber species. They are a welcome addition which complements other available information on the conservation of forest genetic resources.

Copies may be obtained from Forest Research Institute of Malaysia FRIM at no cost, but postage will have to be paid.

Contact address:
Dr. Abdul Rahim Nik
Forest research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM)
Kepong, 52109 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel.: 60-3-62742633
Fax.: 60-3-62767753
E-mail: [email protected]

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