Estudios FAO: Desarrollo económico y social
Las reformas de política y el sector agrícola
65 Agricultural stabilization and structural adjustment policies in developing countries (A.H. Sarris, 1987)
66 Agricultural issues in structural adjustment programs (R.D. Norton, 1987)
84 Measures of protection: methodology, economic interpretation and policy relevance (P.L. Scandizzo, 1989)
90 The impact of stabilization and structural adjustment policies on the rural sector - case-studies of Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Liberia, Zambia and Morocco (P. Salin y E.-M. Claassen, 1991)
95 Guidelines for monitoring the impact of structural adjustment programmes on the agricultural sector (A.H. Sarris, 1990)
96 The effects of trade and exchange rate policies on production in agriculture (C. Kirkpatrick y D. Diakosavvas, 1990)
98 Institutional changes in agricultural product and input markets and their impact on agricultural performance (A. Thomson, 1991)
99 Agricultural labour markets and structural adjustment in sub-Saharan Africa (L.D. Smith, 1991)
100 Structural adjustment and household welfare in rural areas - a micro-economic perspective (R. Gaiha, 1991)
103 The impact of structural adjustment on smallholders (J.-M. Boussard, 1992)
104 Structural adjustment policy sequencing in sub-Saharan Africa (L.D. Smith y N. Spooner, 1991)
105 The role of public and private agents in the agricultural sector of developing countries (L.D. Smith y A. Thomson, 1991)
115 Design of poverty alleviation strategy in rural areas (R. Gaiha, 1993)
124 Structural adjustment and agriculture: African and Asian experiences (A. de Janvry y E. Sadoulet, 1994)
125 Transition and price stabilization policies in East European agriculture (E.-M. Claassen, 1994)
128 Agricultural taxation under structural adjustment (A.H. Sarris, 1994)
131 Trade patterns, cooperation and growth (P.L. Scandizzo, 1995)
134 Rural informal credit markets and the effectiveness of policy reform (A.H. Sarris, 1996)
135 International dynamics of national sugar policies (T.C. Earley y D.W. Westfall, 1996)
136 Growth theories, old and new, and the role of agriculture in economic development (N.S. Stern, 1996)
107 Land reform and structural adjustment in sub-Saharan Africa: controversies and guidelines (J.-Ph. Platteau, 1992). Versión francesa: Réforme agraire et ajustement structurel en Afrique subsaharienne: controverses et orientations.
110 Agricultural sustainability: definition and implications for agricultural and trade policy (T. Young, 1992)
121 Policies for sustainable development: four essays (A. Markandya, 1994)
132 The economics of international agreements for the protection of environmental and agricultural services (S. Barrett, 1996)
Halting degradation of natural resources. Is there a role for rural communities? (J.-M. Baland y J.-Ph. Platteau, 1996). Oxford University Press.
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