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Annex 2: Summary findings of the project, Facilitating Sustainability of Livelihoods of Mobile Pastoralist Communities, A learning-by-doing project

Prioritization of Problems

Through several participatory workshops the Koohi communities have identified and prioritized the problems they face. These are:

A. Livestock, Migration and Pasture

B. Economy

C. Services

D. Culture

E. The Nomadic Youth

Project writing workshop and project proposals

Members of the sub-tribe were divided into 5 groups to practice project proposals to solve each of the 5 main problem groups. They came up with the following project proposals:

- Project to buy and distribute livestock feed in a timely manner to the sub-tribe

- Project to promote handicrafts through establishing workshops for dying wool and weaving carpets, kelims and gabbehs

- Project to buy trucks to facilitate migration

- Project to create employment for unemployed youth in the sub-tribe

- Project to establish a mobile library for the sub-tribe


The overall project goals to be achieved in the next 5-10 years were identified by local communities after a participatory workshop. These include:

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