There were four thematic sessions: policy-making and planning
for sustainable aquaculture; technologies for sustainable aquaculture;
aquaculture products: quality, safety, marketing and trade; and aquaculture
development: financing and institutional support. The sessions on policy-making
and planning and technologies for sustainable aquaculture development each
consisted of six sub-sessions, for a total of 14 discussion sessions.
This section gives the full summary and conclusions
(background and issues) and recommendations based on the conference sessions and
deliberations of each discussion session. The primary basis of the reports is
the thematic reviews presented at each session, the panel discussions and the
highly intensive open fora. The session summaries were prepared by the
chairpersons and rapporteurs (who were also panel discussants), in collaboration
with the other panellists of each session. First drafts of the session reports
were presented at the penultimate plenary session and further discussed. The
chairpersons, rapporteurs and panellists then incorporated the results of the
penultimate plenary forum into their reports, which were subsequently written up
as conclusions (background and issues) and recommendations.
2.2.1 Thematic Session 1.1: Increasing
the contribution of aquaculture for food security and poverty
2.2.2 Thematic Session 1.2:
Integrating aquaculture into rural development in coastal and inland
2.2.3 Thematic Session 1.3: Involving
stakeholders in aquaculture policy-making, planning and management
2.2.4 Thematic Session 1.4: Promoting
sustainable aquaculture through economic incentives
2.2.5 Thematic Session 1.5:
Establishing legal institutional and regulatory frameworks for aquaculture
development and management
2.2.6 Thematic Session 1.6: Building
the information base for aquaculture policy-making, planning and
2.2.1 Thematic Session 1.1: Increasing
the contribution of aquaculture for food security and poverty
Peter Edwards and Albert G.J. Tacon
Lena Westlund Lofval
Mahfuzuddin Ahmed, Denis Bailly, D. K. Chowdhury, M. C.
Nandeesha, Philip Townsley, Wilfredo Yap
1. Aquaculture and fish as food: Background and
- Access to proper food and nutrition is a fundamental human right.
- Poverty is one of the major causes of food insecurity; poverty eradication
is essential to improving access to food.
- Aquaculture contributes to food security and poverty alleviation (livelihoods)
in two ways: as a direct source of nutritious and affordable food for the
poor, and as a productive activity generating employment and income for the
- Food fish has a nutritional profile superior to all other terrestrial meats,
being an excellent source of high quality animal protein and highly digestible
energy. It is an extremely rich source of omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, fat
soluble vitamins (A, D and E), water soluble vitamins (B complex) and minerals
and trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and selenium).
- Within many developing countries in Asia and Africa (particularly in Low-Income
Food-Deficit Countries, LIFDCs), people are much more dependent on fish as
a part of their daily diet than are people living within most developed countries.
This is especially true for vulnerable groups, such as pregnant/lactating
women, infants and pre-school children, who have a higher physiological demand
for nutritious food.
- Highly productive and intensive systems, using formulated feed, tend to
produce higher value aquaculture products for export or domestic consumption.
These products may not be affordable or accessible to poor consumers. Systems
producing products affordable to the poor generally use extensive and semi-intensive
modes of production with predominance of natural feed. Such low-cost produce
may be produced by richer farmers operating large-scale farms supplying the
urban poor. In rural areas where distribution systems are often under-developed,
production of aquaculture products by small-scale farmers may be an important
source of fish for the poor.
From a nutritional point of view, the production of
aquaculture products for human consumption should be encouraged and
Systems for the production of low-value fish affordable for
the poor should be promoted.
2. Aquaculture for rural livelihoods: Background and
- The constraints to the development of aquaculture for food security and
poverty alleviation are economic, social and institutional, rather than purely
- Developing the small-scale rural sector in aquaculture requires initial
support, and more support is needed, and for longer periods, for poorer target
- The development of small-scale rural aquaculture in Asia is facilitated
by the cultural, social and technological context.
- The results of efforts to develop rural aquaculture in Latin America and
Africa have often been well below expectations, and the approaches used have
been wrong. Currently, the resources in many of these countries are declining
and, as a consequence, institutional support for rural aquaculture development
is diminishing.
- Rural aquaculture cannot be considered in isolation from rural development.
Aquaculture development should be an integral part of rural development and
not be seen in separation from other livelihood development strategies.
- The development of small-scale aquaculture is as dependent on an enabling
institutional, economic and political context as is any other activity.
- The extension and development approaches used for rural aquaculture need
to be improved. These should include:
- a holistic, farming systems-based approach integrating aquaculture
into rural livelihoods;
- a participatory, needs-based approach that takes full account of the
capacity of the poor, the resources available to them, and the risks they
- farmer-led extension and research; and
- promotion of sustainable, appropriate technologies commensurate with
the resources available.
- Rural aquaculture has to be developed as an entrepreneurial activity that
is financially viable, even for small-scale operations. This means that choices
regarding the species produced should be based on the best benefits for the
- Improved information on small-scale rural aquaculture, its role in rural
livelihoods and its impact on food security and poverty alleviation need to
be developed and understood, and monitoring systems established. This will
require the development of better indicators.
3. Aquaculture and poverty alleviation: Background and
- Aquaculture is not necessarily an appropriate activity for the poor because
it requires secure access to resources. Opportunities for involving the poor
in aquaculture can be found by exploiting small, marginal or under-utilised
water resources; securing their access to common-pool resources; strengthening
their capacity for management through associations or community-based organisations;
and involving them in service provision for aquaculture.
- Furthermore, aquaculture may adversely effect the livelihoods of the poor
by diverting food resources for use as feed, degrading the environment, affecting
access to common-pool resources and disrupting already vulnerable livelihood
- The involvement of the poor in aquaculture must be based on a careful and
realistic assessment of their needs, capacity and access to resources, and
the risks they face.
- Aquaculture development should not adversely effect the livelihoods of
poor people. All aquaculture developments should specifically address and
minimise any potential adverse impacts on the poor.
2.2.2 Thematic Session 1.2:
Integrating aquaculture into rural development in coastal and inland
Simon Bland and Chua Thia Eng
Graham Haylor
Martin Bilio, John Corbin, Matthias Halwart, John Hambrey,
Marie Antoinette Juinio-Menez, Donald MacIntosh, M. Sakthivel, Jintao
1. Policy coherence: Background and issues
- There are often many sectors involved in rural development whose objectives
are sometimes conflicting and counter-productive; communication among stakeholders
and between agencies with separate but overlapping mandates is often limited.
- To encourage essential policy coherence, we suggest a multi-sectoral co-ordinating
process, which brings the stakeholders together to harmonise rural development
activities and maximise coherence. Two focal points for co-ordination, one
at the sectoral policy formulation level and one at the point of service extension,
would help validate if policy coherence is being achieved; this would also
provide a mechanism to link stakeholders to policy decisions.
2. Aquaculture planning and rural development objectives:
Background and issues
Aquaculture planning, being an emerging activity, is often
carried out in relative isolation from other development and resource planning
- Aquaculture planning should be integrated into water resource management
planning for inland areas and into coastal management planning in coastal
areas, as well as into other economic and food security interventions for
rural areas. This approach provides an overall management framework to enable
efficient use of limited resources and adds diversity and value to sectoral
management interventions.
- Experience does not yield a universal model for integration of aquaculture
development into rural development planning and management. However, we recommend
an advocacy function to raise awareness and educate policy makers and those
who implement rural development plans, of aquaculture's potentially important
role. This will include raising awareness of appropriate entry points.
3. Balance of impact: Background and issues
- Some aquaculture activities have caused undesirable environmental, social,
economic and cultural impacts which have damaged public perception of the
positive benefits of aquaculture in rural development.
- Poor people are often inadequately considered, yet aquaculture has demonstrated
potential for poverty alleviation, and when integrated with other economic
activities, the potential for synergies.
- There is a strong case for interventions to be planned and strategic.
- Regulatory and mitigatory mechanisms (e.g., taxation, financial incentives,
voluntary compliance, etc.) should be in place and related to best management
guidelines. Innovative solutions are required to the issues of tenure and
user rights in open access and common property resources.
- Aquaculture development responsibilities should be clearly defined within
and among the public sector, private sector, civil society and producers.
- Improved communication strategies are needed, particularly through extension
delivery systems and information technology.
- Put people first in planning and development, and give special consideration
to poor people.
- Aquaculture should be integrated into rural development, as it has the
potential for poverty alleviation through direct involvement of rural people
in aquaculture production, as well as through employment or involvement in
support activities (e.g., fry nursing, feed collection, transport, etc.).
- Poor people are sometimes inadequately considered and served by aquaculture
initiatives in rural development; this should be addressed by a strong national
- The mechanism for policy development, implementation and feedback should
be participatory and involve an understanding the livelihoods of poor people.
It should improve basic knowledge and skills, utilise indigenous knowledge
and empower people to make informed actions.
4. Integration for wider benefit sharing: Background and
- Aquaculture has been successfully integrated with other economic activities
(agriculture, animal husbandry, tourism, water management) with demonstrated
benefits and synergies.
- These successes need to be documented and more widely shared and promoted,
in order to provide better options for diversified and more stable livelihoods,
and to optimise use of limited resources (e.g., multiple use of irrigation
water, optimal energy flows, human resources).
- Strong efforts are needed to document, widely disseminate and utilise successful
farmer-proven examples (e.g., analysed case studies with identified benefit).
2.2.3 Thematic Session 1.3: Involving
stakeholders in aquaculture policy-making, planning and management
Edwin Rhodes and Sevaly Sen
Helen Dixon and Richard McLoughlin
Imtiaz Ahmed, Nazmul Alam, Martin Bilio, Jason Clay, Courtney
Hough, A. M. Jayasekera, Bjorn Myrseth, Joaquin Orrantia, Mark Prein, Phil
Background and issues
- Stakeholder involvement in policy-making, planning and management is both
context and country specific. As such, recommendations can only be presented
as a framework for the various processes to operate within.
- There was a general feeling that the right process, and management of that
process, is critical to achieving a best result for aquaculture stakeholders.
However, there was acknowledgement that the possibilities of stakeholder involvement
are intricately linked to existing political structures. This means that there
is a need for pragmatism and realism about the use of stakeholder involvement
in particular contexts.
- The need for a high level of certainty about the rights of stakeholders
when involving them in policy development and planning was also highlighted,
so that all participants understood exactly what the process would be and
what was expected of them while participating.
- Another area of concern was that some vulnerable groups may be threatened
by the process itself and choose not to participate. If these groups are likely
to be impacted by aquaculture development, their specific concerns must be
identified and incorporated.
- Stakeholder identification emerged as a problem for stakeholder involvement.
General criteria cannot be developed for identifying stakeholders, as stakeholder
identification is very context specific. However the session concluded that
the identification process must be iterative and that potential stakeholders
must have access to consistent (and not conflicting) information to enable
them to determine whether or not they should participate.
- Furthermore, for stakeholder participation to be cost effective, the number
and type, as well as the level of stakeholder involvement needs to match the
scale of issue under discussion. For consideration of national economic development
policies involving aquaculture, community and industry-level involvement would
be desirable, along with national or state governments. Conversely, individual
farm proposals are best considered at the level of communities and local government,
within the context of applicable social, environmental and economic policies.
1. Create an enabling environment for stakeholder
- Laws and regulations should enable participation.
- Process objectives should be realistic, and strive for a balance with what
is established.
- There must be a commitment to stakeholder involvement from government.
- Where lacking, policies have to be developed to validate the participatory
process, and encourage and allow the participation of stakeholders.
- To encourage stakeholder participation, issues need to be kept simple and
- In some situations, economic incentives may have to be provided for stakeholder
2. Decision-making processes
- Transparency and legitimacy of decision-making processes need to be improved,
so that the process is seen as fair and balanced.
- Information gathering, interpretation and dissemination must be transparent,
relevant and clear. In particular, such information should enable poorer stakeholders
to make decisions.
- Rules of decision-making need to be established right at the beginning,
together with the objectives of the process (e.g., agreement on what is to
be decided, how it will be decided and by whom).
- For greater effectiveness, involvement should occur at inception.
- Cost of the process must be determined and a budget allocated.
3. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
- Strengthen stakeholder capacity through education and training to enable
stakeholders to deal with technical information, present their own case (or
local knowledge), and participate on an equal footing.
- Encourage the establishment of organisations to represent the interests
of key stakeholder groups.
- The structure of stakeholder organisations should be appropriate to the
local social, political and institutional context.
- Encourage conflict resolution mechanisms, which may be outside of government
- Encourage the establishment of self-regulatory processes.
2.2.4 Thematic Session 1.4: Promoting
sustainable aquaculture through economic incentives
Rolf Willmann
Helen Dixon
Denis Bailly, Stefan Bergleiter, Jason Clay, Anantha
Duraiappah, John Hambrey, Adis Israngkura, Lena Westlund Lofval
Background and issues
- To date, the most commonly used instruments to influence aquaculture activity
have been command and control. Regulations are within the logic of public
administration; they create a sense of equal treatment and they can be politically
rewarding. However, they lack flexibility or adaptability, they are often
inefficient, and they may be a disincentive to technical and social innovation.
- Incentives, on the other hand, are used to influence and co-ordinate economic
activity through motivation. Incentives change the built-in social and economic
incentive structure which individuals face, so that the best private choice
can be encouraged to coincide with the best social choice. Incentives may
be used to promote the social or collective goals of poverty alleviation,
food security, equity, efficiency in resource use, risk reduction and conflict
avoidance or resolution.
- Incentives take a variety of forms. Improving and crafting institutions
can be done through strengthening rights, promoting participatory decision-making,
and interest group formation and empowerment. Economic instruments
include taxes, subsidies, charges and fees. Tradable rights (e.g.,
those related to water use) allow a created market to determine the value
of a previously untraded good or service. Product labelling (e.g.,
organic, fair trade or eco-labelling) offers an incentive to producers to
meet the social and environmental concerns of consumers. Information and
persuasion can help create desirable behavioural norms and values. This
can be done through voluntary codes of conduct/practices, and awareness creation
and education.
- Incentives have significant strengths. They are flexible and responsive
and can be closely attuned to specific objectives. They allow more room for
and, in some cases, stimulate technical and social innovation. Greater responsibility
is given to individuals and groups to achieve collective objectives.
- Incentives, specifically economic incentives, deserve to be given more
attention in the planning and management of aquaculture development. However,
they are not a panacea; in many circumstances command and control will remain
an important tool.
- When introducing incentives attention should be paid to the following:
- the feasibility and impact of different forms of incentives will vary
greatly according to objectives and circumstances.
- some incentives may have a differential impact on large and small-scale
producers, on extensive and intensive producers, or on urban vs. rural
- their introduction may change the structure of the industry. Incentives
applied to aquaculture may have effects on other sectors, and vice-versa,
through social, economic and ecological linkages.
- the effectiveness of economic and other incentives will depend upon
the institutional framework.
- Research is needed to identify problems, set objectives, and build capacity
to ensure effective use of incentives.
- The development of suitable incentives should be based on a process of
consultation, negotiation and participation. Ideally, they should be developed
as part of a broader planning process.
- Monitoring the impact of incentives, assessing the need for enforcement,
and adjusting as necessary are vital, if incentives are to meet their objectives.
- Stakeholder representation and ORGANISATION should be encouraged or supported
to facilitate the development and implementation of appropriate incentives.
- Information, specifically in relation to practices or technology that yield
both environmental and financial benefits to producers, can be a relatively
cheap and effective incentive. Appropriate training at the technical and managerial
levels should accompany incentives.
- Defining and allocating access and user rights may be used to promote both
equity and efficiency objectives. Creating a market for these rights can reinforce
resource use efficiency, but potential social impacts should be carefully
- Subsidised credit should be conditional on meeting sustainability objectives.
It should always be used with a range of other supporting interventions, such
as training and capacity building. Subsidised credit can be very effective
at promoting aquaculture development, especially among the poor. Credit should
be used in association with effective investment screening and monitoring.
- Taxes should be linked to specific objectives. Revenues generated should
be returned to help the sector meet social and environmental goals.
- Product labelling and certification must address fundamental problems and
not those of specific interest groups. Producer organisations can facilitate
access to these schemes by small-scale farmers.
2.2.5 Thematic Session 1.5:
Establishing legal institutional and regulatory frameworks for aquaculture
development and management
Annick Van Houtte and Richard McLoughin
Uwe Barg, Margaret Eleftheriou, Sunil Siriwardena
David Barnhizer, Courtney Hough, Richard McLoughin, Alessandro
Piccioli, Edwin Rhodes, Sevaly Sen, Paula Shoulder
Summary of DiscussionsA review of the recent trends in legislation governing
aquaculture was presented and followed by a summary of the findings and
conclusions of the discussions within the panel. The ensuing discussion focused
on a number of key areas:
- It was noted that confusion due to overlaps and duplication of laws and
regulatory requirements governing aquaculture is a significant problem in
many countries. There are often different types of rules and regulations designed
for purposes other than aquaculture, and numerous agencies mandated responsible
for different aspects of aquaculture production and produce. It was noted
that mandates and competencies of agencies may need to be modified or enhanced
to improve co-ordination and consultation, especially those concerning the
complex issues of resource use and environmental management. Options were
discussed regarding the establishment of a single authority with responsibilities
and mandate for all aspects of aquaculture, or alternative institutional arrangements
of co-ordination and management, such as inter-agency committees.
- It was recognised that there may be advantages and disadvantages of developing
and enacting a specific aquaculture law. Since aquaculture shares many characteristics
with agriculture and industrial activities, as well as fisheries, it is important
that due recognition is given to the activity of aquaculture practice. A thorough
review of existing legislation is usually appropriate. Aquaculture-specific
legislation should be drafted which is practical and flexible, so that it
can be adjusted and modified to changing circumstances and expectations. Specific
reference was made to initial stages of aquaculture developments, especially
to initiatives involving small-scale and household-level aquaculture.
- Conflicts between resource users can be addressed through partnership agreements
defining rights, privileges and duties of all concerned. Additional arrangements
may include zoning of designated areas, as well as the promotion of codes
of practice, best management practices, and other self-regulatory mechanisms.
It was emphasised that producers and other stakeholders and their needs and
interests need to be recognised. Their involvement in decision-making, as
well as opportunities for Cupertino with government agencies, should be facilitated
through legislation. Community education towards self-regulation was proposed.
- A recent example from Japan discussed self-regulatory and voluntary arrangements
being promoted in Cupertino with producers to better manage seabed environments,
as well as to prevent the spread of diseases caused by the introduction of
exotic pathogens.
- The relevance of international trade and its effects on aquaculture-related
legislation was raised. Specific reference was made to World Trade Organisation
Sanitary and Phytosanitary (WTO SPS) requirements for countries to harmonise
regulations and laws with regard to the Codex Alimentarius and OIE
International Aquatic Animal Health Code. In addition, it was noted
that two codes were being drafted/revised (1) the draft code of hygienic practice
in aquaculture, and (2) the code on molluscan shellfish.
- A suggestion was made to enhance legislation related to investment and
financing of aquaculture development. Positive experiences were mentioned
where opportunities of receiving grants and credits were linked to level of
education and certification of skills in aquaculture farm management.
- It was recognised that laws and regulations are not the only means available
for promoting sustainable aquaculture development. The existence of a clearly
defined and well-constructed legal framework will not necessarily result in
improved performance, which may be related to enforcement and surveillance,
as well as to other governance problems. The need for skilled manpower and
for training at different levels was emphasised. Guidelines are needed for
environmental impact assessment, for mitigation of environmental problems,
and for good planning of aquaculture development. Opportunities for economic
and other non-regulatory incentives for more sustainable aquaculture management
were recognised and referred to discussions in other sessions of the conference.
- Legal, institutional and regulatory frameworks have an important role to
play in enabling and supporting the sustainable development and management
of aquaculture. The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, Article
9.1, stresses the need for all States to establish, maintain and develop
an appropriate legal and administrative framework which facilitates the development
of responsible aquaculture." Numerous countries have enacted specific rules
relating to aquaculture, either under an aquaculture-specific legislative
text, under a basic fisheries law or under laws for the use of natural resources.
- A major threshold issue in relation to the establishment of a legal framework
for aquaculture concerns the identification of the activity and its various
participants. The legislation of many countries already incorporates environmental
and social responsibilities in the management of natural resources on which
aquaculture development depends. In some cases, aquaculture is regulated through
statutes originally developed for other purposes, and this has resulted in
unintended consequences for the aquaculture sector. The formulation of legislation
to protect and responsibly manage aquaculture activities and its interaction
with the environment, and which does not create unreasonable barriers for
the development and sustainability of aquaculture, still needs to be addressed.
- Governments are still uncovering potential institutional and legal issues
deriving from the existence of the complex network of institutions and mandates
involved in the regulation of aquaculture. The overall effectiveness of a
legal system for the management of aquaculture depends largely on the performance
of state aquaculture administration.
- Institutions responsible for aquaculture management range from a single
lead institution or agency to a plurality of institutions, departments, services
and units dealing with various functions and responsibilities related to aquaculture.
Co-ordination between these institutions has thus become a major task. In
addition, the current lack of participatory processes (in which a variety
of legitimate stakeholders have a realistic voice in discussions) does not
allow for the degree of transparency and accountability necessary in the governance
of aquaculture activities.
The following key issues provided the focus for the
development of discussions to arrive at recommendations for effective legal
institutional and regulatory frameworks to enable and support sustainable
1. On regulatory instruments
- Recognition of the activity (the practice, the facility, the product) and
the various players involved.
- Integration of environmental and social values into the planning and decision-making
process for the allocation of land, water and other natural resources for
aquaculture purposes.
- (Re)-definition of the regulatory, managerial and other roles of the government
(central, local, horizontally and vertically).
- Opening the process of aquaculture management to non-governmental components
of civil society, including the private sector, the community, traditional
users, aquaculturists, etc. Possible means include:
- partnership/co-operation agreements between, for example, other users
and aquaculturists for a designated land/water; and between other users,
aquaculturists and the government.
- delegation of powers.
- Use of economic, administrative and penal enforcement and implementation
mechanisms to encourage compliance with the rules of the game, including codes
of conduct and best management practices.
- Use of other regulatory tools, such as codes of practice and codes of conduct.
- Establishing incentives for sustainable aquaculture.
2. On the institutional framework
- Need for a lead agency with a strong co-ordinating role dealing with operation
and management aspects.
- Need for a co-ordinated approach towards efficient enforcement of all laws
and regulations applicable to aquaculture.
- Role of incentives and support directed to the development of environmentally
friendly practices and improved techniques towards the implementation of environmental
laws and regulations.
- Consumer-related issues.
- Need for regular assessment and monitoring of the efficiency of the management
of the aquaculture sector; possible criteria for assessment; efficient resource
use, economic viability and public benefit.
A primary goal of a legal framework by means of which
aquaculture activities are governed should be to enable and support the
sustainable development and management of aquaculture.
1. Effective aquaculture legislation or future reform of
existing legislation should:
- Recognise and identify the activity (the practice, the facility, the product)
and the various stakeholders involved.
- Integrate environmental and social values into the planning and decision-making
processes for the allocation of land, water and other natural resources for
aquaculture purposes.
- Recognise the legitimacy of regulatory instruments, such as the FAO Code
of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and similar codes of practice and codes
of conduct which promote responsible aquaculture practices.
- Include effective monitoring and implementation mechanisms and enforcement
tools (economic, administrative and penal) to ensure compliance with the regulatory
instruments, including codes of conduct and best management practices.
- Develop and implement performance criteria and indicators that will enable
governments and stakeholders to assess whether the objectives pertaining to
responsible aquaculture are being achieved.
- Establish clear user rights and responsibilities for the specific purposes
of aquaculture. Such user rights and responsibilities should be legally recognised,
and take account of the effects, potential or real, of other human activities
that interact with aquaculture.
- Be formulated as an adaptive process based on a regular feedback from various
stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental).
- Review, identify and, as appropriate, reconcile those provisions in laws
and regulations that do not match the needs of a responsible aquaculture sector
and hence, do not enable and support the sustainable development and management
of aquaculture.
2. In order to promote, support and regulate responsible
aquaculture, an institutional framework for aquaculture should:
- Be directed towards the objectives of an aquaculture policy and hence,
aquaculture legislation, in order to ensure its successful implementation.
- Identify the responsibilities of the agency or agencies in relation to
the development, operation and management of aquaculture. Where appropriate
and where several agencies are involved, it should foster and promote the
creation of networks to facilitate the implementation of responsible aquaculture
- Open the processes of the management of aquaculture to non-governmental
participants, including the private sector, the community, traditional users
and aquaculturists, through, for example: (a) partnership agreements between
other users and aquaculturists for a designated land/water area; and between
other users, aquaculturists and the government; and (b) delegation of powers.
- Foster an approach between government and non-governmental participants
for co-ordinated enforcement of all laws and regulations applicable to aquaculture.
- Create incentives (financial, educational and others) for responsible aquaculture
geared towards improving existing farming systems, developing and implementing
best management practices, supporting implementation of effective environmental
requirements affecting aquaculture, and supporting the maintenance and restoration
of the environment.
- Monitor and regularly assess the aquaculture sector management against
criteria provided via regulatory instruments. These criteria may entail efficient
resource use, economic viability and public benefit.
2.2.6 Thematic Session 1.6: Building
the information base for aquaculture policy-making, planning and
Jorge Calderon
Pingsun Leung and Krishen Rana
Jose Aguilar y Manzares, Pedro Bueno, Rainer Froese, Fatima
Ferdouse, Ian MacRae, Ataur Rahman, Yong Ja Cho
Background and Issues
- The purpose of information base is to support sustainable aquaculture i.e.,
socially equitable, economically viable and environmentally sound aquaculture.
Planners and decision-makers need to have access to, and utilise, appropriate
indicators of performance for the sector and indicators of future potential.
These should be used to define the scope of core data to be collected.
- Discussions stressed that high level political will is essential for the
implementation of actions necessary to improve availability, accessibility
and utilisation of data and information for policy-making, planning and management
of the aquaculture sector and related environment. It was highlighted that
most of the recommendations made in previous meetings have not been implemented,
and that there is a need to examine the underlying reasons for this. It should
be noted that the value of information and the importance of its accessibility
to all stakeholders are highlighted in other thematic sessions of this conference.
The recommendations of the session are summarised under each
of the six identified major issues.
1. Poor understanding of the purpose of data and
information collection
- Improve awareness that data and information are collected to meet the information
needs of the target users i.e., data and information collection is not an
end in itself; it must be used to support and facilitate policy-making and
management decisions.
- Strengthen national capacity to determine data needs of target users and
identify types and scope of data to be collected and compiled.
- Improve accessibility and availability of usable information, taking advantage
of rapidly advancing information and communication technologies.
- Promote awareness among data and information providers regarding the purpose
of data collection through improved feedback and sharing of benefits attained
from use of information derived from the data provided.
- Assess cost-benefits of data collection. Data and information collection,
compilation and analysis are costly to both the agencies that collect data
and to data providers. The costs associated with data and information collection
and analysis should be matched by benefits to all stakeholders resulting from
informed decisions and subsequent policy and management interventions.
- Initiate studies to identify practical key indicators of performance, as
well as indicators of future potential, for the management of aquaculture
and the associated aquatic environment.
2. Under-utilisation of data and information
It was recognised that a considerable amount of data and
information are collected and compiled, but are not readily available and/or not
effectively utilised. The recommendations are to:
- Promote co-ordination and integration of the activities relating to collection,
compilation, analysis, dissemination and utilisation of information as an
integral part of the sector management and planning at all levels.
- Improve the understanding of the purpose of the information base.
- Initiate compilation and exchange of aquaculture policy reviews and policy
options, including highlights on lessons learned and successful policy and
management interventions.
- Facilitate development of analytical and forecasting tools and their adoption
and application.
- Improve accessibility and availability through production of a directory
of the existing information resources.
3. Ineffective communication and presentation
- Improve the understanding of data and information flows from provider to
user and the data format requirements and communication characteristics of
the target users.
- Improve the availability and accessibility of data and information through
targeted analysis, synthesis, packaging and delivery.
4. Poor relevance, reliability and timeliness of, and gaps
in, data and information
- Facilitate assessment of the national aquaculture data and information
systems, particularly their ability to support policy-making, planning and
- Strengthen national aquaculture data and statistics systems, including
improving linkages with relevant agencies, institutions and related sectors.
- Upgrade the capacity of institutions and the skills of personnel involved
in data collection and compilation at the local and field levels.
- Improve the quality of the data and information collected and ensure that
it is sufficient to facilitate forecasting of impacts and implications of
policy and management interventions.
5. Lack of internationally comparable and compatible
methodologies for data and information handling
- Give high priority to the establishment of internationally agreed-upon
norms, definitions and classifications.
- Encourage and promote national efforts to harmonise and standardise the
methodologies used for aquaculture data and information handling.
6. Limited capacity of national
- Promote awareness that effective and efficient utilisation of information
as a means to complement, as well as support, all other efforts to achieve
the goal of sustainable aquaculture.
- Give greater emphasis to national capacity building, particularly human
resource development, through training workshops on aquaculture policy-making,
planning and management; data and information collection at local and field
levels; analysis and synthesis of data and information; and effective presentation
and communication.
2.3.1 Thematic Session 2.1:
Aquaculture systems and species
2.3.2 Thematic Session 2.2: Genetics
in aquaculture development
2.3.3 Thematic Session 2.3:
Aquaculture health management
2.3.4 Thematic Session 2.4: Nutrition
and feeding
2.3.5 Thematic Session 2.5:
Enhancements including culture-based fisheries
2.3.6 Thematic Session 2.6: Systems
approach to aquaculture
2.3.1 Thematic Session 2.1:
Aquaculture systems and species
Harald Rosenthal and Laszlo Varadi
Simon Funge-Smith, C. Kwei Lin, Jacques Moreau, Peter
Yoram Avinimelech, D.K. Chowdhury, Rafael De Guerrero III, Eva
Roth, Piamsak Menasveta, Siri Tookwinas, Ole Torrissen, Marc Verdegem
BackgroundGeneral statements
- Aquaculture technology improvements will not achieve sustainability unless
they are met by adequate policies, socio-economic criteria and environmentally
sound regulatory frameworks (e.g., monitoring, enforcement, less corruption).
- In the 21st Century, water will be at a premium, water shortages will become
critical after 2015, and business-as-usual scenarios will no longer be possible.
Competition for this resource will increase, and drinking water shortages
will affect large populations by 2025.
- Aquaculture incorporates essential elements of care of aquatic stocks,
requires confinement or site allocation, isolates to varying degrees farmed
stock from the external environment, allows various levels of internal control
of systems, and requires allocation of some form of ownership.
- Aquaculture systems must be considered in relation to natural resource
systems (sustainability criteria, including socio-economics; the wider interaction
between aquaculture and other processes and activities, which works both ways
- the impact of aquaculture on other water resource users, and impact of others
on aquaculture).
Types of systems
- Systems range from very extensive, through semi-intensive and highly intensive
to hyper-intensive. In using this terminology we must define what we mean
for each individual project, as there are no clear distinctions; levels of
intensification represent a continuum.
- Aquaculture systems and species are very diverse; for example, they include:
- Water-based systems (cages and pens, inshore/offshore).
- Land-based systems (conventional ponds, flow-through systems, ponds, tanks
and raceways).
- Recycling systems (high-tech., PAS-System).
- Integrated (e.g., dual ponds).
- Various organisms are grown in different ways:
- Fish (ponds, polishing ponds, integrated pond systems).
- Seaweed (floating/suspended culture, onshore pond/tank culture).
- Molluscs (bottom, pole, rack, raft, long-line systems).
- Crustaceans (pond, tank, raceway).
- Phases of culture include broodstock holding, hatchery, grow-out systems,
and quarantine.
Infrastructure and support technologies
- These supporting activities include seeding, handling, feeding, controlling,
monitoring, sorting, treating, harvesting, processing and prophylactic measures.
Driving forces for success of aquaculture
- The factors which drive aquaculture cover a spectrum from the needs of
people (the provision of local employment, food security and the alleviation
of poverty) to the needs of industries (with particular emphasis on profits,
productivity and consistent-quality products). Consequently, the technologies
for sustainable aquaculture development should provide a varied and adaptable
tool kit, from which people can select and design the system which most effectively
meets their needs and best fits the opportunities and constraints of the local
- The delivery of such techniques requires efficient communication networks,
reliable data on the merits and drawbacks of the various approaches, and help
in the decision-making process through which people design their production
Future developments in systems and systems-support
technology for conventional pond systems
- Shortage of water will be the limiting factor. Low input and extensive
pond aquaculture is an inefficient user. For example, a 1 ha pond can lose
30,000 mt of water per annum through seepage and evaporation, and perhaps
produce only 1 mt of fish. Ponds must become more intensive with
respect to water use. This means new technologies, and training in their use
for millions of farmers.
- Flow-through systems can become more efficient through the re-use of heat
energy, balancing the cost of water.
- Crucial positive trends are the integration of pond systems with other
agriculture and water-using processes, reuse of water, and recirculation.
A recirculation system can achieve 150 L water/kg of fish, or 40 L/kg with
a de-nitrification unit.
Integrated systems
- Many "outputs," often called "wastes" or "by-products" of subsystems, become
basic inputs for other subsystems, rather than just additive components of
the overall farm economy.
- The dual pond system in Israel links irrigation water storage with aquaculture
ponds, with seasonal transfers according to respective needs of irrigation
and culture.
- Cages placed within reservoirs and ponds provide integrative processes
on a small scale.
- Use of waste streams (e.g., piggery, industrial) for aquaculture may create
ethical issues (moral and public health).
- There are alternative sources of water readily available for aquaculture
arising from, for example, floodwater control in Bangladesh, or use of saline
ground or surface water not suitable for irrigation or municipal consumption.
- The PAS system for American catfish combines an extensive set of channels
within the pond, for water treatment, with a highly intensive growth enclosure.
It is characterised by very slow circulation with low energy requirement,
and good control of pond processes.
- Recirculation is not necessarily highly intensive; shrimp farmers in Thailand
are successfully using closed-pond systems.
- The uses of recirculation vary widely: broodstock management, hatchery
rearing, grow-out, quarantine holding.
- There are many possible solutions, adaptable to specific local situations.
- Hyper-intensive recirculation systems have many advantages. These include
minimum water demand, limited space demand, reduced water discharge, controlled
conditions to optimise productivity, tight control of feeding to maximise
feed conversion efficiency, being fairly site-independent, exclusion of predators
and climatic events, and little use of chemicals.
- However, recirculation systems often involve high capital costs, are more
complex, and failures are serious. They place greater demands on feed design
and health management, and demand professionalism in their use. A well-designed
system must be readily managed and competitive in terms of cost-efficiency.
This has been successfully achieved in Vietnam and India, and in active suspension
ponds, as demonstrated for tilapia in Israel and the USA, and for shrimp culture
in Belize, for example.
Technology issues in recirculation approaches
- Limited knowledge about component interactions (biofilters, mechanical
filters, energy flows).
- Interaction of pathogens and benign microbes in biofilters is very poorly
- Biofilms, biomats etc need more study.
- Scale-up problems are common; thorough testing is still necessary.
- Modified processes may be required when using new feeds.
- For feeds for recycling systems, there is a need to weigh conversion efficiency
versus water treatment efficiency. Feeds can be designed to facilitate the
separation of faeces from the water.
- There is a need for predictive modelling to assess multifactor interactions.
- Recirculation techniques can be highly species-specific. Perhaps difficult
species can be selected to perform better in recirculation systems. In general,
domesticated strains seem to perform best.
- Recirculation systems would be preferred for culture of exotic species
and GMOs.
- Intensification can cause stress by disrupting fish social structures -
but this varies with species - some do better at high stocking densities,
and we need to know more about such behavioural characteristics. Fish may
require pre-adaptation to the recirculation environment. Welfare concerns,
as well as the desire for better productivity will compel us to design systems
to suit the needs of the cultured animal.
- Water is not always the limiting factor - in some cases it may be, for
example, reliable energy sources.
- Hyper-intensive recirculation is particularly suited to Europe where there
are major environmental pressures and high-priced species.
New approaches
- It was suggested that the main future for aquaculture expansion is in the
sea, particularly offshore. The rate of increase in global aquaculture production
is slowing. If this is due to production limitations, it suggests we are not
using current technologies well, or alternatively, those future increments
will be more expensive to achieve. We therefore need fundamental innovations
in aquaculture technology.
- However, it was pointed out that the slowing of growth rates was a feature
of the major current producers. We should also take account of the huge longer-term
potential in South America and Africa, for which suitable technologies might
already be available. The immediate need there is to address the socio-economic
barriers to development.
- It would also be useful to determine the potential performance of the available
species, to help us optimise culture conditions.
Fish cage systems
In Southeast Asia, cage farming of fish is advancing rapidly
in a wide range of species. The main limitations are the high cost of feeds and
shortage of seed. Little is known of environmental impacts. Each country has its
own species, markets and issues.
Inshore-nearshore cage farms
- Environmental impact minimisation, or even positive impacts, can be achieved,
as in co-culture, such as combination of cages with seaweed and shellfish
culture, and combining cages and artificial reefs (leading to stock enhancement).
Technical issues also include:
- making better nets, (stronger, less prone to attack by predators; and
coping with fouling, while reducing the use of antifouling paints).
- new designs; in particular deeper, larger and submersible cages.
- increasing scale requires new levels of risk management.
- equipment for sorting, handling, counting and biomass estimates.
- There are a number of needs related to cage-culture systems and the environment:
- better knowledge about mortality and the real number of fish in cages,
better feeding regimes, with less waste of feed.
- thorough study of material and energy flows through cage systems.
- modelling of the environmental impacts (not only benthic deposition,
but also nutrient release and dispersal).
- better knowledge about recovery processes, so as to estimate fallowing
- site rotation: better equipment for simpler mooring.
- models are lacking that relate to remote zones and interactions between
nearby farms.
Offshore cage farming - its technology needs and
- Open sea farming provides better exchange and dispersion of wastes, can
be designed to be technically safe, but needs better surveillance techniques
and remote control of feeding. Production costs are still too high and many
systems are prototypes. Furthermore, performance of fish may be different
offshore than inshore - not enough is known.
- Infrastructure needs are likely to be different from nearshore cage systems.
- Systems may be offshore for a long time without being brought inshore for
service - net repair and maintenance will be special issues.
- Different support systems (platforms) may be needed offshore e.g., space
for sorting, harvesting, handling, checking and treating.
Infrastructure and support technology
- These issues relate mainly to environmental assessment and planning:
- Computerisation of aquaculture.
- Incorporating GIS in system management.
- Better methodologies for impact assessment e.g., carrying and holding
capacity models.
- Decision-support systems for planning.
- Better farm management software.
- Better online monitoring equipment and reliable calibration and self-diagnosis
(e.g., for biomass, environmental parameters).
- Mass application of vaccines and parasite treatments.
Standards for materials
- Other food sectors have strict regulations on materials; these are largely
lacking for aquaculture.
- Plastics contain low molecular weight components which may be a source
of contamination. These include plasticizers, stabilisers, lubricants, colouring
material, UV absorbers, antistatics and flame retardants. Here we may need
standards for materials in recycling systems because those going into solution
may contaminate the system and the product.
Potential species for aquaculture
- There is a view that we may be trying to culture too many species. However,
some important needs were identified - but choices need to be made with great
care, taking into account market demand, availability of seed and culture
technologies, and the potential environmental constraints. Issues to be considered
- developing indigenous species rather than exotics.
- filling market niches in particular areas (for example cod, haddock
and halibut in cold waters).
- diversifying is still a priority for Mediterranean aquaculture, where
several faster-growing species can occupy the same infrastructure, and
their life cycles have been closed.
- similar comments apply to tropical and subtropical areas, with better
prawn species, native fishes, freshwater mussels, shrimps and snails being
- air-breathing fish could fill specific situations of low technology
and poor water quality.
- the priority to close life cycles of species currently being grown
out in aquaculture.
- requirements for more microalgal species for hatchery feeds and production
of fine chemicals.
New products
- The economic efficiency of aquaculture can be greatly improved by the discovery
of new products, not only for consumption but also for other uses, resulting
in fuller use of currently cultured species.
- An example of using fish as bio-reactors or as tools in developing pharmaceuticals
was the possible use of salmon in finding a cure for osteoporosis.
- The factors which drive aquaculture cover a spectrum from the needs of
people (the provision of local employment, food security and the alleviation
of poverty) to the needs of industries (with particular emphasis on profits,
productivity and consistent-quality products). Consequently, the technologies
for sustainable aquaculture development should provide a varied and adaptable
tool kit from which people can select and design the system which most effectively
meets their needs and best fits the opportunities and constraints of the local
- To deliver such techniques, efficient communication networks, reliable
data on the merits and drawbacks of the various approaches, and help in the
decision-making process through which people design their production systems
are needed.
- Access to suitable water (coastal, estuarine and particularly fresh water)
will be increasingly limited and will be the source of widespread competition.
Therefore, we must adopt or develop approaches which:
- use water more efficiently.
- promote further integration of aquatic production with agriculture
(e.g., crops and livestock), particularly in areas where such approaches
are not common.
- link with, share with or complement other water resource users.
- use water that is less suitable for competing purposes.
- High-technology systems are often proposed to achieve the more efficient
use of water (e.g., recirculation), or to avoid competition for water (e.g.
offshore/oceanic farming). Because of the relatively high risk of failure
of such systems, we recommend:
- pilot-scale and full-scale testing, in real settings, for newer culture
systems before their adoption by users.
- standard criteria for materials, procedures and safety margins applied
in newer culture systems.
- codes of practice for specific culture systems as used in specific
- Current recirculation systems are expensive and limited in their species
application. The functional interactions of their components are not well
understood, and this makes it difficult to optimise systems for specific applications
(e.g., quarantine, hatchery, grow-out). There is an increasing need for environmental
and system control as a result of intensification. We therefore recommend:
- the further development of cost-effective recirculation systems for
other species.
- the further development of recirculation techniques for greenwater
or turbid water, as well as clearwater systems.
- research and development on reliable monitoring and management tools
that go beyond current limited water quality criteria (e.g., biomass,
mortality, growth, behaviour, critical events).
- The composition of discharged water is an important factor in environmental
sustainability. We recommend that research continues strongly in the areas
- biological treatment of waste waters, leading to improved design, reliability
and cost-effectiveness of such systems, and methods for the disposal of
- the development of feeds that minimise the wastage and excretion of
nutrients, and facilitate more efficient waste treatment (e.g., faeces
- use of effluents, including sediments, in other agricultural processes.
- Both the need for efficient use of resources (especially water) and pressures
exerted by the community will require that farming systems are designed to
meet the needs of the farmed animal. We therefore recommend more research
- the behavioural responses of cultured animals to the culture environment,
leading to system optimisation, and in particular, to achieve species
compatibility in polyculture systems.
- the minimisation of stress and other adverse physiological responses
to the culture environment and the harvesting process.
- domestication and selection of animals for improved performance in
- The ability of aquaculturists to meet their diverse needs, in the various
environments used, depends on the diversity and adaptability of their system
options. One critical option is the cultured species. We, therefore, recommend
that research on new species continues in a judicious and selective fashion,
particularly in the following areas:
- development of suitable indigenous species, rather than exotics.
- use of additional species in geographical regions where major market
niches are not yet satisfied (for example, cold water regions and the
- closure of life cycles of species already being grown out on a substantial
- use of air-breathing fish species suitable for culture in systems with
unsophisticated technology and poor water quality.
- use of a wider range of species, including molluscs and crustaceans,
for freshwater culture.
- Aquaculture can be made more economically efficient through the development
of additional products from the species grown. We recommend more research
and development of fine chemical and pharmaceutical products from cultured
organisms, including fish and invertebrates, as well as algae and micro-organisms.
- We recommend that sufficient exploratory research be done to achieve a
quantum leap in aquaculture productivity, whether by use of novel systems
and new species, development of new products, application of genetics and
biotechnology or otherwise.
- Aquaculture of all types requires high levels of skill and professionalism,
whether it is highly integrated with other users or highly intensive and industrial,
and generally, because of its complex interactions with the local environment.
We therefore recommend:
- that all relevant agencies strongly encourage programs for the training
of aquaculture producers and service providers.
- that the quality of training be assured through industry-based competency
standards, the accreditation of courses and frequent re-training of the
training providers themselves.
- that there be effective dissemination of information to others who
influence the progress of aquaculture, such as policy makers, public servants,
investors, engineers, journalists and the general public.
2.3.2 Thematic Session 2.2: Genetics
in aquaculture development
Rex Dunham and Ksitish Majumdar
Devin Bartley
Trygve Gjedrem, M.V. Gupta, E. Hallerman, G. Hulata, Zanjiang
Liu, Graham Mair
BackgroundThe field of genetics has an important role to play in
increasing productivity and sustainability in aquaculture through higher
survival, increased turnover rate, better use of resources, reduced production
costs, and environmental protection.
However, the application of genetics in aquaculture is at an
earlier stage of development than in other food-producing sectors, such as
livestock and crop production, where tremendous gains have already been
achieved. The increased use of genetics in aquaculture will require resources,
but the benefits, in both the short- and long-term, justify this
1. Genetic improvement of aquaculture species
- The genetic improvement of aquaculture species should be given higher priority,
with both short- and long-term goals and with appropriate funding.
- Better domestication protocols and broodstock management are needed in
many commercial hatcheries.
- Efficient breeding plans need to be developed that may include multiple
trait selection, combinations of genetic techniques, and appropriate genetic
- Increased training and capacity are needed to implement genetic improvement
- User networks and information/communication systems should be promoted
in order to share expertise and allow easy access to information.
2. Design and promotion of strategies for equitable
dissemination of genetic techniques and genetically improved aquatic
- Intellectual property rights need to be addressed and balanced against
public information and unrestricted access to information and genetic resources.
- There is a need for greater control on trans-boundary movement of germplasm,
which must balance conflicting mandates of international conventions. Networks
such as INGA and other appropriate agencies can promote responsible trans-boundary
movement of germplasm.
- Efforts should be made to design and promote equitable dissemination strategies
that ensure that genetic enhancements have positive impacts on aquaculture,
food security and enhance livelihoods.
- Impact assessment of genetically improved organisms and their dissemination
should be carried out and should include environmental, social and economic
3. Application of genetic technologies to the conservation
of aquatic biodiversity
- Risk assessment of genetically improved aquatic organisms and the interaction
between wild and cultured organisms should be conducted from ecological, biodiversity
and stakeholder perspectives.
- Population genetics techniques should be used to enhance understanding
and improve management of aquatic genetic resources, both in nature and in
- Establishment of in situ and ex situ gene banks, including live, frozen
and molecular material, should be encouraged and supported, as appropriate,
and actively managed for documentation of the genetic resource, conservation,
and for present and future use, e.g., in species recovery programs and as
controls to selective breeding programs.
- Environmental and genetic sterilisation techniques should be developed,
refined and used to reduce the chance of adverse impacts of cultured species
on the environment.
4. Education of the general public on genetic technologies
and principles
- There is a need for the standardisation of terminologies concerning genetics,
genetic resources and technologies.
- Accurate and objective assessment of benefits and risks associated with
the use of genetic technologies should involve all stakeholders and be communicated
- Scientists should make proactive efforts to more accurately inform the
popular print and electronic media in simple and easily understandable ways.
2.3.3 Thematic Session 2.3:
Aquaculture health management
Rohana P. Subasinghe and James F. Turnbull
David Alderman, Mike Hine, Mohammed Shariff, Peter
Victoria Alday de Graindorge, Craig L. Browdy, Cristina
Chávez Sánchez, Timothy W. Flegel, Brit Hjeltnes, Celia
Lavilla-Pitogo, Melba B. Reantaso, Kamonporn Tonguthai, Snjezana
Background and issues
- The private sector should work with the government in health management.
A question was asked of evidence that effective regulation can help control
the spread of aquatic diseases. The response was that regulation of oyster
importation into the United Kingdom had effectively prevented the introduction
of Marteilia. Other possible examples are the spread of disease by
illegal importation, such as Bonamia ostreae into Europe and akoya
oyster disease into Japan, and the illegal importation into the Philippines
of Penaeus monodon and subsequent introduction of white spot syndrome
virus (WSSV).
- The requirements of disease control by large commercial industries are
very different from those of small subsistence farms. It is therefore difficult
to generalise on how disease at different levels of industry can best be controlled.
The many factors that affect aquaculture in different countries mean that
each country has to design control methods in relation to its industries.
- It was pointed out that shrimp and fish should be treated differently.
An example was given that the pleopods of shrimp can be used for PCR diagnosis
of WSSV.
- The need for health and pathogen management was recognised, but good management
practices can be difficult to implement. One innovative idea from Thailand
is that farmers are encouraged to insure their stocks, the premiums being
lower for those with good management practices, thus encouraging good health
management. Care has to be taken in development of health legislation, and
each disease may have to be addressed differently. However, it was pointed
out that effective control policies keep out pathogens we are not aware of,
as well as those that we are concerned with.
- These additional issues were also identified:
- the massive economic losses sustained by aquaculture and their impacts
on regions such as Asia and Latin America.
- emerging diseases, use of antibiotics, discharge of waste, and pollution
by chemotherapeutants and the spread of disease internationally with increase
in world trade.
- the problem of capacity building in developing countries.
- the need to focus on all aspects of aquatic animal health, not only
on pathogens.
- the development of fish links between the aquaculture industry,
diagnosticians and researchers.
- the need to develop systems of compensation to encourage Cupertino
between industry and authorities.
- the need for intervention rather than identification, and prevention
rather than treatment.
- the need for a team approach to aquatic health management, involving
scientists, regulatory authorities, stakeholders, lawyers etc.
- the integration and harmonisation of health management at all levels,
from the farm to international trade
- Appropriate and effective national and regional policies and regulatory
frameworks on introduction and movement of live aquatic animals should be
developed and enforced, with the view to reduce the risks of introduction,
establishment and spread of aquatic animal pathogens. Special attention should
be given to capacity building, education and extension on aquatic animal health
management, at all levels.
- The importance of aquatic animal health information gathering, processing
and dissemination in reducing the risks of disease incursions in aquatic systems
should be recognised, and effective and efficient national disease reporting
systems, databases and other mechanisms should be developed and implemented.
- Technological development is a key to control and prevent aquatic animal
diseases. Research on developing accurate and sensitive diagnostics methods,
pathology and immunology, safe therapeutants, and effective disease control
methodologies should be given high priority. In this respect, methodologies
and techniques for the study of emerging diseases and pathogens should be
given due consideration.
- A broad-spectrum systems approach to health management should be promoted,
with clear emphasis on the benefits of using appropriate epidemiological tools,
domestication procedures and maintaining biosafety.
- Governments need to look at low-cost options for disease control, such
as industry self-regulation involving codes of practice, and also the harmonisation
of regulations.
- Organisations such as FAO should assist in making available white spot-free
broodstock. After spawning, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique
can be used on females to determine whether progeny, held separately after
spawning, are infected with WSSV. However the sensitivity of the technique
should be considered in relation to other techniques, stock history and sampling
- Serious diseases, such as WSSV, require expert task forces to develop global
control strategies. A cost-effective method would be the creation of small
expert groups on the diseases of finfish, crustaceans and molluscs. Such task
forces would represent a body of expert opinion on global strategies for disease
control, on the basic of scientific knowledge, independent of national or
industry concerns. Each group would meet annually for a relatively short period
(3 to 5 days) to develop global strategies for disease reduction, with milestones
specified for each step. These groups would also have an overview of global
problems and expertise, and would identify areas of Cupertino between laboratories
in different countries. The recommendations from each group would be circulated
to diagnostic and research workers for comment and the agreed-upon recommendations
would be sent to relevant global organisations.
2.3.4 Thematic Session 2.4: Nutrition
and feeding
M.R. Hasan and Sadasivam Kaushik
Patrick Lavens and Albert Tacon
Torbjorn Asgard, Stuart Barlow, Mali Boonyaratpalin, Freddy
Ib, Santosh Lall, Oyvind Lie, Chawalit Orachunwong
Background and issues
- Nutrition and feeding play a central and essential role in the sustainable
development of the aquaculture sector.
- Poverty alleviation remains a major issue in different parts of the world,
and aquaculture is bound to play an ever increasing role; profit-oriented,
feed-based aquaculture should not be considered as a conflicting or mutually
exclusive practice.
- Feed and fertiliser resource availability and costs are bottlenecks for
the development and expansion of small-scale aquaculture.
- Current usage and importance of marine fishery resources within industrially
compounded aquafeeds is a cause for concern. While lack of fishmeal is not
foreseen in the next 25 years, even at the current rate of aquaculture growth
there is a definite risk of a shortage in marine oils in the short term (5-10
- There is a need to have a better understanding of the dietary nutrient
requirements of cultured species, including their application to practical
culture conditions.
- There is a need to have a better understanding of the aquaculture farming
system (extensive, semi-intensive or intensive; closed or open culture systems)
and the potential nutrient loads and losses to the environment, and to maximise
nutrient retention efficiency.
- There is a need to better understand and monitor the dynamics of nutrient
flows and sinks within pond-based farming systems and to evaluate the presently
available farm-made and commercial aquafeeds in small-scale pond culture.
- There is a need to improve the efficiency of resource use in aquaculture
through the improved use of agricultural and fishery by-products/wastes and
non-food grade feed materials, and to base feeding strategies, wherever possible,
upon the use of renewable feed ingredients whose production can keep pace
with the growth of the sector.
- There is a need to have a better understanding of nutrient bioavailability
and the interactions of commonly used feed ingredients.
- There is a need to develop a better understanding of the mechanisms of
nutrient modulation of disease resistance, as well as for improved strategies
to minimise toxicity of nutrients and other compounds of feed origin.
- There is need to develop species-specific broodstock diets which allow
complete domestication and maximal reproductivity and larval quality.
- There is a need to develop a better understanding of larval nutritional
requirements in order to develop suitable compound diets, which will further
reduce the need of live food.
- There is a need to promote the implementation of the FAO Code of Conduct
for Responsible Fisheries through the development of technical guidelines
in support of aquaculture development, and in particular, concerning "good
aquaculture feed manufacturing practice" and "good on-farm feed management."
- There is a need to recognise the importance of feed and food safety issues
(irrespective of the culture system) and growing consumer concerns, and a
need for traceability of feed materials and production methods.
- There is a need to consider the effect of diet on product quality and the
positive nutritional characteristics of the final product in terms of human
nutrition (i.e., omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, selenium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus,
vitamin A and D).
2.3.5 Thematic Session 2.5:
Enhancements including culture-based fisheries
Kai Lorenzen and Deep B. Swar
Upali S. Amarasinghe and James M. Kapetsky
Devin M. Bartley, Martin Bilio, Sena S. de Silva, Caroline J.
Garaway, Wolf D. Hartmann, Jacques Moreau, V.V. Sugunan
Background and issues
- Enhancements are interventions in the life/rearing cycle of common-pool
aquatic resources. Enhancement technologies include culture-based fisheries/ranching,
habitat modifications, fertilisation, feeding and elimination of predators
or competitors.
- Enhancements use little feed and energy, and often provide very high returns
to input of labour and capital. This provides opportunities for resource-poor
sections of the population to benefit from enhancements.
- Enhancements have an important role to play in generating food, income
and wider benefits from under-utilised, new or presently degraded aquatic
resources. At present, enhancements are estimated to yield at least 2 million
mt/year, mostly in fresh waters, where they account for some 20% of capture,
or 10% of combined capture and culture production. Marine enhancements are
still at an experimental stage, but some have reached commercial production.
Well-managed enhancements can lead to substantial increases in production
over non-enhanced levels, as evidenced by e.g., the Chinese reservoirs or
the Japanese scallop enhancements. A wide range of small-scale enhancements
are initiated and sustained by rural people in developing countries, usually
as a component in complex livelihoods.
- Enhancement initiatives can facilitate institutional change and a more
active management of aquatic resources, leading to significant productivity,
conservation and wider social benefits.
- Enhancements may help to maintain population abundance, community structure
and ecosystem functioning in the face of heavy exploitation and/or environmental
- Negative environmental impacts may arise from ecological and genetic interactions
between enhanced and wild stocks, and these are of particular concern where
introduced species are used.
- Many enhancements have not realised their full potential because of failure
to recognise the specific institutional, management and research requirements
emanating from two key characteristics. Firstly, enhancements constitute investments
in common-pool resources and can only be sustained under institutional arrangements
that allow regulation of use and a flow of benefits to those who bear their
costs. Secondly, technological interventions are limited to certain aspects
of the life cycle of stocks, and outcomes are strongly dependent on natural
conditions beyond management control. Hence, management interventions must
be adapted to local conditions to be effective, and certain conditions may
preclude successful enhancement altogether. The scope for on station
or pilot-scale experiments to yield information on these issues is limited,
and it is, therefore, crucial to analyse, and where possible, experiment with
operational enhancements.
- Governments and supra-national organisations have a major role to play
in facilitating enhancement initiatives through the establishment of conducive
institutional arrangements, appropriate research support and the management
of environmental and other external impacts on and from enhancements. A key
role is to create conditions for resource users to actively support enhancements
and assume management responsibility.
- Government support needs to strike an adequate balance between facilitating
initiatives and regulation of environmental impacts on and from enhancements.
- Development of institutional arrangements to manage common-pool aquatic
resources and sustain investment in them is crucial. Usually there will be
a strong element of co-management where user organisations play an important
role, frequently facilitated by various interest groups.
1. Approaches to management and development
- Government involvement, including research, planning and implementation,
should be guided by the principles of participation and empowerment of resource
- Management and policy support for enhancements must be based on a production-systems
approach integrating analyses of institutional arrangements, ecology, technology,
marketing and socio-economics.
- Information and communication systems should be established to facilitate
management and development, as well as regional and inter-regional Cupertino.
- Government and supra-national organisations should support development
through comparative analyses, and facilitate adaptive learning.
- Development of enhancements should be integrated into watershed-level planning.
- Development of enhancement projects should follow international codes of
practice on conservation and the sustainable use of biological diversity,
as appropriate for local conditions. Key elements of these codes include environmental
impact assessment, responsible use of introduced species and genetic resource
2. Research
- There is a need for:
- Understanding the interactions between technical and institutional
factors in determining outcomes of enhancements, and further development
of adaptive learning approaches to deal constructively with uncertainties.
- Understanding the biological, ecological and genetic dynamics of enhancements
and developing appropriate methods for the assessment of technological
management regimes.
- Comprehensive and quantitative assessment of environmental impacts
and risks of enhancements in relation to whole watersheds.
- Considering and evaluating a wide range of enhancements and local resources;
and developing new enhancement technologies.
3. Opportunities for regional Cupertino
- A key opportunity for regional Cupertino arises from a more pro-active
approach to regional comparative studies, including identifying key opportunities
for learning and for designing data collection and analysis programs specifically
to meet these opportunities. This would involve:
- training and capacity building in appropriate methods of institutional
and technical analysis, e.g., Institutional Analysis (IAD), population
and empirical modelling, and GIS.
- regional data collection and dissemination using agreed-upon, standard
- regional data analysis and workshops to identify conditions conducive
to enhancements, appropriate policies and management interventions.
2.3.6 Thematic Session 2.6: Systems
approach to aquaculture
Claude Boyd and Michael Phillips
Helen Dixon, Dan Fegan and Glenn Hurry
Craig Browdy, Peter Edwards, Haydar Hasan al-Sahtout, Erik
Hempel, Miao Weimin, Rafael Rafael, Peter Rogers, Marco Saroglia, Rohana
Subasinghe, Siri Tookwinas, J.A.J. Verreth
- The multi-disciplinary systems approach to aquaculture and its management
is recognised to have considerable potential. The systems approach to aquaculture
- stating the problem.
- identifying of the system.
- classifying and describing the system boundaries and critical factors.
- analysing the problem.
- proposing solutions to the problem based on a systems understanding.
- testing the solution.
- implementing and disseminating knowledge on how to solve the problem.
- There are many different examples of the systems approach; some described
by the panel members during the conference include:
- applying the systems approach to small-scale farmer research and extension.
- developing and applying best management practices.
- improving the profitability of aquaculture operations.
- identifying institutional responsibilities to assist in effective decision
making at a regulatory/planning level.
- Industry codes of conduct and codes of practice have considerable potential.
However, in developing and implementing such codes, special attention should
be given to:
- implementation issues and support.
- allowing for continual improvement to take account of new information
and technology.
- the critical role of farmers in development and implementation.
- mechanisms for regulation.
- There is a need to develop and evaluate meaningful indicators to assist
in understanding technical, environmental, social and other components
of aquaculture and to improve management. The use of the "ecological footprint"
model as a sustainability indicator was discussed, and it was suggested
to develop better tools to provide indicators of resource use efficiency.
- There is a need to communicate practical examples where the systems
approach has been used and to incorporate the problem identification and
solving systems approach into educational and training programs. Sharing
of experiences and the use of the systems approach in education, training,
research and development should be emphasised.
- Promote the systems approach to aquaculture.
- Emphasise the systems approach to improve aquaculture research and
- Improve the tools available, and develop indicators for assessing technical,
environmental, social and economic interactions.
Helga Josupeit and Audun Lem
Audun Lem
Eric Hempel, Nik Mustafa Raja, Alan Reilly, S. Subasinghe,
Srilak Suwanrangsi
- For long term viability and sustainability, commercial aquaculture development
must be market driven, taking into account consumers requirements.
- Trade in aquaculture products should be further liberalised, including
the elimination of barriers and distortions to trade, such as duties, quotas
and non-tariff barriers in accordance with the principles, rights and obligations
of the WTO Agreement and other international agreements.
- The creation of efficient marketing systems, in which prices and costs
are determined by supply and demand in order to ensure economic efficiency
and sustainability, should be facilitated. Causes of market failure and unsustainable
use of resources should be rectified through the use of economic incentives
and disincentives.
- Standards applicable to international trade in aquaculture products should
be harmonised in accordance with relevant internationally recognised provisions.
On a national level, safety management systems including Good Agricultural
Practice (GAP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), should be in place to
ensure the production, distribution and sale of aquaculture products suitable
for human consumption.
- Collection, analysis and dissemination of relevant information should be
facilitated in order to enable producers and industry operators to make informed
decisions and to ensure consumer confidence in the food safety of aquaculture
- Fish trade measures to protect human or animal life or health, the interests
of consumers and the environment, should not be discriminatory and should
be in accordance with internationally agreed-upon rules.
- Industry at each stage in the market chain must take primary responsibility
in the production and distribution of safe aquaculture products and by-products,
with due consideration of the polluter-pays principle.
- Production systems must allow traceability of product ingredients, including
information on packaging, processing, harvesting, growing conditions and water
quality, aquaculture stock, feed and health programs.
- Labelling of aquaculture products should follow recommendations and codes
of practice in line with international requirements of the WTO and the Codex
- Labels of aquatic feeds should include complete information on additives,
growth promoters and all other ingredients, including the possible use of
genetically modified organisms.
- Safety assessment based on risk analysis and the precautionary approach
should be carried out prior to market approval, including products from modern
- International and interregional Cupertino in the field of safety, quality
and trade in aquaculture products should be encouraged.
- Alternative market approaches, such as fair trade and organic farming,
should be encouraged on a national and international level.
Cornelia Nauen and Ron Zweig
Richard Fuchs and Barney Smith
Kirsten Bjoru, Simon Bland, Jeanineke Dahl-Kristensen, Lennox
Hinds, A.M. Jayasekara, Jia Jiansan, Hassanai Kongkeo, Alessandro Piccioli,
Malcolm Sarmiento
- Private sector funding makes a major contribution to aquaculture development,
while public sector finance is important and can fill niches of capacity building
and institutional development.
- Applied research and farmer access to knowledge are identified as areas
needing particular attention.
- International development assistance is becoming increasingly directed
towards poverty alleviation and needs to adhere to basic principles of social
equity, including gender, environmental sustainability, technical feasibility,
economic viability and good governance.
- The level of risk is important when supporting initiatives to address poverty
- Multiple projects increase the costs of development assistance and place
a significant burden on national resources. A program approach makes it necessary
for donors to more effectively cooperate and collaborate with each other.
Ultimately this needs to occur within comprehensive frameworks. There is thus
a need for donors to adopt more cohesive approaches and procedures.